A lot more work on converting
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cf911456a751f4778fe4789973e028560624cfe8
Subproject commit a76956c8ef516b3d5399fedc30b321043c86f112
@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using Discord.Modules;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.DataModels;
using NadekoBot.Extensions;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
@ -14,6 +9,7 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using NadekoBot.Services;
using NadekoBot.Attributes;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
//todo fix delmsgoncmd
//todo DB
@ -26,12 +22,12 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
//todo owner only
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Restart(IMessage imsg)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Restarting in 2 seconds...`");
// await Task.Delay(2000);
@ -39,12 +35,13 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
// Environment.Exit(0);
////todo DB
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Delmsgoncmd(IMessage imsg)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// var conf = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(channel.Guild.Id);
// conf.AutoDeleteMessagesOnCommand = !conf.AutoDeleteMessagesOnCommand;
@ -58,30 +55,13 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Setrole(IMessage imsg, IUser userName, [Remainder] string roleName)
public async Task Setrole(IMessage imsg, IGuildUser usr, [Remainder] IRole role)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName)) return;
var usr = channel.Guild.FindUsers(userName).FirstOrDefault();
if (usr == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You failed to supply a valid username").ConfigureAwait(false);
var role = channel.Guild.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You failed to supply a valid role").ConfigureAwait(false);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await usr.AddRoles(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully added role **{role.Name}** to user **{usr.Name}**").ConfigureAwait(false);
await usr.AddRolesAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully added role **{role.Name}** to user **{usr.Username}**").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -93,30 +73,12 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Removerole(IMessage imsg, IUser userName, [Remainder] string roleName)
public async Task Removerole(IMessage imsg, IGuildUser usr, [Remainder] IRole role)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName)) return;
var usr = channel.Guild.FindUsers(userName).FirstOrDefault();
if (usr == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You failed to supply a valid username").ConfigureAwait(false);
var role = channel.Guild.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You failed to supply a valid role").ConfigureAwait(false);
await usr.RemoveRoles(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully removed role **{role.Name}** from user **{usr.Name}**").ConfigureAwait(false);
await usr.RemoveRolesAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully removed role **{role.Name}** from user **{usr.Username}**").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -127,25 +89,17 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task RenameRole(IMessage imsg, string r1, string r2)
public async Task RenameRole(IMessage imsg, IRole roleToEdit, string newname)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var roleToEdit = channel.Guild.FindRoles(r1).FirstOrDefault();
if (roleToEdit == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Can't find that role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (roleToEdit.Position > channel.Guild.CurrentUser.Roles.Max(r => r.Position))
if (roleToEdit.Position > (await channel.Guild.GetCurrentUserAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).Roles.Max(r => r.Position))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I can't edit roles higher than my highest role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You can't edit roles higher than your highest role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await roleToEdit.Edit(r2);
await roleToEdit.ModifyAsync(g => g.Name = newname).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Role renamed.").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception)
@ -157,21 +111,14 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task RemoveAllRoles(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string userName)
public async Task RemoveAllRoles(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] IGuildUser user)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var usr = channel.Guild.FindUsers(userName).FirstOrDefault();
if (usr == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You failed to supply a valid username").ConfigureAwait(false);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await usr.RemoveRoles(usr.Roles.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully removed **all** roles from user **{usr.Name}**").ConfigureAwait(false);
await user.RemoveRolesAsync(user.Roles).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully removed **all** roles from user **{user.Username}**").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -182,16 +129,16 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task CreateRole(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string roleName)
public async Task CreateRole(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string roleName = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.GetArg("role_name")))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
var r = await channel.Guild.CreateRole(e.GetArg("role_name")).ConfigureAwait(false);
var r = await channel.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(roleName).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Successfully created role **{r.Name}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception)
@ -203,19 +150,17 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task RoleColor(IMessage imsg, string roleName, string r="", string g="", string b="")
public async Task RoleColor(IMessage imsg, params string[] args)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var args = e.Args.Where(s => s != string.Empty);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (args.Count() != 2 && args.Count() != 4)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The parameters are invalid.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var role = channel.Guild.FindRoles(e.Args[0]).FirstOrDefault();
var roleName = args[0].ToUpperInvariant();
var role = channel.Guild.Roles.Where(r=>r.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == roleName).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
@ -225,13 +170,13 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
var rgb = args.Count() == 4;
var arg1 = e.Args[1].Replace("#", "");
var arg1 = args[1].Replace("#", "");
var red = Convert.ToByte(rgb ? int.Parse(arg1) : Convert.ToInt32(arg1.Substring(0, 2), 16));
var green = Convert.ToByte(rgb ? int.Parse(e.Args[2]) : Convert.ToInt32(arg1.Substring(2, 2), 16));
var blue = Convert.ToByte(rgb ? int.Parse(e.Args[3]) : Convert.ToInt32(arg1.Substring(4, 2), 16));
await role.Edit(color: new Color(red, green, blue)).ConfigureAwait(false);
var green = Convert.ToByte(rgb ? int.Parse(args[2]) : Convert.ToInt32(arg1.Substring(2, 2), 16));
var blue = Convert.ToByte(rgb ? int.Parse(args[3]) : Convert.ToInt32(arg1.Substring(4, 2), 16));
await role.ModifyAsync(r => r.Color = new Color(red, green, blue).RawValue).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Role {role.Name}'s color has been changed.").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception)
@ -243,25 +188,21 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Ban(IMessage imsg, IUser user, [Remainder] string msg)
public async Task Ban(IMessage imsg, IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string msg = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
if (user == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("User not found.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
await user.SendMessage($"**You have been BANNED from `{channel.Guild.Name}` server.**\n" +
await (await user.CreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync($"**You have been BANNED from `{channel.Guild.Name}` server.**\n" +
$"Reason: {msg}").ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(2000).ConfigureAwait(false); // temp solution; give time for a message to be send, fu volt
await channel.Guild.Ban(user, 7).ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.Guild.AddBanAsync(user, 7).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Banned user " + user.Name + " Id: " + user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Banned user " + user.Username + " Id: " + user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -272,10 +213,10 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Softban(IMessage imsg, IUser user, [Remainder] string msg)
public async Task Softban(IMessage imsg, IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string msg = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (user == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("User not found.").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -283,14 +224,14 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
await user.SendMessage($"**You have been SOFT-BANNED from `{channel.Guild.Name}` server.**\n" +
await user.SendMessageAsync($"**You have been SOFT-BANNED from `{channel.Guild.Name}` server.**\n" +
$"Reason: {msg}").ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(2000).ConfigureAwait(false); // temp solution; give time for a message to be send, fu volt
await channel.Guild.Ban(user, 7).ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.Guild.Unban(user).ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.Guild.AddBanAsync(user, 7).ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.Guild.RemoveBanAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Soft-Banned user " + user.Username + " Id: " + user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -302,26 +243,25 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Kick(IMessage imsg, IUser user, [Remainder] string msg)
public async Task Kick(IMessage imsg, IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string msg = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var usr = channel.Guild.FindUsers(user).FirstOrDefault();
if (usr == null)
if (user == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("User not found.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
await usr.SendMessage($"**You have been KICKED from `{channel.Guild.Name}` server.**\n" +
await user.SendMessageAsync($"**You have been KICKED from `{channel.Guild.Name}` server.**\n" +
$"Reason: {msg}").ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(2000).ConfigureAwait(false); // temp solution; give time for a message to be send, fu volt
await usr.Kick().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Kicked user " + usr.Name + " Id: " + usr.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
await user.KickAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Kicked user " + user.Username + " Id: " + user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -332,17 +272,17 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Mute(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string throwaway)
public async Task Mute(IMessage imsg, params IGuildUser[] users)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!e.Message.MentionedUsers.Any())
if (!users.Any())
foreach (var u in e.Message.MentionedUsers)
foreach (var u in users)
await u.Edit(isMuted: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
await u.ModifyAsync(usr => usr.Mute = true).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Mute successful").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -354,17 +294,18 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Unmute(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string throwaway)
public async Task Unmute(IMessage imsg, params IGuildUser[] users)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!e.Message.MentionedUsers.Any())
if (!users.Any())
foreach (var u in e.Message.MentionedUsers)
foreach (var u in users)
await u.Edit(isMuted: false).ConfigureAwait(false);
await u.ModifyAsync(usr => usr.Mute = false).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Unmute successful").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -377,17 +318,17 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Deafen(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string throwaway)
public async Task Deafen(IMessage imsg, params IGuildUser[] users)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!e.Message.MentionedUsers.Any())
if (!users.Any())
foreach (var u in e.Message.MentionedUsers)
foreach (var u in users)
await u.Edit(isDeafened: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
await u.ModifyAsync(usr=>usr.Deaf = true).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Deafen successful").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -400,17 +341,17 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task UnDeafen(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string throwaway)
public async Task UnDeafen(IMessage imsg, params IGuildUser[] users)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!e.Message.MentionedUsers.Any())
if (!users.Any())
foreach (var u in e.Message.MentionedUsers)
foreach (var u in users)
await u.Edit(isDeafened: false).ConfigureAwait(false);
await u.ModifyAsync(usr=> usr.Deaf = false).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Undeafen successful").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -422,69 +363,64 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task DelVoiChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] channelName)
public async Task DelVoiChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] IVoiceChannel channel)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var ch = channel.Guild.FindChannels(channelName, ChannelType.Voice).FirstOrDefault();
if (ch == null)
await ch.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Removed channel **{channelName}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Removed channel **{channel.Name}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task CreatVoiChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string channelName)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
await channel.Guild.CreateChannel(e.GetArg("channel_name"), ChannelType.Voice).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Created voice channel **{e.GetArg("channel_name")}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task DelTxtChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string channelName)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = channel.Guild.FindChannels(e.GetArg("channel_name"), ChannelType.Text).FirstOrDefault();
if (channel == null) return;
await channel.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Removed text channel **{e.GetArg("channel_name")}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
//todo actually print info about created channel
await channel.Guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync(channelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Created voice channel **{channelName}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task CreaTxtChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg)
public async Task DelTxtChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] ITextChannel channel)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
await channel.Guild.CreateChannel(e.GetArg("channel_name"), ChannelType.Text).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Added text channel **{e.GetArg("channel_name")}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Removed text channel **{channel.Name}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task SetTopic(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg)
public async Task CreaTxtChanl(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string channelName)
var topic = e.GetArg("topic")?.Trim() ?? "";
await e.Channel.Edit(topic: topic).ConfigureAwait(false);
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
//todo actually print info about created channel
var txtCh = await channel.Guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(channelName).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Added text channel **{channelName}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task SetTopic(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string topic = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
topic = topic ?? "";
await (channel as ITextChannel).ModifyAsync(c => c.Topic = topic);
//await (channel).ModifyAsync(c => c).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok: **New channel topic set.**").ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task SetChanlName(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg)
public async Task SetChanlName(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string name)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var name = e.GetArg("name");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
await e.Channel.Edit(name: name).ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.ModifyAsync(c => c.Name = name).ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok: **New channel name set.**").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -494,7 +430,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
public async Task Prune(IMessage msg, [Remainder] string target = null)
var channel = msg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = msg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var user = await channel.Guild.GetCurrentUserAsync();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target))
@ -561,7 +497,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
//public async Task Die(IMessage imsg)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Shutting down.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// await Task.Delay(2000).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -571,18 +507,18 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Setname(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string newName)
//public async Task Setname(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string newName = null)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task NewAvatar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string img)
//public async Task NewAvatar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string img = null)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.GetArg("img")))
// return;
@ -599,9 +535,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task SetGame(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string game)
//public async Task SetGame(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string game = null)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// game = game ?? "";
@ -611,9 +547,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Send(IMessage imsg, string where, [Remainder] string msg)
//public async Task Send(IMessage imsg, string where, [Remainder] string msg = null)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
// return;
@ -659,7 +595,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
//public async Task Donadd(IMessage imsg, IUser donator, int amount)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// var donator = channel.Guild.FindUsers(e.GetArg("donator")).FirstOrDefault();
// var amount = int.Parse(e.GetArg("amount"));
// if (donator == null) return;
@ -677,75 +613,77 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
//todo owner only
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Announce(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string message)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Announce(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string message)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// foreach (var ch in (await _client.GetGuildsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).Select(async g => await g.GetDefaultChannelAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
foreach (var ch in NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Select(s => s.DefaultChannel))
await ch.SendMessage(e.GetArg("msg")).ConfigureAwait(false);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok:").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok:").ConfigureAwait(false);
////todo owner only
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task SaveChat(IMessage imsg, int cnt)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
//todo owner only
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task SaveChat(IMessage imsg, int cnt)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// ulong? lastmsgId = null;
// var sb = new StringBuilder();
// var msgs = new List<IMessage>(cnt);
// while (cnt > 0)
// {
// var dlcnt = cnt < 100 ? cnt : 100;
// IReadOnlyCollection<IMessage> dledMsgs;
// if (lastmsgId == null)
// dledMsgs = await imsg.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(cnt).ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// dledMsgs = await imsg.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(lastmsgId.Value, Direction.Before, dlcnt);
ulong? lastmsgId = null;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var msgs = new List<IMessage>(cnt);
while (cnt > 0)
var dlcnt = cnt < 100 ? cnt : 100;
// if (!dledMsgs.Any())
// break;
var dledMsgs = await e.Channel.DownloadMessages(dlcnt, lastmsgId);
if (!dledMsgs.Any())
lastmsgId = msgs[msgs.Count - 1].Id;
cnt -= 100;
await e.User.SendFile($"Chatlog-{channel.Guild.Name}/#{e.Channel.Name}-{DateTime.Now}.txt",
