9fddfe77c4Shards will now show when they're unresponsive in .shardstats command
Master Kwoth
2017-07-05 15:16:06 +0200
6b51dbd330Added correct time guild time based on set .timezone to reminders confirmation message, and logs, close#1328
Master Kwoth
2017-07-05 13:41:50 +0200
d0326ad680readded %playing% and %queued% placeholders
Master Kwoth
2017-07-05 13:31:41 +0200
d089a37bf0You can now use %server_time% placeholder to get your server's time, if you've set your timezone
Master Kwoth
2017-07-05 13:17:59 +0200
65b76ec48e.die should now stop all music players, #1329
Master Kwoth
2017-07-05 12:23:37 +0200
221a30b576Fixed .ow for some users
Master Kwoth
2017-07-05 12:02:02 +0200
556174ec89Restart ffmpeg if it crashes? Maybe i should reconsider file-based cache. Ffmpeg doesn't like being slowed down it seems
Master Kwoth
2017-07-04 11:23:34 +0200
842b45178dAdded reconnect arguments to ffmpeg
Master Kwoth
2017-07-04 10:16:18 +0200
684dba0d9cadded some debugging
Master Kwoth
2017-07-04 00:21:45 +0200
44859529d5Cleanup and fixes
Master Kwoth
2017-07-03 20:26:17 +0200
421431d01dpausing disabled again due to issues
Master Kwoth
2017-07-03 13:18:13 +0200
99049a6acePrebuffering time drastically decreased
Master Kwoth
2017-07-03 12:46:51 +0200
a609e17717.play help update, readded pausing when nobody is in voice channel, and also cleaning up music players if bot is kicked or leaves the server
Master Kwoth
2017-07-03 12:40:12 +0200
3c9b68e739Cleanup, .smp is reimplemented, and will now show in .lq too
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 20:58:45 +0200
9f3c04c93eyou can now load only 1 playlist at a time using .load, because it's expensive
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 19:20:04 +0200
196f40e648readded .sq and .lo and .lopl, also .lopl will now explicitly avoid files with .jpg and .png extension (usually album images)
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 19:00:25 +0200
728aeab809Fixes. .lq will say at the top if it's stopped. .lq will also default to the page current song is playing from
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 17:15:34 +0200
1d1b7de20aFixed playing small songs
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 16:54:09 +0200
322424b0a1.move fixed, but it will cancel current song when moving
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 16:27:30 +0200
45e4816033(Re)added shuffle, rpl, rcs and autoplay to the top of the .lq
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 15:44:00 +0200
8e1c20624dFixed bugs, added .play command which acts as .n 1 when used without arguments or as .q command when used with serach query
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 14:49:37 +0200
9bb72d9976Shuffle will now show in .lq at the top, and instead of shuffling playlist, it will randomly jump to a song in the playlist. "
Master Kwoth
2017-07-02 08:03:24 +0200
3731994061Lot more work, fixes, addition, untested new implementations...
Master Kwoth
2017-07-01 21:22:11 +0200
9889baf8bdPoopy buffer is back ^_^ Music lag fixes...
Master Kwoth
2017-07-01 17:16:03 +0200
d242952d4aHuge amount of work on the music rework. Around 60% done. Fixed bot getting stuck when server region is changed.
Master Kwoth
2017-07-01 08:15:58 +0200
36069d7552remove user's message when they vote in the polls. close#1313
Master Kwoth
2017-06-28 03:29:33 +0200
cedf08b128normal quote responses now have replacements too, not only embeds
Master Kwoth
2017-06-28 03:19:16 +0200
ed3ccbf6d9version upped to 1.51
Master Kwoth
2017-06-28 02:46:26 +0200
942f15cf05WHEW. Added placeholders in embeds and quotes, added docs about it to explained features. Wrote a placeholder system and fixed some bugs
Master Kwoth
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +0200
aa5b7f96c7Bot no longer awards itself currency in flower events. closes#1266
Master Kwoth
2017-06-27 01:01:17 +0200
39e79843e1Merge branch 'dev' into shard-process
Master Kwoth
2017-06-25 06:19:18 +0200
e75f23557bSmall addition to docs
Master Kwoth
2017-06-25 06:18:23 +0200
ee8643bf29You can now choose port where shard communication is happening. JSON explanations with instructions on how to ed it optional shard settings
Master Kwoth
2017-06-25 06:09:23 +0200
902ddc70f6triggered permissions are now translatable
Master Kwoth
2017-06-25 04:58:48 +0200