Commandlist updated
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`.resetperms` | Resets BOT's permissions module on this server to the default value. **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.resetperms`
`.restart` | Restarts the bot. Might not work. **Bot owner only.** | `.restart`
`.delmsgoncmd` | Toggles the automatic deletion of user's successful command message to prevent chat flood. **Server Manager Only.** **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.delmsgoncmd`
`.delmsgoncmd` | Toggles the automatic deletion of user's successful command message to prevent chat flood. **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.delmsgoncmd`
`.setrole` `.sr` | Sets a role for a given user. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.sr @User Guest`
`.removerole` `.rr` | Removes a role from a given user. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.rr @User Admin`
`.renamerole` `.renr` | Renames a role. Roles you are renaming must be lower than bot's highest role. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.renr "First role" SecondRole`
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`.ban` `.b` | Bans a user by ID or name with an optional message. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.b "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.`
`.softban` `.sb` | Bans and then unbans a user by ID or name with an optional message. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.sb "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.`
`.kick` `.k` | Kicks a mentioned user. **Requires KickMembers server permission.** | `.k "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.`
`.mute` | Mutes a mentioned user in a voice channel. **Requires MuteMembers server permission.** | `.mute @Someone`
`.unmute` | Unmutes mentioned user or users. **Requires MuteMembers server permission.** | `.unmute "@Someguy"` or `.unmute "@Someguy" "@Someguy"`
`.setmuterole` | Sets a name of the role which will be assigned to people who should be muted. Default is nadeko-mute. After specifying this role, restart commands which use mute as punishment. | `.setmuterole Silenced`
`.mute` | Mutes a mentioned user both fom speaking and chatting. **Requires MuteMembers server permission.** | `.mute @Someone`
`.textmute` | Prevents a mentioned user from chatting in text channels. **Requires MuteMembers server permission.** | `.textmute @Someone`
`.voicemute` | Prevents a mentioned user from speaking in voice channels. **Requires MuteMembers server permission.** | `.voicemute @Someone`
`.voiceunmute` | Gives a previously voice-muted user a permission to speak. **Requires MuteMembers server permission.** | `.unmute @Someguy`
`.deafen` `.deaf` | Deafens mentioned user or users. **Requires DeafenMembers server permission.** | `.deaf "@Someguy"` or `.deaf "@Someguy" "@Someguy"`
`.undeafen` `.undef` | Undeafens mentioned user or users. **Requires DeafenMembers server permission.** | `.undef "@Someguy"` or `.undef "@Someguy" "@Someguy"`
`.delvoichanl` `.dvch` | Deletes a voice channel with a given name. **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** | `.dvch VoiceChannelName`
@ -35,8 +38,8 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`.mentionrole` `.menro` | Mentions every person from the provided role or roles (separated by a ',') on this server. Requires you to have mention everyone permission. **Requires MentionEveryone server permission.** | `.menro RoleName`
`.donators` | List of lovely people who donated to keep this project alive. | `.donators`
`.donadd` | Add a donator to the database. **Bot owner only.** | `.donadd Donate Amount`
`.antiraid_cmd` | antiraid_desc **Requires Administrator server permission.** | antiraid_usage
`.antispam_cmd` | antispam_desc **Requires Administrator server permission.** | antispam_usage
`.antiraid` | Sets an anti-raid protection on the server. First argument is number of people which will trigger the protection. Second one is a time interval in which that number of people needs to join in order to trigger the protection, and third argument is punishment for those people (Kick, Ban, Mute) **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.antiraid 5 20 Kick`
`.antispam` | Stops people from repeating same message X times in a row. You can specify to either mute, kick or ban the offenders. **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.antispam 3 Mute` or `.antispam 4 Kick` or `.antispam 6 Ban`