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Messages = msgs.Select(s => s.ToString()) }, Formatting.Indented).ToStream()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// msgs.AddRange(dledMsgs);
// lastmsgId = msgs[msgs.Count - 1].Id;
// cnt -= 100;
// }
// var title = $"Chatlog-{channel.Guild.Name}/#{channel.Name}-{DateTime.Now}.txt";
// await (imsg.Author as IGuildUser).SendFileAsync(
// await JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Messages = msgs.Select(s => s.ToString()) }, Formatting.Indented).ToStream().ConfigureAwait(false),
// title, title).ConfigureAwait(false);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task MentionRole(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string roles)
public async Task MentionRole(IMessage imsg, params IRole[] roles)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var arg = e.GetArg("roles").Split(',').Select(r => r.Trim());
string send = $"--{e.User.Mention} has invoked a mention on the following roles--";
foreach (var roleStr in arg.Where(str => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)))
var role = channel.Guild.FindRoles(roleStr).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null) continue;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
string send = $"--{imsg.Author.Mention} has invoked a mention on the following roles--";
foreach (var role in roles)
send += $"\n`{role.Name}`\n";
send += string.Join(", ", role.Members.Select(r => r.Mention));
send += string.Join(", ", (await channel.Guild.GetUsersAsync()).Where(u => u.Roles.Contains(role)).Distinct());
while (send.Length > 2000)
var curstr = send.Substring(0, 2000);
await channel.SendMessageAsync(curstr.Substring(0,
curstr.LastIndexOf(", ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
send = curstr.Substring(curstr.LastIndexOf(", ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) +
await e.Channel.Send(send).ConfigureAwait(false);
await channel.SendMessageAsync(send).ConfigureAwait(false);
//todo DB
@ -753,7 +691,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration
//public async Task Donators(IMessage imsg)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// var rows = DbHandler.Instance.GetAllRows<Donator>();
// var donatorsOrdered = rows.OrderByDescending(d => d.Amount);
@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Linq;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Linq;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
class AutoAssignRole : DiscordCommand
public AutoAssignRole(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
NadekoBot.Client.UserJoined += (s, e) =>
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// class AutoAssignRole : DiscordCommand
// {
// public AutoAssignRole(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// NadekoBot.Client.UserJoined += (s, e) =>
// {
// try
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var role = e.Server.Roles.Where(r => r.Id == config.AutoAssignedRole).FirstOrDefault();
// var role = e.Server.Roles.Where(r => r.Id == config.AutoAssignedRole).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
// if (role == null)
// return;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"aar exception. {ex}");
// e.User.AddRoles(role);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// Console.WriteLine($"aar exception. {ex}");
// }
// };
// }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "autoassignrole")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "aar")
.Description($"Automaticaly assigns a specified role to every user who joins the server. **Needs Manage Roles Permissions.** |`{Prefix}aar` to disable, `{Prefix}aar Role Name` to enable")
.Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.AddCheck(new SimpleCheckers.ManageRoles())
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.Server.CurrentUser.ServerPermissions.ManageRoles)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I do not have the permission to manage roles.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var r = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "autoassignrole")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "aar")
// .Description($"Automaticaly assigns a specified role to every user who joins the server. **Needs Manage Roles Permissions.** |`{Prefix}aar` to disable, `{Prefix}aar Role Name` to enable")
// .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .AddCheck(new SimpleCheckers.ManageRoles())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.Server.CurrentUser.ServerPermissions.ManageRoles)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I do not have the permission to manage roles.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var r = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r)) //if role is not specified, disable
config.AutoAssignedRole = 0;
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r)) //if role is not specified, disable
// {
// config.AutoAssignedRole = 0;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Auto assign role on user join is now disabled.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
var role = e.Server.FindRoles(r).FirstOrDefault();
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Auto assign role on user join is now disabled.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var role = e.Server.FindRoles(r).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("💢 `Role not found.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (role == null)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("💢 `Role not found.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
config.AutoAssignedRole = role.Id;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Auto assigned role is set.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// config.AutoAssignedRole = role.Id;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Auto assigned role is set.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
//using Discord;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Concurrent;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
class CrossServerTextChannel : DiscordCommand
public CrossServerTextChannel(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += async (s, e) =>
if (e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id) return;
foreach (var subscriber in Subscribers)
var set = subscriber.Value;
if (!set.Contains(e.Channel))
foreach (var chan in set.Except(new[] { e.Channel }))
await chan.SendMessage(GetText(e.Server, e.Channel, e.User, e.Message)).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
NadekoBot.Client.MessageUpdated += async (s, e) =>
if (e.After?.User?.Id == null || e.After.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id) return;
foreach (var subscriber in Subscribers)
var set = subscriber.Value;
if (!set.Contains(e.Channel))
foreach (var chan in set.Except(new[] { e.Channel }))
var msg = chan.Messages
.FirstOrDefault(m =>
m.RawText == GetText(e.Server, e.Channel, e.User, e.Before));
if (msg != default(Message))
await msg.Edit(GetText(e.Server, e.Channel, e.User, e.After)).ConfigureAwait(false);
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// class CrossServerTextChannel : DiscordCommand
// {
// public CrossServerTextChannel(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += async (s, e) =>
// {
// try
// {
// if (e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id) return;
// foreach (var subscriber in Subscribers)
// {
// var set = subscriber.Value;
// if (!set.Contains(e.Channel))
// continue;
// foreach (var chan in set.Except(new[] { e.Channel }))
// {
// await chan.SendMessage(GetText(e.Server, e.Channel, e.User, e.Message)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
// };
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageUpdated += async (s, e) =>
// {
// try
// {
// if (e.After?.User?.Id == null || e.After.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id) return;
// foreach (var subscriber in Subscribers)
// {
// var set = subscriber.Value;
// if (!set.Contains(e.Channel))
// continue;
// foreach (var chan in set.Except(new[] { e.Channel }))
// {
// var msg = chan.Messages
// .FirstOrDefault(m =>
// m.RawText == GetText(e.Server, e.Channel, e.User, e.Before));
// if (msg != default(Message))
// await msg.Edit(GetText(e.Server, e.Channel, e.User, e.After)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
catch { }
// }
// catch { }
// };
// }
private string GetText(Server server, Channel channel, User user, Message message) =>
$"**{server.Name} | {channel.Name}** `{user.Name}`: " + message.RawText;
// private string GetText(Server server, Channel channel, User user, Message message) =>
// $"**{server.Name} | {channel.Name}** `{user.Name}`: " + message.RawText;
public static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<Channel>> Subscribers = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<Channel>>();
// public static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<Channel>> Subscribers = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HashSet<Channel>>();
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "scsc")
.Description("Starts an instance of cross server channel. You will get a token as a DM " +
$"that other people will use to tune in to the same instance. **Bot Owner Only.** | `{Prefix}scsc`")
.Do(async e =>
var token = new Random().Next();
var set = new HashSet<Channel>();
if (Subscribers.TryAdd(token, set))
await e.User.SendMessage("This is your CSC token:" + token.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "scsc")
// .Description("Starts an instance of cross server channel. You will get a token as a DM " +
// $"that other people will use to tune in to the same instance. **Bot Owner Only.** | `{Prefix}scsc`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var token = new Random().Next();
// var set = new HashSet<Channel>();
// if (Subscribers.TryAdd(token, set))
// {
// set.Add(e.Channel);
// await e.User.SendMessage("This is your CSC token:" + token.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "jcsc")
.Description($"Joins current channel to an instance of cross server channel using the token. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}jcsc`")
.Do(async e =>
int token;
if (!int.TryParse(e.GetArg("token"), out token))
HashSet<Channel> set;
if (!Subscribers.TryGetValue(token, out set))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok:").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "jcsc")
// .Description($"Joins current channel to an instance of cross server channel using the token. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}jcsc`")
// .Parameter("token")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// int token;
// if (!int.TryParse(e.GetArg("token"), out token))
// return;
// HashSet<Channel> set;
// if (!Subscribers.TryGetValue(token, out set))
// return;
// set.Add(e.Channel);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok:").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "lcsc")
.Description($"Leaves Cross server channel instance from this channel. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}lcsc`")
.Do(async e =>
foreach (var subscriber in Subscribers)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok:").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "lcsc")
// .Description($"Leaves Cross server channel instance from this channel. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}lcsc`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// foreach (var subscriber in Subscribers)
// {
// subscriber.Value.Remove(e.Channel);
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok:").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,225 +1,225 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using Discord;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
class CustomReactionsCommands : DiscordCommand
public CustomReactionsCommands(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// class CustomReactionsCommands : DiscordCommand
// {
// public CustomReactionsCommands(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
var Prefix = Module.Prefix;
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// var Prefix = Module.Prefix;
cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "addcustreact")
.Alias(Prefix + "acr")
.Description($"Add a custom reaction. Guide here: <https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/wiki/Custom-Reactions> **Bot Owner Only!** | `{Prefix}acr \"hello\" I love saying hello to %user%`")
.Parameter("name", ParameterType.Required)
.Parameter("message", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var name = e.GetArg("name");
var message = e.GetArg("message")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Incorrect command usage. See -h {Prefix}acr for correct formatting").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Add(name, new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>() { message });
await Classes.JSONModels.ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Added {name} : {message}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "addcustreact")
// .Alias(Prefix + "acr")
// .Description($"Add a custom reaction. Guide here: <https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/wiki/Custom-Reactions> **Bot Owner Only!** | `{Prefix}acr \"hello\" I love saying hello to %user%`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Parameter("name", ParameterType.Required)
// .Parameter("message", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var name = e.GetArg("name");
// var message = e.GetArg("message")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Incorrect command usage. See -h {Prefix}acr for correct formatting").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// if (NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
// NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Add(message);
// else
// NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Add(name, new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>() { message });
// await Classes.JSONModels.ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Added {name} : {message}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "listcustreact")
.Alias(Prefix + "lcr")
.Description($"Lists custom reactions (paginated with 30 commands per page). Use 'all' instead of page number to get all custom reactions DM-ed to you. |`{Prefix}lcr 1`")
.Parameter("num", ParameterType.Required)
.Do(async e =>
var numStr = e.GetArg("num");
// cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "listcustreact")
// .Alias(Prefix + "lcr")
// .Description($"Lists custom reactions (paginated with 30 commands per page). Use 'all' instead of page number to get all custom reactions DM-ed to you. |`{Prefix}lcr 1`")
// .Parameter("num", ParameterType.Required)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var numStr = e.GetArg("num");
if (numStr.ToUpperInvariant() == "ALL")
var fullstr = String.Join("\n", NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Select(kvp => kvp.Key));
var str = string.Concat(fullstr.Take(1900));
fullstr = new string(fullstr.Skip(1900).ToArray());
await e.User.SendMessage("```xl\n" + str + "```");
} while (fullstr.Length != 0);
int num;
if (!int.TryParse(numStr, out num) || num <= 0) num = 1;
var cmds = GetCustomsOnPage(num - 1);
if (!cmds.Any())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`There are no custom reactions.`");
string result = SearchHelper.ShowInPrettyCode<string>(cmds, s => $"{s,-25}"); //People prefer starting with 1
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`Showing page {num}:`\n" + result).ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (numStr.ToUpperInvariant() == "ALL")
// {
// var fullstr = String.Join("\n", NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Select(kvp => kvp.Key));
// do
// {
// var str = string.Concat(fullstr.Take(1900));
// fullstr = new string(fullstr.Skip(1900).ToArray());
// await e.User.SendMessage("```xl\n" + str + "```");
// } while (fullstr.Length != 0);
// return;
// }
// int num;
// if (!int.TryParse(numStr, out num) || num <= 0) num = 1;
// var cmds = GetCustomsOnPage(num - 1);
// if (!cmds.Any())
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`There are no custom reactions.`");
// }
// else
// {
// string result = SearchHelper.ShowInPrettyCode<string>(cmds, s => $"{s,-25}"); //People prefer starting with 1
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`Showing page {num}:`\n" + result).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "showcustreact")
.Alias(Prefix + "scr")
.Description($"Shows all possible responses from a single custom reaction. |`{Prefix}scr %mention% bb`")
.Parameter("name", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var name = e.GetArg("name")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Can't find that custom reaction.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
var items = NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name];
var message = new StringBuilder($"Responses for {Format.Bold(name)}:\n");
var last = items.Last();
// cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "showcustreact")
// .Alias(Prefix + "scr")
// .Description($"Shows all possible responses from a single custom reaction. |`{Prefix}scr %mention% bb`")
// .Parameter("name", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var name = e.GetArg("name")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
// return;
// if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Can't find that custom reaction.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var items = NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name];
// var message = new StringBuilder($"Responses for {Format.Bold(name)}:\n");
// var last = items.Last();
int i = 1;
foreach (var reaction in items)
message.AppendLine($"[{i++}] " + Format.Code(Format.Escape(reaction)));
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message.ToString());
// int i = 1;
// foreach (var reaction in items)
// {
// message.AppendLine($"[{i++}] " + Format.Code(Format.Escape(reaction)));
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message.ToString());
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "editcustreact")
.Alias(Prefix + "ecr")
.Description($"Edits a custom reaction, arguments are custom reactions name, index to change, and a (multiword) message **Bot Owner Only** | `{Prefix}ecr \"%mention% disguise\" 2 Test 123`")
.Parameter("name", ParameterType.Required)
.Parameter("index", ParameterType.Required)
.Parameter("message", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var name = e.GetArg("name")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
var indexstr = e.GetArg("index")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexstr))
var msg = e.GetArg("message")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
// cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "editcustreact")
// .Alias(Prefix + "ecr")
// .Description($"Edits a custom reaction, arguments are custom reactions name, index to change, and a (multiword) message **Bot Owner Only** | `{Prefix}ecr \"%mention% disguise\" 2 Test 123`")
// .Parameter("name", ParameterType.Required)
// .Parameter("index", ParameterType.Required)
// .Parameter("message", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var name = e.GetArg("name")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
// return;
// var indexstr = e.GetArg("index")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexstr))
// return;
// var msg = e.GetArg("message")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
// return;
if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Could not find given commandname`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Could not find given commandname`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
int index;
if (!int.TryParse(indexstr, out index) || index < 1 || index > NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Count)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Invalid index.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
index = index - 1;
NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name][index] = msg;
// int index;
// if (!int.TryParse(indexstr, out index) || index < 1 || index > NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Count)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Invalid index.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// index = index - 1;
// NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name][index] = msg;
await Classes.JSONModels.ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Edited response #{index + 1} from `{name}`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// await Classes.JSONModels.ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Edited response #{index + 1} from `{name}`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "delcustreact")
.Alias(Prefix + "dcr")
.Description($"Deletes a custom reaction with given name (and index). **Bot Owner Only.**| `{Prefix}dcr index`")
.Parameter("name", ParameterType.Required)
.Parameter("index", ParameterType.Optional)
.Do(async e =>
var name = e.GetArg("name")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Could not find given commandname").ConfigureAwait(false);
string message = "";
int index;
if (int.TryParse(e.GetArg("index")?.Trim() ?? "", out index))
index = index - 1;
if (index < 0 || index > NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Count)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Given index was out of range").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "delcustreact")
// .Alias(Prefix + "dcr")
// .Description($"Deletes a custom reaction with given name (and index). **Bot Owner Only.**| `{Prefix}dcr index`")
// .Parameter("name", ParameterType.Required)
// .Parameter("index", ParameterType.Optional)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var name = e.GetArg("name")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
// return;
// if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.ContainsKey(name))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Could not find given commandname").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// string message = "";
