NadekoBot a Discord bot
Nadeko is written in C# and for more information visit
Install Docker
Follow the respective guide for your operating system found here
Nadeko Setup Guide
For this guide we will be using the folder /nadeko as our config root folder.
docker run --name nadeko -v /nadeko:/config uirel/nadeko
Lots of text will scroll past as the container is setup. After a few minutes it will start looping with an error about a lack of a token. Press CTRL+C at this point.
Edit your /nadeko/credentials.json file per the guide @ using a tool of your choice eg nano ''' nano /nadeko/credentials.json ''' Atfer editing the config file we can restart Nadeko
docker start nadeko
After a few moments you should be able to invite Nadeko to your server. If you cannot check the log file for errors
docker logs nadeko
Updates / Monitoring
- Upgrade to the latest version of Nadeko simply
docker restart nadeko
. - Monitor the logs of the container in realtime
docker logs -f nadeko
For information about configuring your bot or its functionality, please check the guides.