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Kwoth 2016-12-13 00:48:06 +01:00
commit 63620d48e3

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@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
# Docker Guide with DigitalOcean
# NadekoBot a Discord bot
Nadeko is written in C# and for more information visit
## There is no docker image for 1.0 nadeko right now. Soon.
## Install Docker
Follow the respective guide for your operating system found here
## Nadeko Setup Guide
For this guide we will be using the folder /nadeko as our config root folder.
docker create --name=nadeko -v /nadeko/data:/opt/NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp1.0/data -v /nadeko/credentials.json:/opt/NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot/credentials.json kwoth/nadeko:dev
-If you are coming from a previous version of nadeko (the old docker) make sure your crednetials.json has been copied into this directory and is the only thing in this folder.
-If you are making a fresh install, create your credentials.json from the following guide and palce it in the /nadeko folder
Next start the docker up with
```docker run nadeko; docker logs -f nadeko```
The docker will start and the log file will start scrolling past. Depending on hardware the bot start can take up to 5 minutes on a small DigitalOcean droplet.
Once the log ends with "NadekoBot | Starting NadekoBot v1.0-rc2" the bot is ready and can be invited to your server. Ctrl+C at this point to stop viewing the logs.
After a few moments you should be able to invite Nadeko to your server. If you cannot check the log file for errors
## Updates / Monitoring
* Upgrade to the latest version of Nadeko simply `docker restart nadeko`.
* Monitor the logs of the container in realtime `docker logs -f nadeko`.
If you have any issues with the docker setup, please ask in #help but indicate you are using the docker.
For information about configuring your bot or its functionality, please check the guides.