// int index;
// if (int.TryParse(e.GetArg("index")?.Trim() ?? "", out index))
// {
// index = index - 1;
// if (index < 0 || index > NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Count)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Given index was out of range").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Any())
message = $"Deleted response #{index + 1} from `{name}`";
message = $"Deleted custom reaction: `{name}`";
await Classes.JSONModels.ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].RemoveAt(index);
// if (!NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions[name].Any())
// {
// NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Remove(name);
// }
// message = $"Deleted response #{index + 1} from `{name}`";
// }
// else
// {
// NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Remove(name);
// message = $"Deleted custom reaction: `{name}`";
// }
// await Classes.JSONModels.ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
private readonly int ItemsPerPage = 30;
// private readonly int ItemsPerPage = 30;
private IEnumerable<string> GetCustomsOnPage(int page)
var items = NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Skip(page * ItemsPerPage).Take(ItemsPerPage);
if (!items.Any())
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
return items.Select(kvp => kvp.Key);
var message = new StringBuilder($"--- Custom reactions - page {page + 1} ---\n");
foreach (var cr in items)
int i = 1;
var last = cr.Value.Last();
foreach (var reaction in cr.Value)
if (last != reaction)
message.AppendLine(" `├" + i++ + "─`" + Format.Bold(reaction));
message.AppendLine(" `└" + i++ + "─`" + Format.Bold(reaction));
return message.ToString() + "\n";
// zeta is a god
// private IEnumerable<string> GetCustomsOnPage(int page)
// {
// var items = NadekoBot.Config.CustomReactions.Skip(page * ItemsPerPage).Take(ItemsPerPage);
// if (!items.Any())
// {
// return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
// }
// return items.Select(kvp => kvp.Key);
// /*
// var message = new StringBuilder($"--- Custom reactions - page {page + 1} ---\n");
// foreach (var cr in items)
// {
// message.Append($"{Format.Code(cr.Key)}\n");
// int i = 1;
// var last = cr.Value.Last();
// foreach (var reaction in cr.Value)
// {
// if (last != reaction)
// message.AppendLine(" `├" + i++ + "─`" + Format.Bold(reaction));
// else
// message.AppendLine(" `└" + i++ + "─`" + Format.Bold(reaction));
// }
// }
// return message.ToString() + "\n";
// */
// }
// }
//// zeta is a god
@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.DataModels;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.DataModels;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System.IO;
//using System.Linq;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class IncidentsCommands : DiscordCommand
public IncidentsCommands(DiscordModule module) : base(module) { }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "listincidents")
.Alias(Prefix + "lin")
.Description($"List all UNREAD incidents and flags them as read. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}lin`")
.Do(async e =>
var sid = (long)e.Server.Id;
var incs = DbHandler.Instance.FindAll<Incident>(i => i.ServerId == sid && i.Read == false);
DbHandler.Instance.Connection.UpdateAll(incs.Select(i => { i.Read = true; return i; }));
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class IncidentsCommands : DiscordCommand
// {
// public IncidentsCommands(DiscordModule module) : base(module) { }
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "listincidents")
// .Alias(Prefix + "lin")
// .Description($"List all UNREAD incidents and flags them as read. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}lin`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var sid = (long)e.Server.Id;
// var incs = DbHandler.Instance.FindAll<Incident>(i => i.ServerId == sid && i.Read == false);
// DbHandler.Instance.Connection.UpdateAll(incs.Select(i => { i.Read = true; return i; }));
await e.User.SendMessage(string.Join("\n----------------------", incs.Select(i => i.Text)));
// await e.User.SendMessage(string.Join("\n----------------------", incs.Select(i => i.Text)));
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "listallincidents")
.Alias(Prefix + "lain")
.Description($"Sends you a file containing all incidents and flags them as read. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}lain`")
.Do(async e =>
var sid = (long)e.Server.Id;
var incs = DbHandler.Instance.FindAll<Incident>(i => i.ServerId == sid);
DbHandler.Instance.Connection.UpdateAll(incs.Select(i => { i.Read = true; return i; }));
var data = string.Join("\n----------------------\n", incs.Select(i => i.Text));
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
var sw = new StreamWriter(ms);
sw.BaseStream.Position = 0;
await e.User.SendFile("incidents.txt", sw.BaseStream);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "listallincidents")
// .Alias(Prefix + "lain")
// .Description($"Sends you a file containing all incidents and flags them as read. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}lain`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var sid = (long)e.Server.Id;
// var incs = DbHandler.Instance.FindAll<Incident>(i => i.ServerId == sid);
// DbHandler.Instance.Connection.UpdateAll(incs.Select(i => { i.Read = true; return i; }));
// var data = string.Join("\n----------------------\n", incs.Select(i => i.Text));
// MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
// var sw = new StreamWriter(ms);
// sw.WriteLine(data);
// sw.Flush();
// sw.BaseStream.Position = 0;
// await e.User.SendFile("incidents.txt", sw.BaseStream);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,483 +1,483 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Extensions;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using Discord;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Extensions;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Concurrent;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class LogCommand : DiscordCommand
private string prettyCurrentTime => $"【{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss}】";
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class LogCommand : DiscordCommand
// {
// private string prettyCurrentTime => $"【{DateTime.Now:HH:mm:ss}】";
private ConcurrentBag<KeyValuePair<Channel, string>> voicePresenceUpdates = new ConcurrentBag<KeyValuePair<Channel, string>>();
// private ConcurrentBag<KeyValuePair<Channel, string>> voicePresenceUpdates = new ConcurrentBag<KeyValuePair<Channel, string>>();
public LogCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += MsgRecivd;
NadekoBot.Client.MessageDeleted += MsgDltd;
NadekoBot.Client.MessageUpdated += MsgUpdtd;
NadekoBot.Client.UserUpdated += UsrUpdtd;
NadekoBot.Client.UserBanned += UsrBanned;
NadekoBot.Client.UserLeft += UsrLeft;
NadekoBot.Client.UserJoined += UsrJoined;
NadekoBot.Client.UserUnbanned += UsrUnbanned;
NadekoBot.Client.ChannelCreated += ChannelCreated;
NadekoBot.Client.ChannelDestroyed += ChannelDestroyed;
NadekoBot.Client.ChannelUpdated += ChannelUpdated;
// public LogCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += MsgRecivd;
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageDeleted += MsgDltd;
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageUpdated += MsgUpdtd;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserUpdated += UsrUpdtd;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserBanned += UsrBanned;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserLeft += UsrLeft;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserJoined += UsrJoined;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserUnbanned += UsrUnbanned;
// NadekoBot.Client.ChannelCreated += ChannelCreated;
// NadekoBot.Client.ChannelDestroyed += ChannelDestroyed;
// NadekoBot.Client.ChannelUpdated += ChannelUpdated;
NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += async (s, e) =>
if (e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
if (!SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).SendPrivateMessageOnMention) return;
var usr = e.Message.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u != e.User);
if (usr?.Status != UserStatus.Offline)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"User `{usr.Name}` is offline. PM sent.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await usr.SendMessage(
$"User `{e.User.Name}` mentioned you on " +
$"`{e.Server.Name}` server while you were offline.\n" +
$"`Message:` {e.Message.Text}").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += async (s, e) =>
// {
// if (e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
// return;
// if (!SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).SendPrivateMessageOnMention) return;
// try
// {
// var usr = e.Message.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u != e.User);
// if (usr?.Status != UserStatus.Offline)
// return;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"User `{usr.Name}` is offline. PM sent.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// await usr.SendMessage(
// $"User `{e.User.Name}` mentioned you on " +
// $"`{e.Server.Name}` server while you were offline.\n" +
// $"`Message:` {e.Message.Text}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// };
// start the userpresence queue
// // start the userpresence queue
NadekoBot.OnReady += () => Task.Run(async () =>
while (true)
var toSend = new Dictionary<Channel, string>();
//take everything from the queue and merge the messages which are going to the same channel
KeyValuePair<Channel, string> item;
while (voicePresenceUpdates.TryTake(out item))
if (toSend.ContainsKey(item.Key))
toSend[item.Key] = toSend[item.Key] + Environment.NewLine + item.Value;
toSend.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
//send merged messages to each channel
foreach (var k in toSend)
try { await k.Key.SendMessage(Environment.NewLine + k.Value).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { }
// NadekoBot.OnReady += () => Task.Run(async () =>
// {
// while (true)
// {
// var toSend = new Dictionary<Channel, string>();
// //take everything from the queue and merge the messages which are going to the same channel
// KeyValuePair<Channel, string> item;
// while (voicePresenceUpdates.TryTake(out item))
// {
// if (toSend.ContainsKey(item.Key))
// {
// toSend[item.Key] = toSend[item.Key] + Environment.NewLine + item.Value;
// }
// else
// {
// toSend.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
// }
// }
// //send merged messages to each channel
// foreach (var k in toSend)
// {
// try { await k.Key.SendMessage(Environment.NewLine + k.Value).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { }
// }
await Task.Delay(5000);
// await Task.Delay(5000);
// }
// });
// }
private async void ChannelUpdated(object sender, ChannelUpdatedEventArgs e)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.After.Id))
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
if (e.Before.Name != e.After.Name)
await ch.SendMessage($@"`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Channel Name Changed** `#{e.Before.Name}` (*{e.After.Id}*)
`New:` {e.After.Name}").ConfigureAwait(false);
else if (e.Before.Topic != e.After.Topic)
await ch.SendMessage($@"`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Channel Topic Changed** `#{e.After.Name}` (*{e.After.Id}*)
`Old:` {e.Before.Topic}
`New:` {e.After.Topic}").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void ChannelUpdated(object sender, ChannelUpdatedEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.After.Id))
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// if (e.Before.Name != e.After.Name)
// await ch.SendMessage($@"`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Channel Name Changed** `#{e.Before.Name}` (*{e.After.Id}*)
// `New:` {e.After.Name}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else if (e.Before.Topic != e.After.Topic)
// await ch.SendMessage($@"`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Channel Topic Changed** `#{e.After.Name}` (*{e.After.Id}*)
// `Old:` {e.Before.Topic}
// `New:` {e.After.Topic}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void ChannelDestroyed(object sender, ChannelEventArgs e)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage($"❗`{prettyCurrentTime}`❗`Channel Deleted:` #{e.Channel.Name} (*{e.Channel.Id}*)").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void ChannelDestroyed(object sender, ChannelEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage($"❗`{prettyCurrentTime}`❗`Channel Deleted:` #{e.Channel.Name} (*{e.Channel.Id}*)").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void ChannelCreated(object sender, ChannelEventArgs e)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`🆕`Channel Created:` #{e.Channel.Mention} (*{e.Channel.Id}*)").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void ChannelCreated(object sender, ChannelEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`🆕`Channel Created:` #{e.Channel.Mention} (*{e.Channel.Id}*)").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void UsrUnbanned(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null)
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`♻`User was unbanned:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void UsrUnbanned(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`♻`User was unbanned:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void UsrJoined(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null)
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`✅`User joined:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void UsrJoined(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`✅`User joined:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void UsrLeft(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null)
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`❗`User left:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void UsrLeft(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage($"`{prettyCurrentTime}`❗`User left:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void UsrBanned(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null)
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage($"❗`{prettyCurrentTime}`❌`User banned:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// private async void UsrBanned(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage($"❗`{prettyCurrentTime}`❌`User banned:` **{e.User.Name}** ({e.User.Id})").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void MsgRecivd(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
if (e.Server == null || e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null || e.Channel.Id == chId || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message.Text))
await ch.SendMessage(
$@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **New Message** `#{e.Channel.Name}`
👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Text.Unmention()}").ConfigureAwait(false);
await ch.SendMessage(
$@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **File Uploaded** `#{e.Channel.Name}`
👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()?.ProxyUrl}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// private async void MsgRecivd(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// if (e.Server == null || e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
// return;
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null || e.Channel.Id == chId || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message.Text))
// {
// await ch.SendMessage(
// $@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **New Message** `#{e.Channel.Name}`
//👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Text.Unmention()}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else
// {
// await ch.SendMessage(
// $@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **File Uploaded** `#{e.Channel.Name}`
//👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()?.ProxyUrl}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
catch { }
private async void MsgDltd(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
if (e.Server == null || e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User?.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null || e.Channel.Id == chId || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message.Text))
await ch.SendMessage(
$@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Message** 🚮 `#{e.Channel.Name}`
👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Text.Unmention()}").ConfigureAwait(false);
await ch.SendMessage(
$@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **File Deleted** `#{e.Channel.Name}`
👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()?.ProxyUrl}").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
private async void MsgUpdtd(object sender, MessageUpdatedEventArgs e)
if (e.Server == null || e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User?.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null || e.Channel.Id == chId || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
await ch.SendMessage(
$@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Message** 📝 `#{e.Channel.Name}`
👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}`
`Old:` {e.Before.Text.Unmention()}
`New:` {e.After.Text.Unmention()}").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
private async void UsrUpdtd(object sender, UserUpdatedEventArgs e)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var chId = config.LogPresenceChannel;
if (chId != null)
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
if (e.Before.Status != e.After.Status)
voicePresenceUpdates.Add(new KeyValuePair<Channel, string>(ch, $"`{prettyCurrentTime}`**{e.Before.Name}** is now **{e.After.Status}**."));
catch { }
// }
// catch { }
// }
// private async void MsgDltd(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// if (e.Server == null || e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User?.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
// return;
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null || e.Channel.Id == chId || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message.Text))
// {
// await ch.SendMessage(
// $@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Message** 🚮 `#{e.Channel.Name}`
//👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Text.Unmention()}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else
// {
// await ch.SendMessage(
// $@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **File Deleted** `#{e.Channel.Name}`
//👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}` {e.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault()?.ProxyUrl}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// catch { }
// }
// private async void MsgUpdtd(object sender, MessageUpdatedEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// if (e.Server == null || e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User?.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
// return;
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var chId = config.LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null || e.Channel.Id == chId || config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Contains(e.Channel.Id))
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage(
// $@"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}` **Message** 📝 `#{e.Channel.Name}`
//👤`{e.User?.ToString() ?? ("NULL")}`
// `Old:` {e.Before.Text.Unmention()}
// `New:` {e.After.Text.Unmention()}").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
// private async void UsrUpdtd(object sender, UserUpdatedEventArgs e)
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// try
// {
// var chId = config.LogPresenceChannel;
// if (chId != null)
// {
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) != null)
// {
// if (e.Before.Status != e.After.Status)
// {
// voicePresenceUpdates.Add(new KeyValuePair<Channel, string>(ch, $"`{prettyCurrentTime}`**{e.Before.Name}** is now **{e.After.Status}**."));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
ulong notifyChBeforeId;
ulong notifyChAfterId;
Channel notifyChBefore = null;
Channel notifyChAfter = null;
var beforeVch = e.Before.VoiceChannel;
var afterVch = e.After.VoiceChannel;
var notifyLeave = false;
var notifyJoin = false;
if ((beforeVch != null || afterVch != null) && (beforeVch != afterVch)) // this means we need to notify for sure.
if (beforeVch != null && config.VoiceChannelLog.TryGetValue(beforeVch.Id, out notifyChBeforeId) && (notifyChBefore = e.Before.Server.TextChannels.FirstOrDefault(tc => tc.Id == notifyChBeforeId)) != null)
notifyLeave = true;
if (afterVch != null && config.VoiceChannelLog.TryGetValue(afterVch.Id, out notifyChAfterId) && (notifyChAfter = e.After.Server.TextChannels.FirstOrDefault(tc => tc.Id == notifyChAfterId)) != null)
notifyJoin = true;
if ((notifyLeave && notifyJoin) && (notifyChAfter == notifyChBefore))
await notifyChAfter.SendMessage($"🎼`{prettyCurrentTime}` {e.Before.Name} moved from **{beforeVch.Mention}** to **{afterVch.Mention}** voice channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
else if (notifyJoin)
await notifyChAfter.SendMessage($"🎼`{prettyCurrentTime}` {e.Before.Name} has joined **{afterVch.Mention}** voice channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
else if (notifyLeave)
await notifyChBefore.SendMessage($"🎼`{prettyCurrentTime}` {e.Before.Name} has left **{beforeVch.Mention}** voice channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// try
// {
// ulong notifyChBeforeId;
// ulong notifyChAfterId;
// Channel notifyChBefore = null;
// Channel notifyChAfter = null;
// var beforeVch = e.Before.VoiceChannel;
// var afterVch = e.After.VoiceChannel;
// var notifyLeave = false;
// var notifyJoin = false;
// if ((beforeVch != null || afterVch != null) && (beforeVch != afterVch)) // this means we need to notify for sure.