`.autoassignrole` `.aar` | Automaticaly assigns a specified role to every user who joins the server. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.aar` to disable, `.aar Role Name` to enable
`.scsc` | Starts an instance of cross server channel. You will get a token as a DM that other people will use to tune in to the same instance. **Bot owner only.** | `.scsc`
`.jcsc` | Joins current channel to an instance of cross server channel using the token. **Requires ManageServer server permission.** | `.jcsc TokenHere`
@ -46,15 +49,15 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`.logserver` | Logs server activity in this channel. **Requires Administrator server permission.** **Bot owner only.** | `.logserver`
`.logignore` | Toggles whether the .logserver command ignores this channel. Useful if you have hidden admin channel and public log channel. **Requires Administrator server permission.** **Bot owner only.** | `.logignore`
`.userpresence` | Starts logging to this channel when someone from the server goes online/offline/idle. **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.userpresence`
`.voicepresence` | Toggles logging to this channel whenever someone joins or leaves a voice channel you are in right now. **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.voicepresence`
`.voicepresence` | Toggles logging to this channel whenever someone joins or leaves a voice channel you are currently in. **Requires Administrator server permission.** | `.voicepresence`
`.repeatinvoke` `.repinv` | Immediately shows the repeat message and restarts the timer. **Requires ManageMessages server permission.** | `.repinv`
`.repeat` | Repeat a message every X minutes. If no parameters are specified, repeat is disabled. | `.repeat 5 Hello there`
`.migratedata` | Migrate data from old bot configuration **Bot owner only.** | `.migratedata`
`.rotateplaying` `.ropl` | Toggles rotation of playing status of the dynamic strings you specified earlier. **Bot owner only.** | `.ropl`
`.rotateplaying` `.ropl` | Toggles rotation of playing status of the dynamic strings you previously specified. **Bot owner only.** | `.ropl`
`.addplaying` `.adpl` | Adds a specified string to the list of playing strings to rotate. Supported placeholders: %servers%, %users%, %playing%, %queued% **Bot owner only.** | `.adpl`
`.listplaying` `.lipl` | Lists all playing statuses with their corresponding number. **Bot owner only.** | `.lipl`
`.removeplaying` `.rmpl` `.repl` | Removes a playing string on a given number. **Bot owner only.** | `.rmpl`
`.slowmode` | Toggles slow mode. When ON, users will be able to send only 1 message every 5 seconds. **Requires ManageMessages server permission.** | `.slowmode`
`.slowmode` | Toggles slowmode. Disable by specifying no parameters. To enable, specify a number of messages each user can send, and an interval in seconds. For example 1 message every 5 seconds. **Requires ManageMessages server permission.** | `.slowmode 1 5` or `.slowmode`
`.asar` | Adds a role to the list of self-assignable roles. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.asar Gamer`
`.rsar` | Removes a specified role from the list of self-assignable roles. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.rsar`
`.lsar` | Lists all self-assignable roles. | `.lsar`
@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`.byemsg` | Sets a new leave announcement message. Type %user% if you want to mention the new member. Using it with no message will show the current bye message. **Requires ManageServer server permission.** | `.byemsg %user% has left.`
`.byedel` | Toggles automatic deletion of bye messages. **Requires ManageServer server permission.** | `.byedel`
`.voice+text` `.v+t` | Creates a text channel for each voice channel only users in that voice channel can see.If you are server owner, keep in mind you will see them all the time regardless. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** | `.voice+text`
`.cleanvplust` `.cv+t` | Deletes all text channels ending in `-voice` for which voicechannels are not found. **Use at your own risk. Needs Manage Roles and Manage Channels Permissions.** **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.cleanv+t`
`.cleanvplust` `.cv+t` | Deletes all text channels ending in `-voice` for which voicechannels are not found. Use at your own risk. **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.cleanv+t`