// {
// if (beforeVch != null && config.VoiceChannelLog.TryGetValue(beforeVch.Id, out notifyChBeforeId) && (notifyChBefore = e.Before.Server.TextChannels.FirstOrDefault(tc => tc.Id == notifyChBeforeId)) != null)
// {
// notifyLeave = true;
// }
// if (afterVch != null && config.VoiceChannelLog.TryGetValue(afterVch.Id, out notifyChAfterId) && (notifyChAfter = e.After.Server.TextChannels.FirstOrDefault(tc => tc.Id == notifyChAfterId)) != null)
// {
// notifyJoin = true;
// }
// if ((notifyLeave && notifyJoin) && (notifyChAfter == notifyChBefore))
// {
// await notifyChAfter.SendMessage($"🎼`{prettyCurrentTime}` {e.Before.Name} moved from **{beforeVch.Mention}** to **{afterVch.Mention}** voice channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else if (notifyJoin)
// {
// await notifyChAfter.SendMessage($"🎼`{prettyCurrentTime}` {e.Before.Name} has joined **{afterVch.Mention}** voice channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else if (notifyLeave)
// {
// await notifyChBefore.SendMessage($"🎼`{prettyCurrentTime}` {e.Before.Name} has left **{beforeVch.Mention}** voice channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null)
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
string str = $"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}`";
if (e.Before.Name != e.After.Name)
str += $"**Name Changed**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\t\t`New:`{e.After.ToString()}`";
else if (e.Before.Nickname != e.After.Nickname)
str += $"**Nickname Changed**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\t\t`Old:` {e.Before.Nickname}#{e.Before.Discriminator}\n\t\t`New:` {e.After.Nickname}#{e.After.Discriminator}";
else if (e.Before.AvatarUrl != e.After.AvatarUrl)
str += $"**Avatar Changed**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\t {await e.Before.AvatarUrl.ShortenUrl()} `=>` {await e.After.AvatarUrl.ShortenUrl()}";
else if (!e.Before.Roles.SequenceEqual(e.After.Roles))
if (e.Before.Roles.Count() < e.After.Roles.Count())
var diffRoles = e.After.Roles.Where(r => !e.Before.Roles.Contains(r)).Select(r => "`" + r.Name + "`");
str += $"**User's Roles changed ⚔➕**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\tNow has {string.Join(", ", diffRoles)} role.";
else if (e.Before.Roles.Count() > e.After.Roles.Count())
var diffRoles = e.Before.Roles.Where(r => !e.After.Roles.Contains(r)).Select(r => "`" + r.Name + "`");
str += $"**User's Roles changed ⚔➖**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\tNo longer has {string.Join(", ", diffRoles)} role.";
// try
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// return;
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
// string str = $"🕔`{prettyCurrentTime}`";
// if (e.Before.Name != e.After.Name)
// str += $"**Name Changed**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\t\t`New:`{e.After.ToString()}`";
// else if (e.Before.Nickname != e.After.Nickname)
// str += $"**Nickname Changed**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\t\t`Old:` {e.Before.Nickname}#{e.Before.Discriminator}\n\t\t`New:` {e.After.Nickname}#{e.After.Discriminator}";
// else if (e.Before.AvatarUrl != e.After.AvatarUrl)
// str += $"**Avatar Changed**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\t {await e.Before.AvatarUrl.ShortenUrl()} `=>` {await e.After.AvatarUrl.ShortenUrl()}";
// else if (!e.Before.Roles.SequenceEqual(e.After.Roles))
// {
// if (e.Before.Roles.Count() < e.After.Roles.Count())
// {
// var diffRoles = e.After.Roles.Where(r => !e.Before.Roles.Contains(r)).Select(r => "`" + r.Name + "`");
// str += $"**User's Roles changed ⚔➕**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\tNow has {string.Join(", ", diffRoles)} role.";
// }
// else if (e.Before.Roles.Count() > e.After.Roles.Count())
// {
// var diffRoles = e.Before.Roles.Where(r => !e.After.Roles.Contains(r)).Select(r => "`" + r.Name + "`");
// str += $"**User's Roles changed ⚔➖**👤`{e.Before?.ToString()}`\n\tNo longer has {string.Join(", ", diffRoles)} role.";
// }
// else
// {
// return;
// }
await ch.SendMessage(str).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// }
// else
// return;
// await ch.SendMessage(str).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "spmom")
.Description($"Toggles whether mentions of other offline users on your server will send a pm to them. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}spmom`")
.Do(async e =>
var specificConfig = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
specificConfig.SendPrivateMessageOnMention =
if (specificConfig.SendPrivateMessageOnMention)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok: I will send private messages " +
"to mentioned offline users.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok: I won't send private messages " +
"to mentioned offline users anymore.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "spmom")
// .Description($"Toggles whether mentions of other offline users on your server will send a pm to them. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}spmom`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var specificConfig = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// specificConfig.SendPrivateMessageOnMention =
// !specificConfig.SendPrivateMessageOnMention;
// if (specificConfig.SendPrivateMessageOnMention)
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok: I will send private messages " +
// "to mentioned offline users.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":ok: I won't send private messages " +
// "to mentioned offline users anymore.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "logserver")
.Description($"Toggles logging in this channel. Logs every message sent/deleted/edited on the server. **Bot Owner Only!** | `{Prefix}logserver`")
.Do(async e =>
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
if (chId == null)
SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel = e.Channel.Id;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"❗**I WILL BEGIN LOGGING SERVER ACTIVITY IN THIS CHANNEL**❗").ConfigureAwait(false);
Channel ch;
if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "logserver")
// .Description($"Toggles logging in this channel. Logs every message sent/deleted/edited on the server. **Bot Owner Only!** | `{Prefix}logserver`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// {
// SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel = e.Channel.Id;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"❗**I WILL BEGIN LOGGING SERVER ACTIVITY IN THIS CHANNEL**❗").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// Channel ch;
// if ((ch = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(tc => tc.Id == chId).FirstOrDefault()) == null)
// return;
SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel = null;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"❗**NO LONGER LOGGING IN {ch.Mention} CHANNEL**❗").ConfigureAwait(false);
// SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogServerChannel = null;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"❗**NO LONGER LOGGING IN {ch.Mention} CHANNEL**❗").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "logignore")
.Description($"Toggles whether the {Prefix}logserver command ignores this channel. Useful if you have hidden admin channel and public log channel. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}logignore`")
.Do(async e =>
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Remove(e.Channel.Id))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`{Prefix}logserver will stop ignoring this channel.`");
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`{Prefix}logserver will ignore this channel.`");
// cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "logignore")
// .Description($"Toggles whether the {Prefix}logserver command ignores this channel. Useful if you have hidden admin channel and public log channel. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}logignore`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Remove(e.Channel.Id))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`{Prefix}logserver will stop ignoring this channel.`");
// }
// else
// {
// config.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Add(e.Channel.Id);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`{Prefix}logserver will ignore this channel.`");
// }
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "userpresence")
.Description($"Starts logging to this channel when someone from the server goes online/offline/idle. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}userpresence`")
.Do(async e =>
var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogPresenceChannel;
if (chId == null)
SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogPresenceChannel = e.Channel.Id;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**User presence notifications enabled.**").ConfigureAwait(false);
SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogPresenceChannel = null;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**User presence notifications disabled.**").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "userpresence")
// .Description($"Starts logging to this channel when someone from the server goes online/offline/idle. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}userpresence`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var chId = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogPresenceChannel;
// if (chId == null)
// {
// SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogPresenceChannel = e.Channel.Id;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**User presence notifications enabled.**").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id).LogPresenceChannel = null;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**User presence notifications disabled.**").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "voicepresence")
.Description($"Toggles logging to this channel whenever someone joins or leaves a voice channel you are in right now. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}voicerpresence`")
.Parameter("all", ParameterType.Optional)
.Do(async e =>
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "voicepresence")
// .Description($"Toggles logging to this channel whenever someone joins or leaves a voice channel you are in right now. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}voicerpresence`")
// .Parameter("all", ParameterType.Optional)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageServer())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (e.GetArg("all")?.ToLower() == "all")
foreach (var voiceChannel in e.Server.VoiceChannels)
config.VoiceChannelLog.TryAdd(voiceChannel.Id, e.Channel.Id);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Started logging user presence for **ALL** voice channels!").ConfigureAwait(false);
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (e.GetArg("all")?.ToLower() == "all")
// {
// foreach (var voiceChannel in e.Server.VoiceChannels)
// {
// config.VoiceChannelLog.TryAdd(voiceChannel.Id, e.Channel.Id);
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Started logging user presence for **ALL** voice channels!").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
if (e.User.VoiceChannel == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("💢 You are not in a voice channel right now. If you are, please rejoin it.").ConfigureAwait(false);
ulong throwaway;
if (!config.VoiceChannelLog.TryRemove(e.User.VoiceChannel.Id, out throwaway))
config.VoiceChannelLog.TryAdd(e.User.VoiceChannel.Id, e.Channel.Id);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`Logging user updates for` {e.User.VoiceChannel.Mention} `voice channel.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`Stopped logging user updates for` {e.User.VoiceChannel.Mention} `voice channel.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (e.User.VoiceChannel == null)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("💢 You are not in a voice channel right now. If you are, please rejoin it.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// ulong throwaway;
// if (!config.VoiceChannelLog.TryRemove(e.User.VoiceChannel.Id, out throwaway))
// {
// config.VoiceChannelLog.TryAdd(e.User.VoiceChannel.Id, e.Channel.Id);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`Logging user updates for` {e.User.VoiceChannel.Mention} `voice channel.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`Stopped logging user updates for` {e.User.VoiceChannel.Mention} `voice channel.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,129 +1,129 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Timers;
//using Discord;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Concurrent;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using System.Timers;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
class MessageRepeater : DiscordCommand
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Server, Repeater> repeaters = new ConcurrentDictionary<Server, Repeater>();
private class Repeater
public Timer MessageTimer { get; set; }
public Channel RepeatingChannel { get; set; }
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// class MessageRepeater : DiscordCommand
// {
// private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Server, Repeater> repeaters = new ConcurrentDictionary<Server, Repeater>();
// private class Repeater
// {
// [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonIgnore]
// public Timer MessageTimer { get; set; }
// [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonIgnore]
// public Channel RepeatingChannel { get; set; }
public ulong RepeatingServerId { get; set; }
public ulong RepeatingChannelId { get; set; }
public Message lastMessage { get; set; } = null;
public string RepeatingMessage { get; set; }
public int Interval { get; set; }
// public ulong RepeatingServerId { get; set; }
// public ulong RepeatingChannelId { get; set; }
// public Message lastMessage { get; set; } = null;
// public string RepeatingMessage { get; set; }
// public int Interval { get; set; }
public Repeater Start()
MessageTimer = new Timer { Interval = Interval };
MessageTimer.Elapsed += async (s, e) => await Invoke();
return this;
// public Repeater Start()
// {
// MessageTimer = new Timer { Interval = Interval };
// MessageTimer.Elapsed += async (s, e) => await Invoke();
// return this;
// }
public async Task Invoke()
var ch = RepeatingChannel;
var msg = RepeatingMessage;
if (ch != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
if (lastMessage != null)
await lastMessage.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
lastMessage = await ch.SendMessage(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// public async Task Invoke()
// {
// var ch = RepeatingChannel;
// var msg = RepeatingMessage;
// if (ch != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
// {
// try
// {
// if (lastMessage != null)
// await lastMessage.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// try
// {
// lastMessage = await ch.SendMessage(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// }
// }
// }
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "repeatinvoke")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "repinv")
.Description($"Immediately shows the repeat message and restarts the timer. **Needs Manage Messages Permissions.**| `{Prefix}repinv`")
.Do(async e =>
Repeater rep;
if (!repeaters.TryGetValue(e.Server, out rep))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`No repeating message found on this server.`");
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "repeatinvoke")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "repinv")
// .Description($"Immediately shows the repeat message and restarts the timer. **Needs Manage Messages Permissions.**| `{Prefix}repinv`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageMessages())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// Repeater rep;
// if (!repeaters.TryGetValue(e.Server, out rep))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`No repeating message found on this server.`");
// return;
// }
await rep.Invoke();
// await rep.Invoke();
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "repeat")
.Description("Repeat a message every X minutes. If no parameters are specified, " +
$"repeat is disabled. **Needs Manage Messages Permissions.** |`{Prefix}repeat 5 Hello there`")
.Parameter("minutes", ParameterType.Optional)
.Parameter("msg", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var minutesStr = e.GetArg("minutes");
var msg = e.GetArg("msg");
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "repeat")
// .Description("Repeat a message every X minutes. If no parameters are specified, " +
// $"repeat is disabled. **Needs Manage Messages Permissions.** |`{Prefix}repeat 5 Hello there`")
// .Parameter("minutes", ParameterType.Optional)
// .Parameter("msg", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageMessages())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var minutesStr = e.GetArg("minutes");
// var msg = e.GetArg("msg");
// if both null, disable
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(minutesStr))
// // if both null, disable
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(minutesStr))
// {
Repeater rep;
if (!repeaters.TryRemove(e.Server, out rep))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Repeating disabled").ConfigureAwait(false);
int minutes;
if (!int.TryParse(minutesStr, out minutes) || minutes < 1 || minutes > 1440)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid value").ConfigureAwait(false);
// Repeater rep;
// if (!repeaters.TryRemove(e.Server, out rep))
// return;
// rep.MessageTimer.Stop();
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Repeating disabled").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// int minutes;
// if (!int.TryParse(minutesStr, out minutes) || minutes < 1 || minutes > 1440)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid value").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
var repeater = repeaters.GetOrAdd(
s => new Repeater
Interval = minutes * 60 * 1000,
RepeatingChannel = e.Channel,
RepeatingChannelId = e.Channel.Id,
RepeatingServerId = e.Server.Id,
// var repeater = repeaters.GetOrAdd(
// e.Server,
// s => new Repeater
// {
// Interval = minutes * 60 * 1000,
// RepeatingChannel = e.Channel,
// RepeatingChannelId = e.Channel.Id,
// RepeatingServerId = e.Server.Id,
// }.Start()
// );
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
repeater.RepeatingMessage = msg;
// if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg))
// repeater.RepeatingMessage = msg;
// repeater.MessageTimer.Stop();
// repeater.MessageTimer.Start();
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format("👌 Repeating `{0}` every " +
"**{1}** minutes on {2} channel.",
repeater.RepeatingMessage, minutes, repeater.RepeatingChannel))
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format("👌 Repeating `{0}` every " +
// "**{1}** minutes on {2} channel.",
// repeater.RepeatingMessage, minutes, repeater.RepeatingChannel))
// .ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
public MessageRepeater(DiscordModule module) : base(module) { }
// public MessageRepeater(DiscordModule module) : base(module) { }
// }
@ -1,167 +1,167 @@
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Classes.JSONModels;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Music;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Timers;
using Timer = System.Timers.Timer;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Classes.JSONModels;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Music;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text;
//using System.Threading;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using System.Timers;
//using Timer = System.Timers.Timer;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class PlayingRotate : DiscordCommand
private static readonly Timer timer = new Timer(20000);
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class PlayingRotate : DiscordCommand
// {
// private static readonly Timer timer = new Timer(20000);
public static Dictionary<string, Func<string>> PlayingPlaceholders { get; } =
new Dictionary<string, Func<string>> {
{"%servers%", () => NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Count().ToString()},
{"%users%", () => NadekoBot.Client.Servers.SelectMany(s => s.Users).Count().ToString()},
{"%playing%", () => {
var cnt = MusicModule.MusicPlayers.Count(kvp => kvp.Value.CurrentSong != null);
if (cnt != 1) return cnt.ToString();
try {
var mp = MusicModule.MusicPlayers.FirstOrDefault();
return mp.Value.CurrentSong.SongInfo.Title;
catch {
return "No songs";
{"%queued%", () => MusicModule.MusicPlayers.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Playlist.Count).ToString()},
{"%trivia%", () => Games.Commands.TriviaCommands.RunningTrivias.Count.ToString()}
// public static Dictionary<string, Func<string>> PlayingPlaceholders { get; } =
// new Dictionary<string, Func<string>> {
// {"%servers%", () => NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Count().ToString()},
// {"%users%", () => NadekoBot.Client.Servers.SelectMany(s => s.Users).Count().ToString()},
// {"%playing%", () => {
// var cnt = MusicModule.MusicPlayers.Count(kvp => kvp.Value.CurrentSong != null);
// if (cnt != 1) return cnt.ToString();
// try {
// var mp = MusicModule.MusicPlayers.FirstOrDefault();
// return mp.Value.CurrentSong.SongInfo.Title;
// }
// catch {
// return "No songs";
// }
// }
// },
// {"%queued%", () => MusicModule.MusicPlayers.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Playlist.Count).ToString()},
// {"%trivia%", () => Games.Commands.TriviaCommands.RunningTrivias.Count.ToString()}
// };
private readonly SemaphoreSlim playingPlaceholderLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1,1);
// private readonly SemaphoreSlim playingPlaceholderLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1,1);
public PlayingRotate(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
var i = -1;
timer.Elapsed += async (s, e) =>
var status = "";
//wtf am i doing, just use a queue ffs
await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (PlayingPlaceholders.Count == 0
|| NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count == 0
|| i >= NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count)
i = 0;
status = NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses[i];
status = PlayingPlaceholders.Aggregate(status,
(current, kvp) => current.Replace(kvp.Key, kvp.Value()));
finally { playingPlaceholderLock.Release(); }
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status))
await Task.Run(() => { NadekoBot.Client.SetGame(status); });
catch { }
// public PlayingRotate(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// var i = -1;
// timer.Elapsed += async (s, e) =>
// {
// try
// {
// i++;
// var status = "";
// //wtf am i doing, just use a queue ffs
// await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// try
// {
// if (PlayingPlaceholders.Count == 0
// || NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count == 0
// || i >= NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count)
// {
// i = 0;
// }
// status = NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses[i];
// status = PlayingPlaceholders.Aggregate(status,
// (current, kvp) => current.Replace(kvp.Key, kvp.Value()));
// }
// finally { playingPlaceholderLock.Release(); }
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(status))
// return;
// await Task.Run(() => { NadekoBot.Client.SetGame(status); });
// }
// catch { }
// };
timer.Enabled = NadekoBot.Config.IsRotatingStatus;
// timer.Enabled = NadekoBot.Config.IsRotatingStatus;
// }
public Func<CommandEventArgs, Task> DoFunc() => async e =>
await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (timer.Enabled)
NadekoBot.Config.IsRotatingStatus = timer.Enabled;
await ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
finally {
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"❗`Rotating playing status has been {(timer.Enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")}.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// public Func<CommandEventArgs, Task> DoFunc() => async e =>
// {
// await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// try
// {
// if (timer.Enabled)
// timer.Stop();
// else
// timer.Start();
// NadekoBot.Config.IsRotatingStatus = timer.Enabled;
// await ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// finally {
// playingPlaceholderLock.Release();
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"❗`Rotating playing status has been {(timer.Enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")}.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// };
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "rotateplaying")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "ropl")
.Description($"Toggles rotation of playing status of the dynamic strings you specified earlier. **Bot Owner Only!** | `{Prefix}ropl`")
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "rotateplaying")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "ropl")
// .Description($"Toggles rotation of playing status of the dynamic strings you specified earlier. **Bot Owner Only!** | `{Prefix}ropl`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(DoFunc());
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "addplaying")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "adpl")
.Description("Adds a specified string to the list of playing strings to rotate. " +
"Supported placeholders: " + string.Join(", ", PlayingPlaceholders.Keys)+ $" **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}adpl`")
.Parameter("text", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var arg = e.GetArg("text");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg))
await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await ConfigHandler.SaveConfig();
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("🆗 `Added a new playing string.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "addplaying")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "adpl")
// .Description("Adds a specified string to the list of playing strings to rotate. " +
// "Supported placeholders: " + string.Join(", ", PlayingPlaceholders.Keys)+ $" **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}adpl`")
// .Parameter("text", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var arg = e.GetArg("text");
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg))
// return;
// await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// try
// {
// NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Add(arg);
// await ConfigHandler.SaveConfig();
// }
// finally
// {
// playingPlaceholderLock.Release();
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("🆗 `Added a new playing string.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "listplaying")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "lipl")
.Description($"Lists all playing statuses with their corresponding number. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}lipl`")
.Do(async e =>
if (NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count == 0)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`There are no playing strings. " +
"Add some with .addplaying [text] command.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count; i++)
sb.AppendLine($"`{i + 1}.` {NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses[i]}");
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(sb.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "listplaying")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "lipl")
// .Description($"Lists all playing statuses with their corresponding number. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}lipl`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count == 0)
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`There are no playing strings. " +
// "Add some with .addplaying [text] command.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// var sb = new StringBuilder();
// for (var i = 0; i < NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count; i++)
// {
// sb.AppendLine($"`{i + 1}.` {NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses[i]}");
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(sb.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "removeplaying")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "repl", Module.Prefix + "rmpl")
.Description($"Removes a playing string on a given number. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}rmpl`")
.Parameter("number", ParameterType.Required)
.Do(async e =>
var arg = e.GetArg("number");
int num;
string str;
await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
try {
if (!int.TryParse(arg.Trim(), out num) || num <= 0 || num > NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count)
str = NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses[num - 1];
NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.RemoveAt(num - 1);
await ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
finally { playingPlaceholderLock.Release(); }
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"🆗 `Removed playing string #{num}`({str})").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "removeplaying")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "repl", Module.Prefix + "rmpl")
// .Description($"Removes a playing string on a given number. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}rmpl`")
// .Parameter("number", ParameterType.Required)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var arg = e.GetArg("number");
// int num;
// string str;
// await playingPlaceholderLock.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// try {
// if (!int.TryParse(arg.Trim(), out num) || num <= 0 || num > NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.Count)
// return;
// str = NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses[num - 1];
// NadekoBot.Config.RotatingStatuses.RemoveAt(num - 1);
// await ConfigHandler.SaveConfig().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// finally { playingPlaceholderLock.Release(); }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"🆗 `Removed playing string #{num}`({str})").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class RatelimitCommand : DiscordCommand
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class RatelimitCommand : DiscordCommand
// {
public static ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime>> RatelimitingChannels = new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime>>();
// public static ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime>> RatelimitingChannels = new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime>>();
private static readonly TimeSpan ratelimitTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5);
// private static readonly TimeSpan ratelimitTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5);
public RatelimitCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += async (s, e) =>
if (e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime> userTimePair;
if (!RatelimitingChannels.TryGetValue(e.Channel.Id, out userTimePair)) return;
DateTime lastMessageTime;
if (userTimePair.TryGetValue(e.User.Id, out lastMessageTime))
if (DateTime.Now - lastMessageTime < ratelimitTime)
await e.Message.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
userTimePair.AddOrUpdate(e.User.Id, id => DateTime.Now, (id, dt) => DateTime.Now);
// public RatelimitCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += async (s, e) =>
// {
// if (e.Channel.IsPrivate || e.User.Id == NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)
// return;
// ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime> userTimePair;
// if (!RatelimitingChannels.TryGetValue(e.Channel.Id, out userTimePair)) return;
// DateTime lastMessageTime;
// if (userTimePair.TryGetValue(e.User.Id, out lastMessageTime))
// {
// if (DateTime.Now - lastMessageTime < ratelimitTime)
// {
// try
// {
// await e.Message.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// return;
// }
// }
// userTimePair.AddOrUpdate(e.User.Id, id => DateTime.Now, (id, dt) => DateTime.Now);
// };
// }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "slowmode")
.Description($"Toggles slow mode. When ON, users will be able to send only 1 message every 5 seconds. **Needs Manage Messages Permissions.**| `{Prefix}slowmode`")
.Do(async e =>
ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime> throwaway;
if (RatelimitingChannels.TryRemove(e.Channel.Id, out throwaway))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Slow mode disabled.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (RatelimitingChannels.TryAdd(e.Channel.Id, new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime>()))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Slow mode initiated. " +
"Users can't send more than 1 message every 5 seconds.")
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "slowmode")
// .Description($"Toggles slow mode. When ON, users will be able to send only 1 message every 5 seconds. **Needs Manage Messages Permissions.**| `{Prefix}slowmode`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageMessages())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime> throwaway;
// if (RatelimitingChannels.TryRemove(e.Channel.Id, out throwaway))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Slow mode disabled.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// if (RatelimitingChannels.TryAdd(e.Channel.Id, new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, DateTime>()))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Slow mode initiated. " +
// "Users can't send more than 1 message every 5 seconds.")