### ClashOfClans
Command and aliases | Description | Usage
@ -181,10 +184,11 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`~hentai` | Shows a 2 random images (from gelbooru and danbooru) with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. Only 1 tag allowed. | `~hentai yuri`
`~danbooru` | Shows a random hentai image from danbooru with a given tag. Tag is optional but preffered. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~danbooru yuri+kissing`
`~gelbooru` | Shows a random hentai image from gelbooru with a given tag. Tag is optional but preffered. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~gelbooru yuri+kissing`
`~rule34` | Shows a random image from rule34.xx with a given tag. Tag is optional but preffered. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~rule34 yuri+kissing`
`~e621` | Shows a random hentai image from with a given tag. Tag is optional but preffered. Use spaces for multiple tags. | `~e621 yuri kissing`
`~danbooru` | Shows a random hentai image from danbooru with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~danbooru yuri+kissing`
`~konachan` | Shows a random hentai image from konachan with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~konachan yuri`
`~gelbooru` | Shows a random hentai image from gelbooru with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~gelbooru yuri+kissing`
`~rule34` | Shows a random image from rule34.xx with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~rule34 yuri+kissing`
`~e621` | Shows a random hentai image from with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. Use spaces for multiple tags. | `~e621 yuri kissing`
`~cp` | We all know where this will lead you to. | `~cp`
`~boobs` | Real adult content. | `~boobs`
`~butts` `~ass` `~butt` | Real adult content. | `~butts` or `~ass`
@ -215,9 +219,9 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`;cmdcooldown` `;cmdcd` | Sets a cooldown per user for a command. Set to 0 to remove the cooldown. | `;cmdcd "some cmd" 5`
`;allcmdcooldowns` `;acmdcds` | Shows a list of all commands and their respective cooldowns. | `;acmdcds`
`;srvrfilterinv` `;sfi` | Toggles automatic deleting of invites posted in the server. Does not affect Bot Owner. | `;sfi`
`;chnlfilterinv` `;cfi` | Toggles automatic deleting of invites posted in the channel. Does not negate the .srvrfilterinv enabled setting. Does not affect Bot Owner. | `;cfi`
`;chnlfilterinv` `;cfi` | Toggles automatic deleting of invites posted in the channel. Does not negate the ;srvrfilterinv enabled setting. Does not affect Bot Owner. | `;cfi`
`;srvrfilterwords` `;sfw` | Toggles automatic deleting of messages containing forbidden words on the server. Does not affect Bot Owner. | `;sfw`
`;chnlfilterwords` `;cfw` | Toggles automatic deleting of messages containing banned words on the channel. Does not negate the .srvrfilterwords enabled setting. Does not affect bot owner. | `;cfw`
`;chnlfilterwords` `;cfw` | Toggles automatic deleting of messages containing banned words on the channel. Does not negate the ;srvrfilterwords enabled setting. Does not affect bot owner. | `;cfw`
`;fw` | Adds or removes (if it exists) a word from the list of filtered words. Use` ;sfw` or `;cfw` to toggle filtering. | `;fw poop`
`;lstfilterwords` `;lfw` | Shows a list of filtered words. | `;lfw`
@ -239,7 +243,7 @@ Command and aliases | Description | Usage
`~catfact` | Shows a random catfact from <> | `~catfact`
`~revav` | Returns a google reverse image search for someone's avatar. | `~revav "@SomeGuy"`
`~revimg` | Returns a google reverse image search for an image from a link. | `~revimg Image link`
`~safebooru` | Shows a random image from safebooru with a given tag. Tag is optional but preffered. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~safebooru yuri+kissing`
`~safebooru` | Shows a random image from safebooru with a given tag. Tag is optional but preferred. (multiple tags are appended with +) | `~safebooru yuri+kissing`
`~wikipedia` `~wiki` | Gives you back a wikipedia link | `~wiki query`
`~color` `~clr` | Shows you what color corresponds to that hex. | `~clr 00ff00`
`~videocall` | Creates a private <> video call link for you and other mentioned people. The link is sent to mentioned people via a private message. | `~videocall "@SomeGuy"`
Reference in New Issue
Block a user