// .ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,207 +1,207 @@
using Discord.Commands;
using Discord.Net;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using Discord.Net;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class SelfAssignedRolesCommand : DiscordCommand
public SelfAssignedRolesCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module) { }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "asar")
.Description("Adds a role, or list of roles separated by whitespace" +
$"(use quotations for multiword roles) to the list of self-assignable roles. **Needs Manage Roles Permissions.**| `{Prefix}asar Gamer`")
.Parameter("roles", ParameterType.Multiple)
.Do(async e =>
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var msg = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var arg in e.Args)
var role = e.Server.FindRoles(arg.Trim()).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
msg.AppendLine($":anger:Role **{arg}** not found.");
if (config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
msg.AppendLine($":anger:Role **{role.Name}** is already in the list.");
msg.AppendLine($":ok:Role **{role.Name}** added to the list.");
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class SelfAssignedRolesCommand : DiscordCommand
// {
// public SelfAssignedRolesCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module) { }
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "asar")
// .Description("Adds a role, or list of roles separated by whitespace" +
// $"(use quotations for multiword roles) to the list of self-assignable roles. **Needs Manage Roles Permissions.**| `{Prefix}asar Gamer`")
// .Parameter("roles", ParameterType.Multiple)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.CanManageRoles)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var msg = new StringBuilder();
// foreach (var arg in e.Args)
// {
// var role = e.Server.FindRoles(arg.Trim()).FirstOrDefault();
// if (role == null)
// msg.AppendLine($":anger:Role **{arg}** not found.");
// else
// {
// if (config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
// {
// msg.AppendLine($":anger:Role **{role.Name}** is already in the list.");
// continue;
// }
// config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Add(role.Id);
// msg.AppendLine($":ok:Role **{role.Name}** added to the list.");
// }
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "rsar")
.Description($"Removes a specified role from the list of self-assignable roles. | `{Prefix}rsar`")
.Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var roleName = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
var role = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role does not exist.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (!config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role is not self-assignable.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":ok:**{role.Name}** has been removed from the list of self-assignable roles").ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "rsar")
// .Description($"Removes a specified role from the list of self-assignable roles. | `{Prefix}rsar`")
// .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.CanManageRoles)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var roleName = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
// return;
// var role = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
// if (role == null)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role does not exist.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (!config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role is not self-assignable.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Remove(role.Id);
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":ok:**{role.Name}** has been removed from the list of self-assignable roles").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "lsar")
.Description($"Lists all self-assignable roles. | `{Prefix}lsar`")
.Parameter("roles", ParameterType.Multiple)
.Do(async e =>
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
var msg = new StringBuilder($"There are `{config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Count}` self assignable roles:\n");
var toRemove = new HashSet<ulong>();
foreach (var roleId in config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.OrderBy(r => r.ToString()))
var role = e.Server.GetRole(roleId);
if (role == null)
msg.Append($"`{roleId} not found. Cleaned up.`, ");
msg.Append($"**{role.Name}**, ");
foreach (var id in toRemove)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "lsar")
// .Description($"Lists all self-assignable roles. | `{Prefix}lsar`")
// .Parameter("roles", ParameterType.Multiple)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// var msg = new StringBuilder($"There are `{config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Count}` self assignable roles:\n");
// var toRemove = new HashSet<ulong>();
// foreach (var roleId in config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.OrderBy(r => r.ToString()))
// {
// var role = e.Server.GetRole(roleId);
// if (role == null)
// {
// msg.Append($"`{roleId} not found. Cleaned up.`, ");
// toRemove.Add(roleId);
// }
// else
// {
// msg.Append($"**{role.Name}**, ");
// }
// }
// foreach (var id in toRemove)
// {
// config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Remove(id);
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(msg.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "togglexclsar").Alias(Module.Prefix + "tesar")
.Description($"toggle whether the self-assigned roles should be exclusive | `{Prefix}tesar`")
.Do(async e =>
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles = !config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles;
string exl = config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles ? "exclusive" : "not exclusive";
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Self assigned roles are now " + exl);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "togglexclsar").Alias(Module.Prefix + "tesar")
// .Description($"toggle whether the self-assigned roles should be exclusive | `{Prefix}tesar`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.CanManageRoles)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles = !config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles;
// string exl = config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles ? "exclusive" : "not exclusive";
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Self assigned roles are now " + exl);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "iam")
.Description("Adds a role to you that you choose. " +
"Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles." +
$" | `{Prefix}iam Gamer`")
.Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var roleName = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
var role = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role does not exist.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (!config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role is not self-assignable.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (e.User.HasRole(role))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:You already have {role.Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var sameRoles = e.User.Roles.Where(r => config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(r.Id));
if (config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles && sameRoles.Any())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:You already have {sameRoles.FirstOrDefault().Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await e.User.AddRoles(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (HttpException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
catch (Exception ex)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:`I am unable to add that role to you. I can't add roles to owners or other roles higher than my role in the role hierarchy.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
var msg = await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":ok:You now have {role.Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(false);
await msg.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
await e.Message.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "iam")
// .Description("Adds a role to you that you choose. " +
// "Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles." +
// $" | `{Prefix}iam Gamer`")
// .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var roleName = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
// return;
// var role = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
// if (role == null)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role does not exist.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (!config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role is not self-assignable.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// if (e.User.HasRole(role))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:You already have {role.Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var sameRoles = e.User.Roles.Where(r => config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(r.Id));
// if (config.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles && sameRoles.Any())
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:You already have {sameRoles.FirstOrDefault().Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// try
// {
// await e.User.AddRoles(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch (HttpException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
// {
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:`I am unable to add that role to you. I can't add roles to owners or other roles higher than my role in the role hierarchy.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var msg = await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":ok:You now have {role.Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(false);
// await msg.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// try
// {
// await e.Message.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "iamnot")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "iamn")
.Description("Removes a role to you that you choose. " +
"Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles." +
$" | `{Prefix}iamn Gamer`")
.Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
var roleName = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
var role = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
if (role == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role does not exist.").ConfigureAwait(false);
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (!config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role is not self-assignable.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!e.User.HasRole(role))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:You don't have {role.Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await e.User.RemoveRoles(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
var msg = await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":ok:Successfuly removed {role.Name} role from you.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(false);
await msg.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
await e.Message.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "iamnot")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "iamn")
// .Description("Removes a role to you that you choose. " +
// "Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles." +
// $" | `{Prefix}iamn Gamer`")
// .Parameter("role", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var roleName = e.GetArg("role")?.Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName))
// return;
// var role = e.Server.FindRoles(roleName).FirstOrDefault();
// if (role == null)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role does not exist.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (!config.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Contains(role.Id))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":anger:That role is not self-assignable.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// if (!e.User.HasRole(role))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":anger:You don't have {role.Name} role.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// await e.User.RemoveRoles(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
// var msg = await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":ok:Successfuly removed {role.Name} role from you.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(false);
// await msg.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// try
// {
// await e.Message.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { }
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System.Linq;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System.Linq;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
class SelfCommands : DiscordCommand
public SelfCommands(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// class SelfCommands : DiscordCommand
// {
// public SelfCommands(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "leave")
.Description($"Makes Nadeko leave the server. Either name or id required. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}leave 123123123331`")
.Parameter("arg", ParameterType.Required)
.Do(async e =>
var arg = e.GetArg("arg").Trim();
var server = NadekoBot.Client.Servers.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id.ToString() == arg) ??
if (server == null)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Cannot find that server").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!server.IsOwner)
await server.Leave().ConfigureAwait(false);
await server.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
await NadekoBot.SendMessageToOwner("Left server " + server.Name).ConfigureAwait(false);
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "leave")
// .Description($"Makes Nadeko leave the server. Either name or id required. **Bot Owner Only!**| `{Prefix}leave 123123123331`")
// .Parameter("arg", ParameterType.Required)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.OwnerOnly())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// var arg = e.GetArg("arg").Trim();
// var server = NadekoBot.Client.Servers.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id.ToString() == arg) ??
// NadekoBot.Client.FindServers(arg).FirstOrDefault();
// if (server == null)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Cannot find that server").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// if (!server.IsOwner)
// {
// await server.Leave().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else
// {
// await server.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// await NadekoBot.SendMessageToOwner("Left server " + server.Name).ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,332 +1,332 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using Discord;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using System.Collections.Concurrent;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
/* Voltana's legacy
public class AsyncLazy<T> : Lazy<Task<T>>
public AsyncLazy(Func<T> valueFactory) :
base(() => Task.Factory.StartNew(valueFactory)) { }
///* Voltana's legacy
//public class AsyncLazy<T> : Lazy<Task<T>>
// public AsyncLazy(Func<T> valueFactory) :
// base(() => Task.Factory.StartNew(valueFactory)) { }
public AsyncLazy(Func<Task<T>> taskFactory) :
base(() => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => taskFactory()).Unwrap()) { }
// public AsyncLazy(Func<Task<T>> taskFactory) :
// base(() => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => taskFactory()).Unwrap()) { }
public TaskAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() { return Value.GetAwaiter(); }
// public TaskAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() { return Value.GetAwaiter(); }
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class ServerGreetCommand : DiscordCommand
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class ServerGreetCommand : DiscordCommand
// {
public static ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, AnnounceControls> AnnouncementsDictionary;
// public static ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, AnnounceControls> AnnouncementsDictionary;
public static long Greeted = 0;
// public static long Greeted = 0;
public ServerGreetCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
AnnouncementsDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, AnnounceControls>();
// public ServerGreetCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// AnnouncementsDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<ulong, AnnounceControls>();
NadekoBot.Client.UserJoined += UserJoined;
NadekoBot.Client.UserLeft += UserLeft;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserJoined += UserJoined;
// NadekoBot.Client.UserLeft += UserLeft;
var data = Classes.DbHandler.Instance.GetAllRows<DataModels.Announcement>();
// var data = Classes.DbHandler.Instance.GetAllRows<DataModels.Announcement>();
if (!data.Any()) return;
foreach (var obj in data)
AnnouncementsDictionary.TryAdd((ulong)obj.ServerId, new AnnounceControls(obj));
// if (!data.Any()) return;
// foreach (var obj in data)
// AnnouncementsDictionary.TryAdd((ulong)obj.ServerId, new AnnounceControls(obj));
// }
private async void UserLeft(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
if (!AnnouncementsDictionary.ContainsKey(e.Server.Id) ||
!AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id].Bye) return;
// private async void UserLeft(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// if (!AnnouncementsDictionary.ContainsKey(e.Server.Id) ||
// !AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id].Bye) return;
var controls = AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id];
var channel = NadekoBot.Client.GetChannel(controls.ByeChannel);
var msg = controls.ByeText.Replace("%user%", "**" + e.User.Name + "**").Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
// var controls = AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id];
// var channel = NadekoBot.Client.GetChannel(controls.ByeChannel);
// var msg = controls.ByeText.Replace("%user%", "**" + e.User.Name + "**").Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
// return;
if (controls.ByePM)
await e.User.SendMessage($"`Farewell Message From {e.Server?.Name}`\n" + msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (controls.ByePM)
// {
// Greeted++;
// try
// {
// await e.User.SendMessage($"`Farewell Message From {e.Server?.Name}`\n" + msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
if (channel == null) return;
var toDelete = await channel.SendMessage(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (e.Server.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(channel).ManageMessages && controls.DeleteGreetMessages)
await Task.Delay(30000).ConfigureAwait(false); // 5 minutes
await toDelete.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// }
// catch { }
// }
// else
// {
// if (channel == null) return;
// Greeted++;
// var toDelete = await channel.SendMessage(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (e.Server.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(channel).ManageMessages && controls.DeleteGreetMessages)
// {
// await Task.Delay(30000).ConfigureAwait(false); // 5 minutes
// await toDelete.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
// }
private async void UserJoined(object sender, Discord.UserEventArgs e)
if (!AnnouncementsDictionary.ContainsKey(e.Server.Id) ||
!AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id].Greet) return;
// private async void UserJoined(object sender, Discord.UserEventArgs e)
// {
// try
// {
// if (!AnnouncementsDictionary.ContainsKey(e.Server.Id) ||
// !AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id].Greet) return;
var controls = AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id];
var channel = NadekoBot.Client.GetChannel(controls.GreetChannel);
// var controls = AnnouncementsDictionary[e.Server.Id];
// var channel = NadekoBot.Client.GetChannel(controls.GreetChannel);
var msg = controls.GreetText.Replace("%user%", e.User.Mention).Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
if (controls.GreetPM)
await e.User.SendMessage($"`Welcome Message From {e.Server.Name}`\n" + msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (channel == null) return;
var toDelete = await channel.SendMessage(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (e.Server.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(channel).ManageMessages && controls.DeleteGreetMessages)
await Task.Delay(30000).ConfigureAwait(false); // 5 minutes
await toDelete.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { }
// var msg = controls.GreetText.Replace("%user%", e.User.Mention).Trim();
// if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
// return;
// if (controls.GreetPM)
// {
// Greeted++;
// await e.User.SendMessage($"`Welcome Message From {e.Server.Name}`\n" + msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// else
// {
// if (channel == null) return;
// Greeted++;
// var toDelete = await channel.SendMessage(msg).ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (e.Server.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(channel).ManageMessages && controls.DeleteGreetMessages)
// {
// await Task.Delay(30000).ConfigureAwait(false); // 5 minutes
// await toDelete.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// }
// catch { }
// }
public class AnnounceControls
private DataModels.Announcement _model { get; }
// public class AnnounceControls
// {
// private DataModels.Announcement _model { get; }
public bool Greet {
get { return _model.Greet; }
set { _model.Greet = value; Save(); }
// public bool Greet {
// get { return _model.Greet; }
// set { _model.Greet = value; Save(); }
// }
public ulong GreetChannel {
get { return (ulong)_model.GreetChannelId; }
set { _model.GreetChannelId = (long)value; Save(); }
// public ulong GreetChannel {
// get { return (ulong)_model.GreetChannelId; }
// set { _model.GreetChannelId = (long)value; Save(); }
// }
public bool GreetPM {
get { return _model.GreetPM; }
set { _model.GreetPM = value; Save(); }
// public bool GreetPM {
// get { return _model.GreetPM; }
// set { _model.GreetPM = value; Save(); }
// }
public bool ByePM {
get { return _model.ByePM; }
set { _model.ByePM = value; Save(); }
// public bool ByePM {
// get { return _model.ByePM; }
// set { _model.ByePM = value; Save(); }
// }
public string GreetText {
get { return _model.GreetText; }
set { _model.GreetText = value; Save(); }
// public string GreetText {
// get { return _model.GreetText; }
// set { _model.GreetText = value; Save(); }
// }
public bool Bye {
get { return _model.Bye; }
set { _model.Bye = value; Save(); }
public ulong ByeChannel {
get { return (ulong)_model.ByeChannelId; }
set { _model.ByeChannelId = (long)value; Save(); }
// public bool Bye {
// get { return _model.Bye; }
// set { _model.Bye = value; Save(); }
// }
// public ulong ByeChannel {
// get { return (ulong)_model.ByeChannelId; }
// set { _model.ByeChannelId = (long)value; Save(); }
// }
public string ByeText {
get { return _model.ByeText; }
set { _model.ByeText = value; Save(); }
// public string ByeText {
// get { return _model.ByeText; }
// set { _model.ByeText = value; Save(); }
// }
public ulong ServerId {
get { return (ulong)_model.ServerId; }
set { _model.ServerId = (long)value; }
// public ulong ServerId {
// get { return (ulong)_model.ServerId; }
// set { _model.ServerId = (long)value; }
// }
public bool DeleteGreetMessages {
get {
return _model.DeleteGreetMessages;
set {
_model.DeleteGreetMessages = value; Save();
// public bool DeleteGreetMessages {
// get {
// return _model.DeleteGreetMessages;
// }
// set {
// _model.DeleteGreetMessages = value; Save();
// }
// }
public AnnounceControls(DataModels.Announcement model)
this._model = model;
// public AnnounceControls(DataModels.Announcement model)
// {
// this._model = model;
// }
public AnnounceControls(ulong serverId)
this._model = new DataModels.Announcement();
ServerId = serverId;
// public AnnounceControls(ulong serverId)
// {
// this._model = new DataModels.Announcement();
// ServerId = serverId;
// }
internal bool ToggleBye(ulong id)
if (Bye)
return Bye = false;
ByeChannel = id;
return Bye = true;
// internal bool ToggleBye(ulong id)
// {
// if (Bye)
// {
// return Bye = false;
// }
// else
// {
// ByeChannel = id;
// return Bye = true;
// }
// }
internal bool ToggleGreet(ulong id)
if (Greet)
return Greet = false;
GreetChannel = id;
return Greet = true;
// internal bool ToggleGreet(ulong id)
// {
// if (Greet)
// {
// return Greet = false;
// }
// else
// {
// GreetChannel = id;
// return Greet = true;
// }
// }
internal bool ToggleDelete() => DeleteGreetMessages = !DeleteGreetMessages;
internal bool ToggleGreetPM() => GreetPM = !GreetPM;
internal bool ToggleByePM() => ByePM = !ByePM;
// internal bool ToggleDelete() => DeleteGreetMessages = !DeleteGreetMessages;
// internal bool ToggleGreetPM() => GreetPM = !GreetPM;
// internal bool ToggleByePM() => ByePM = !ByePM;
private void Save()
// private void Save()
// {
// Classes.DbHandler.Instance.Save(_model);
// }
// }
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "grdel")
.Description($"Toggles automatic deletion of greet and bye messages. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}grdel`")
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "grdel")
// .Description($"Toggles automatic deletion of greet and bye messages. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}grdel`")
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (ann.ToggleDelete())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Automatic deletion of greet and bye messages has been enabled.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Automatic deletion of greet and bye messages has been disabled.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (ann.ToggleDelete())
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Automatic deletion of greet and bye messages has been enabled.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Automatic deletion of greet and bye messages has been disabled.`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "greet")
.Description($"Toggles anouncements on the current channel when someone joins the server. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}greet`")
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "greet")
// .Description($"Toggles anouncements on the current channel when someone joins the server. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}greet`")
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (ann.ToggleGreet(e.Channel.Id))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet announcements enabled on this channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet announcements disabled.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (ann.ToggleGreet(e.Channel.Id))
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet announcements enabled on this channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet announcements disabled.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "greetmsg")
.Description($"Sets a new join announcement message. Type %user% if you want to mention the new member. Using it with no message will show the current greet message. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}greetmsg Welcome to the server, %user%.`")
.Parameter("msg", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.GetArg("msg")))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Current greet message:` " + ann.GreetText);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "greetmsg")
// .Description($"Sets a new join announcement message. Type %user% if you want to mention the new member. Using it with no message will show the current greet message. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}greetmsg Welcome to the server, %user%.`")
// .Parameter("msg", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.GetArg("msg")))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Current greet message:` " + ann.GreetText);
// return;
// }
ann.GreetText = e.GetArg("msg");
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("New greet message set.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!ann.Greet)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable greet messsages by typing `.greet`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// ann.GreetText = e.GetArg("msg");
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("New greet message set.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (!ann.Greet)
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable greet messsages by typing `.greet`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "bye")
.Description($"Toggles anouncements on the current channel when someone leaves the server. | `{Prefix}bye`")
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "bye")
// .Description($"Toggles anouncements on the current channel when someone leaves the server. | `{Prefix}bye`")
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (ann.ToggleBye(e.Channel.Id))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye announcements enabled on this channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye announcements disabled.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (ann.ToggleBye(e.Channel.Id))
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye announcements enabled on this channel.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye announcements disabled.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "byemsg")
.Description($"Sets a new leave announcement message. Type %user% if you want to mention the new member. Using it with no message will show the current bye message. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}byemsg %user% has left the server.`")
.Parameter("msg", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.GetArg("msg")))
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Current bye message:` " + ann.ByeText);
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "byemsg")
// .Description($"Sets a new leave announcement message. Type %user% if you want to mention the new member. Using it with no message will show the current bye message. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}byemsg %user% has left the server.`")
// .Parameter("msg", ParameterType.Unparsed)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.GetArg("msg")))
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Current bye message:` " + ann.ByeText);
// return;
// }
ann.ByeText = e.GetArg("msg");
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("New bye message set.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!ann.Bye)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable bye messsages by typing `.bye`.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// ann.ByeText = e.GetArg("msg");
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("New bye message set.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (!ann.Bye)
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable bye messsages by typing `.bye`.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "byepm")
.Description($"Toggles whether the good bye messages will be sent in a PM or in the text channel. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}byepm`")
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "byepm")
// .Description($"Toggles whether the good bye messages will be sent in a PM or in the text channel. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}byepm`")
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (ann.ToggleByePM())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye messages will be sent in a PM from now on.\n ⚠ Keep in mind this might fail if the user and the bot have no common servers after the user leaves.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye messages will be sent in a bound channel from now on.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!ann.Bye)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable bye messsages by typing `.bye`, and set the bye message using `.byemsg`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (ann.ToggleByePM())
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye messages will be sent in a PM from now on.\n ⚠ Keep in mind this might fail if the user and the bot have no common servers after the user leaves.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Bye messages will be sent in a bound channel from now on.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (!ann.Bye)
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable bye messsages by typing `.bye`, and set the bye message using `.byemsg`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "greetpm")
.Description($"Toggles whether the greet messages will be sent in a PM or in the text channel. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}greetpm`")
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "greetpm")
// .Description($"Toggles whether the greet messages will be sent in a PM or in the text channel. **Needs Manage Server Permissions.**| `{Prefix}greetpm`")
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.User.ServerPermissions.ManageServer) return;
var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
// var ann = AnnouncementsDictionary.GetOrAdd(e.Server.Id, new AnnounceControls(e.Server.Id));
if (ann.ToggleGreetPM())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet messages will be sent in a PM from now on.").ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet messages will be sent in a bound channel from now on.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!ann.Greet)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable greet messsages by typing `.greet`, and set the greet message using `.greetmsg`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (ann.ToggleGreetPM())
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet messages will be sent in a PM from now on.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// else
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Greet messages will be sent in a bound channel from now on.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (!ann.Greet)
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Enable greet messsages by typing `.greet`, and set the greet message using `.greetmsg`").ConfigureAwait(false);
// });
// }
// }
@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot.Classes;
using NadekoBot.Extensions;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ChPermOverride = Discord.ChannelPermissionOverrides;
//using Discord;
//using Discord.Commands;
//using NadekoBot.Classes;
//using NadekoBot.Extensions;
//using NadekoBot.Modules.Permissions.Classes;
//using System;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
//using ChPermOverride = Discord.ChannelPermissionOverrides;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
internal class VoicePlusTextCommand : DiscordCommand
Regex channelNameRegex = new Regex(@"[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
public VoicePlusTextCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// changing servers may cause bugs
NadekoBot.Client.UserUpdated += async (sender, e) =>
if (e.Server == null)
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (e.Before.VoiceChannel == e.After.VoiceChannel) return;
if (!config.VoicePlusTextEnabled)
var serverPerms = e.Server.GetUser(NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)?.ServerPermissions;
if (serverPerms == null)
if (!serverPerms.Value.ManageChannels || !serverPerms.Value.ManageRoles)
//namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands
// internal class VoicePlusTextCommand : DiscordCommand
// {
// Regex channelNameRegex = new Regex(@"[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
// public VoicePlusTextCommand(DiscordModule module) : base(module)
// {
// // changing servers may cause bugs
// NadekoBot.Client.UserUpdated += async (sender, e) =>
// {
// try
// {
// if (e.Server == null)
// return;
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (e.Before.VoiceChannel == e.After.VoiceChannel) return;
// if (!config.VoicePlusTextEnabled)
// return;
// var serverPerms = e.Server.GetUser(NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id)?.ServerPermissions;
// if (serverPerms == null)
// return;
// if (!serverPerms.Value.ManageChannels || !serverPerms.Value.ManageRoles)
// {
await e.Server.Owner.SendMessage(
"I don't have manage server and/or Manage Channels permission," +
$" so I cannot run voice+text on **{e.Server.Name}** server.").ConfigureAwait(false);
catch { } // meh
config.VoicePlusTextEnabled = false;
// try
// {
// await e.Server.Owner.SendMessage(
// "I don't have manage server and/or Manage Channels permission," +
// $" so I cannot run voice+text on **{e.Server.Name}** server.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch { } // meh
// config.VoicePlusTextEnabled = false;
// return;
// }
var beforeVch = e.Before.VoiceChannel;
if (beforeVch != null)
var textChannel =
e.Server.FindChannels(GetChannelName(beforeVch.Name), ChannelType.Text).FirstOrDefault();
if (textChannel != null)
await textChannel.AddPermissionsRule(e.Before,
new ChPermOverride(readMessages: PermValue.Deny,
sendMessages: PermValue.Deny)).ConfigureAwait(false);
var afterVch = e.After.VoiceChannel;
if (afterVch != null && e.Server.AFKChannel != afterVch)
var textChannel = e.Server.FindChannels(
if (textChannel == null)
textChannel = (await e.Server.CreateChannel(GetChannelName(afterVch.Name), ChannelType.Text).ConfigureAwait(false));
await textChannel.AddPermissionsRule(e.Server.EveryoneRole,
new ChPermOverride(readMessages: PermValue.Deny,
sendMessages: PermValue.Deny)).ConfigureAwait(false);
await textChannel.AddPermissionsRule(e.After,
new ChPermOverride(readMessages: PermValue.Allow,
sendMessages: PermValue.Allow)).ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
// var beforeVch = e.Before.VoiceChannel;
// if (beforeVch != null)
// {
// var textChannel =
// e.Server.FindChannels(GetChannelName(beforeVch.Name), ChannelType.Text).FirstOrDefault();
// if (textChannel != null)
// await textChannel.AddPermissionsRule(e.Before,
// new ChPermOverride(readMessages: PermValue.Deny,
// sendMessages: PermValue.Deny)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// var afterVch = e.After.VoiceChannel;
// if (afterVch != null && e.Server.AFKChannel != afterVch)
// {
// var textChannel = e.Server.FindChannels(
// GetChannelName(afterVch.Name),
// ChannelType.Text)
// .FirstOrDefault();
// if (textChannel == null)
// {
// textChannel = (await e.Server.CreateChannel(GetChannelName(afterVch.Name), ChannelType.Text).ConfigureAwait(false));
// await textChannel.AddPermissionsRule(e.Server.EveryoneRole,
// new ChPermOverride(readMessages: PermValue.Deny,
// sendMessages: PermValue.Deny)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// await textChannel.AddPermissionsRule(e.After,
// new ChPermOverride(readMessages: PermValue.Allow,
// sendMessages: PermValue.Allow)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// Console.WriteLine(ex);
// }
// };
// }
private string GetChannelName(string voiceName) =>
channelNameRegex.Replace(voiceName, "").Trim().Replace(" ", "-").TrimTo(90, true) + "-voice";
// private string GetChannelName(string voiceName) =>
// channelNameRegex.Replace(voiceName, "").Trim().Replace(" ", "-").TrimTo(90, true) + "-voice";
internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "cleanv+t")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "cv+t")
.Description($"Deletes all text channels ending in `-voice` for which voicechannels are not found. **Use at your own risk.\nNeeds Manage Roles and Manage Channels Permissions.** | `{Prefix}cleanv+t`")
.Do(async e =>
if (!e.Server.CurrentUser.ServerPermissions.ManageChannels)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`I have insufficient permission to do that.`");
// internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
// {
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "cleanv+t")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "cv+t")
// .Description($"Deletes all text channels ending in `-voice` for which voicechannels are not found. **Use at your own risk.\nNeeds Manage Roles and Manage Channels Permissions.** | `{Prefix}cleanv+t`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.CanManageRoles)
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageChannels())
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// if (!e.Server.CurrentUser.ServerPermissions.ManageChannels)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`I have insufficient permission to do that.`");
// return;
// }
var allTxtChannels = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(c => c.Name.EndsWith("-voice"));
var validTxtChannelNames = e.Server.VoiceChannels.Select(c => GetChannelName(c.Name));
// var allTxtChannels = e.Server.TextChannels.Where(c => c.Name.EndsWith("-voice"));
// var validTxtChannelNames = e.Server.VoiceChannels.Select(c => GetChannelName(c.Name));
var invalidTxtChannels = allTxtChannels.Where(c => !validTxtChannelNames.Contains(c.Name));
// var invalidTxtChannels = allTxtChannels.Where(c => !validTxtChannelNames.Contains(c.Name));
foreach (var c in invalidTxtChannels)
await c.Delete();
catch { }
await Task.Delay(500);
// foreach (var c in invalidTxtChannels)
// {
// try
// {
// await c.Delete();
// }
// catch { }
// await Task.Delay(500);
// }
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Done.`");
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`Done.`");
// });
cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "voice+text")
.Alias(Module.Prefix + "v+t")
.Description("Creates a text channel for each voice channel only users in that voice channel can see." +
$"If you are server owner, keep in mind you will see them all the time regardless. **Needs Manage Roles and Manage Channels Permissions.**| `{Prefix}voice+text`")
.Do(async e =>
var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
if (config.VoicePlusTextEnabled == true)
config.VoicePlusTextEnabled = false;
foreach (var textChannel in e.Server.TextChannels.Where(c => c.Name.EndsWith("-voice")))
await textChannel.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
":anger: Error: Most likely i don't have permissions to do this.")
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Successfuly removed voice + text feature.").ConfigureAwait(false);
config.VoicePlusTextEnabled = true;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Successfuly enabled voice + text feature. " +
"**Make sure the bot has manage roles and manage channels permissions**")
// cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "voice+text")
// .Alias(Module.Prefix + "v+t")
// .Description("Creates a text channel for each voice channel only users in that voice channel can see." +
// $"If you are server owner, keep in mind you will see them all the time regardless. **Needs Manage Roles and Manage Channels Permissions.**| `{Prefix}voice+text`")
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.ManageChannels())
// .AddCheck(SimpleCheckers.CanManageRoles)
// .Do(async e =>
// {
// try
// {
// var config = SpecificConfigurations.Default.Of(e.Server.Id);
// if (config.VoicePlusTextEnabled == true)
// {
// config.VoicePlusTextEnabled = false;
// foreach (var textChannel in e.Server.TextChannels.Where(c => c.Name.EndsWith("-voice")))
// {
// try
// {
// await textChannel.Delete().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
// ":anger: Error: Most likely i don't have permissions to do this.")
// .ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// }
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Successfuly removed voice + text feature.").ConfigureAwait(false);
// return;
// }
// config.VoicePlusTextEnabled = true;
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Successfuly enabled voice + text feature. " +
// "**Make sure the bot has manage roles and manage channels permissions**")
// .ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(ex.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(ex.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// });
// }
// }
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task CreateWar(IMessage imsg, int size, [Remainder] string enemyClan)
public async Task CreateWar(IMessage imsg, int size, [Remainder] string enemyClan = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!(imsg.Author as IGuildUser).GuildPermissions.ManageChannels)
@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task StartWar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string number)
public async Task StartWar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string number = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
int num = 0;
int.TryParse(number, out num);
@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task ListWar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string number)
public async Task ListWar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string number = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// if number is null, print all wars in a short way
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(number))
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Claim(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name)
public async Task Claim(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var warsInfo = GetWarInfo(imsg, number);
if (warsInfo == null || warsInfo.Item1.Count == 0)
@ -167,25 +167,25 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task ClaimFinish1(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name)
public async Task ClaimFinish1(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await FinishClaim(imsg, number, baseNumber, other_name, 1);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task ClaimFinish2(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name)
public async Task ClaimFinish2(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await FinishClaim(imsg, number, baseNumber, other_name, 2);
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task ClaimFinish(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name)
public async Task ClaimFinish(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await FinishClaim(imsg, number, baseNumber, other_name);
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
public async Task EndWar(IMessage imsg, int number)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var warsInfo = GetWarInfo(imsg,number);
if (warsInfo == null)
@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Unclaim(IMessage imsg, int number, [Remainder] string otherName)
public async Task Unclaim(IMessage imsg, int number, [Remainder] string otherName = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var warsInfo = GetWarInfo(imsg, number);
if (warsInfo == null || warsInfo.Item1.Count == 0)
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
private async Task FinishClaim(IMessage imsg, int number, int baseNumber, [Remainder] string other_name, int stars = 3)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var warInfo = GetWarInfo(imsg, number);
if (warInfo == null || warInfo.Item1.Count == 0)
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.ClashOfClans
private static Tuple<List<ClashWar>, int> GetWarInfo(IMessage imsg, int num)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
//check if there are any wars
List<ClashWar> wars = null;
ClashWars.TryGetValue(channel.Guild.Id, out wars);
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Leet(IMessage imsg, int level, [Remainder] string text)
public async Task Leet(IMessage imsg, int level, [Remainder] string text = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
text = text.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Poll(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg)
public async Task Poll(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!(imsg.Author as IGuildUser).GuildPermissions.ManageChannels)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
public async Task Pollend(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!(imsg.Author as IGuildUser).GuildPermissions.ManageChannels)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands.Trivia
if (!(imsg.Channel is IGuildChannel && imsg.Channel is ITextChannel)) return;
if ((imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel).Guild != guild) return;
if ((imsg.Channel as ITextChannel).Guild != guild) return;
if (imsg.Author.Id == (await NadekoBot.Client.GetCurrentUserAsync()).Id) return;
var guildUser = imsg.Author as IGuildUser;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
public async Task Trivia(IMessage imsg, string[] args)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
TriviaGame trivia;
if (!RunningTrivias.TryGetValue(channel.Guild.Id, out trivia))
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
public async Task Tl(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
TriviaGame trivia;
if (RunningTrivias.TryGetValue(channel.Guild.Id, out trivia))
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
public async Task Tq(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
TriviaGame trivia;
if (RunningTrivias.TryRemove(channel.Guild.Id, out trivia))
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Choose(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string list)
public async Task Choose(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string list = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(list))
var listArr = list.Split(';');
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task _8Ball(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string question)
public async Task _8Ball(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string question = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question))
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games
public async Task Rps(IMessage imsg, string input)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
Func<int,string> GetRPSPick = (p) =>
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games
public async Task Linux(IMessage imsg, string guhnoo, string loonix)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
$@"I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as {loonix}, is in fact, {guhnoo}/{loonix}, or as I've recently taken to calling it, {guhnoo} plus {loonix}. {loonix} is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning {guhnoo} system made useful by the {guhnoo} corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Help
public async Task Modules(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("`List of modules:` \n• " + string.Join("\n• ", _commands.Modules.Select(m => m.Name)) + $"\n`Type \"-commands module_name\" to get a list of commands in that module.`")
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Help
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Commands(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string module)
public async Task Commands(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string module = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
module = module?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(module))
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Help
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Help(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string comToFind)
public async Task Help(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string comToFind = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
comToFind = comToFind?.ToLowerInvariant();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comToFind))
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Help
public async Task Guide(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
@"**LIST OF COMMANDS**: <http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Commands%20List/>
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Help
public async Task Donate(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(
$@"You can support the project on patreon. <https://patreon.com/nadekobot> or
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Hentai(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag)
public async Task Hentai(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
tag = tag?.Trim() ?? "";
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Danbooru(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag)
public async Task Danbooru(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
tag = tag?.Trim() ?? "";
var link = await GetDanbooruImageLink(tag).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Gelbooru(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag)
public async Task Gelbooru(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
tag = tag?.Trim() ?? "";
var link = await GetRule34ImageLink(tag).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Rule34(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag)
public async Task Rule34(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
tag = tag?.Trim() ?? "";
var link = await GetGelbooruImageLink(tag).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task E621(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag)
public async Task E621(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
tag = tag?.Trim() ?? "";
var link = await GetE621ImageLink(tag).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
public async Task Cp(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("http://i.imgur.com/MZkY1md.jpg").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
public async Task Boobs(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
JToken obj;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.NSFW
public async Task Butts(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Games.Commands
public async Task Poke(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
// {
// [LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
// [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)]
// public async Task Anime(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
// public async Task Anime(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
// {
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// if (!(await ValidateQuery(imsg.Channel as ITextChannel, query).ConfigureAwait(false))) return;
// string result;
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
// [LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
// [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)]
// public async Task Manga(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
// public async Task Manga(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
// {
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// if (!(await ValidateQuery(imsg.Channel as ITextChannel, query).ConfigureAwait(false))) return;
// string result;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands.IMDB
mov.Status = true;
mov.Title = match(@"<title>(IMDb \- )*(.*?) \(.*?</title>", html, 2);
mov.OriginalTitle = match(@"title-extra"">(.*?)<", html);
mov.Year = match(@"<title>.*?\(.*?(\d{4}).*?\).*?</title>", match(@"(<title>.*?</title>)", html));
mov.Year = match(@"<title>.*?\(.*?(\d{4}).*?).*?</title>", match(@"(<title>.*?</title>)", html));
mov.Rating = match(@"<b>(\d.\d)/10</b>", html);
mov.Genres = MatchAll(@"<a.*?>(.*?)</a>", match(@"Genre.?:(.*?)(</div>|See more)", html)).Cast<string>().ToList();
mov.Plot = match(@"Plot:</h5>.*?<div class=""info-content"">(.*?)(<a|</div)", html);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task Yomama(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var response = await http.GetStringAsync("http://api.yomomma.info/").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task Randjoke(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var response = await http.GetStringAsync("http://tambal.azurewebsites.net/joke/random").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task ChuckNorris(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var response = await http.GetStringAsync("http://tambal.azurewebsites.net/joke/random").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task WowJoke(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!wowJokes.Any())
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task MagicItem(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var rng = new Random();
var item = magicItems[rng.Next(0, magicItems.Count)].ToString();
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task Memelist(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(await http.GetStringAsync("http://memegen.link/templates/"))
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
public async Task Memegen(IMessage imsg, string meme, string topText, string botText)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var top = Uri.EscapeDataString(topText.Replace(' ', '-'));
var bot = Uri.EscapeDataString(botText.Replace(' ', '-'));
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Pokemon(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string pokemon)
public async Task Pokemon(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string pokemon = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
pokemon = pokemon?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pokemon))
@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches.Commands
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task PokemonAbility(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string ability)
public async Task PokemonAbility(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string ability = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
ability = ability?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant().Replace(" ", "");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ability))
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Searches
public async Task Weather(IMessage imsg, string city, string country)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
city = city.Replace(" ", "");
country = city.Replace(" ", "");
string response;
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Youtube(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task Youtube(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!(await ValidateQuery(imsg.Channel as ITextChannel, query).ConfigureAwait(false))) return;
var result = (await _yt.FindVideosByKeywordsAsync(query, 1)).FirstOrDefault();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Imdb(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task Imdb(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (!(await ValidateQuery(imsg.Channel as ITextChannel, query).ConfigureAwait(false))) return;
await imsg.Channel.TriggerTypingAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
public async Task RandomCat(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(JObject.Parse(
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
public async Task RandomDog(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("http://random.dog/" + await http.GetStringAsync("http://random.dog/woof").ConfigureAwait(false)).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task I(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task I(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Ir(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task Ir(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Lmgtfy(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string ffs)
public async Task Lmgtfy(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string ffs = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ffs))
@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Google(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string terms)
public async Task Google(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string terms = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
terms = terms?.Trim();
@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
////todo drawing
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Hearthstone(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string name)
//public async Task Hearthstone(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string name = null)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// var arg = e.GetArg("name");
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg))
// {
@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task UrbanDictionary(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task UrbanDictionary(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var arg = query;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg))
@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Hashtag(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task Hashtag(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var arg = query;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg))
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
//public async Task Quote(IMessage imsg)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// var quote = NadekoBot.Config.Quotes[rng.Next(0, NadekoBot.Config.Quotes.Count)].ToString();
// await imsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(quote).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
public async Task Catfact(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var response = await http.GetStringAsync("http://catfacts-api.appspot.com/api/facts").ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Revav(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg)
public async Task Revav(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var usrStr = arg?.Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usrStr))
@ -360,9 +360,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Revimg(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string imageLink)
public async Task Revimg(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string imageLink = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
imageLink = imageLink?.Trim() ?? "";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageLink))
@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Safebooru(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag)
public async Task Safebooru(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string tag = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
tag = tag?.Trim() ?? "";
var link = await GetSafebooruImageLink(tag).ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -386,9 +386,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Wiki(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query)
public async Task Wiki(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string query = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
query = query?.Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
@ -407,9 +407,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
////todo drawing
//[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
//public async Task Clr(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string color)
//public async Task Clr(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string color = null)
// var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
// var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
// color = color?.Trim().Replace("#", "");
// if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)color))
@ -432,9 +432,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Videocall(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg)
public async Task Videocall(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string arg = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
@ -455,9 +455,9 @@ $@"🌍 **Weather for** 【{obj["target"]}】
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Avatar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string mention)
public async Task Avatar(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string mention = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var usr = imsg.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault();
if (usr == null)
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Translator
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Translate(IMessage imsg, string langs, [Remainder] string text)
public async Task Translate(IMessage imsg, string langs, [Remainder] string text = null)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Translator
public async Task Translangs(IMessage imsg)
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
await imsg.Channel.SendTableAsync(GoogleTranslator.Instance.Languages, str => str, columns: 4);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Utility
public async Task ServerInfo(IMessage msg, string guild = null)
var channel = msg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = msg.Channel as ITextChannel;
guild = guild?.ToUpperInvariant();
IGuild server;
if (guild == null)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Utility
public async Task UserInfo(IMessage msg, IGuildUser usr = null)
var channel = msg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = msg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var user = usr ?? msg.Author as IGuildUser;
if (user == null)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Utility
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task WhoPlays(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string game)
public async Task WhoPlays(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string game = null)
var chnl = (IGuildChannel)imsg.Channel;
game = game.Trim().ToUpperInvariant();
@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Utility
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task InRole(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string roles)
public async Task InRole(IMessage imsg, [Remainder] string roles = null)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roles))
var channel = imsg.Channel as IGuildChannel;
var channel = imsg.Channel as ITextChannel;
var arg = roles.Split(',').Select(r => r.Trim().ToUpperInvariant());
string send = _l["`Here is a list of users in a specfic role:`"];
foreach (var roleStr in arg.Where(str => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) && str != "@EVERYONE" && str != "EVERYONE"))
@ -110,21 +110,21 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Utility
public async Task ServerId(IMessage msg)
await msg.Reply($"This server's ID is {(msg.Channel as IGuildChannel).Guild.Id}");
await msg.Reply($"This server's ID is {(msg.Channel as ITextChannel).Guild.Id}");
[LocalizedCommand, LocalizedDescription, LocalizedSummary]
public async Task Roles(IMessage msg, IGuildUser target = null)
var guild = (msg.Channel as IGuildChannel).Guild;
var guild = (msg.Channel as ITextChannel).Guild;
if (target != null)
await msg.Reply($"`List of roles for **{target.Username}**:` \n• " + string.Join("\n• ", target.Roles.Except(new[] { guild.EveryoneRole })));
await msg.Reply("`List of roles:` \n• " + string.Join("\n• ", (msg.Channel as IGuildChannel).Guild.Roles.Except(new[] { guild.EveryoneRole })));
await msg.Reply("`List of roles:` \n• " + string.Join("\n• ", (msg.Channel as ITextChannel).Guild.Roles.Except(new[] { guild.EveryoneRole })));
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot
private async Task Client_MessageReceived(IMessage arg)
var t = await Commands.Execute(arg, 0);
if(!t.IsSuccess && t.Error != CommandError.UnknownCommand)
@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace NadekoBot.Services.Impl
//todo load creds
public class BotCredentials : IBotCredentials
public string ClientId { get; }
public string GoogleApiKey {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException();
return "";
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Services.Impl
public string Token {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException();
return "";
@ -13,12 +13,25 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Extensions
public static class Extensions
public static async Task<IMessage> Reply(this IMessage msg, string content) => await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(content);
public static async Task<IMessage> SendMessageAsync(this IGuildUser user, string message, bool isTTS = false) =>
await (await user.CreateDMChannelAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).SendMessageAsync(message, isTTS).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task<IMessage> SendFileAsync(this IGuildUser user, string filePath, string caption = null, bool isTTS = false) =>
await (await user.CreateDMChannelAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).SendFileAsync(filePath, caption, isTTS).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task<IMessage> SendFileAsync(this IGuildUser user, Stream fileStream, string fileName, string caption = null, bool isTTS = false) =>
await (await user.CreateDMChannelAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).SendFileAsync(fileStream, fileName, caption, isTTS).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task<IMessage> Reply(this IMessage msg, string content) =>
await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(content).ConfigureAwait(false);
public static async Task<IEnumerable<IUser>> Members(this IRole role) =>
await role.Members();
public static async Task<IMessage[]> ReplyLong(this IMessage msg, string content, string breakOn = "\n", string addToEnd = "", string addToStart = "")
if (content.Length < 2000) return new[] { await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(content) };
if (content.Length < 2000) return new[] { await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(content).ConfigureAwait(false) };
var list = new List<IMessage>();
var temp = Regex.Split(content, breakOn).Select(x => x += breakOn).ToList();
@ -204,6 +217,17 @@ namespace NadekoBot.Extensions
return d[n, m];
public static async Task<Stream> ToStream(this string str)
var ms = new MemoryStream();
var sw = new StreamWriter(ms);
await sw.WriteAsync(str);
await sw.FlushAsync();
ms.Position = 0;
return ms;
public static int KiB(this int value) => value * 1024;
public static int KB(this int value) => value * 1000;
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"Microsoft.NETCore.Jit/1.0.2": {
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"Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms/1.0.1": {
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@ -1353,11 +1353,7 @@
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@ -1407,20 +1403,16 @@
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@ -1428,14 +1420,10 @@
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"System.Threading.Tasks": "4.0.11",
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@ -2374,7 +2362,7 @@
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"System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation": "4.0.0",
@ -2758,12 +2746,12 @@
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