var lastInputBox;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Controls menu hide/show
// Reset view
$('.reset-container').click(function(){ reset_view();});
$('#submitfindbyname').click(function() {
var selected = $('#findbyselect option:selected').text();
var object = findObjectInfo(selected);
// Populate information area about target
var objdata = "Name: " + + "
objdata += "
Location (Galactic Ref.)
X: " + object.x + "
Y: " + object.y + "
Z: " + object.z;
objdata += "
" + object.type;
objdata += "
Owning Faction
" +;
$('#route_output').change(function() {
var stop=$('#route_output :selected').parent().attr('label');
$('#calctnd').click(function() {
lastInputBox = null;
$('#route_output').html("No route calculated");
var speed = {'speed': $('#speed').val(), 'unit':$('#speedunit option:selected').val() };
populateRoutePlan( $('#pointa option:selected').text() , $('#pointb option:selected').text(),speed );
$('#cbs').click(function() {populateFBSelect(); });
$('#cbp').click(function() {populateFBSelect(); });
$("#pointa").focus(function() {
lastInputBox = "pointa";
// console.log('Updating last touched box to : ' + lastInputBox)
$("#pointb").focus(function() {
lastInputBox = "pointb";
// console.log('Updating last touched box to : ' + lastInputBox)
String.prototype.capitalize = function(lower) {
return (lower ? this.toLowerCase() : this).replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
$('.rpcoord').blur(function() {
if(!$(this).val()) { $(this).val( $(this).attr("id") ) }
$('.rpcoord').focus(function() {
if($(this).val() == $(this).attr("id")) { $(this).val("") }
$('#calcpredict').click(function() {
var predicted = predictDestination(new THREE.Vector3(Number($('#x').val()),Number($('#y').val()),Number($('#z').val())),new THREE.Vector2(Number($('#azmuth').val()),Number($('#inclination').val())),$('#intel_frame option:selected').val());
function populateUserFields() {
// Populate findby box
// Populate pointa and pointb dropdowns
var types = ['planets','stations'];
option = "";
for (var type in types){
var keys = Object.keys(listobjects(types[type]));
var captype = types[type];
captype = captype.capitalize()
option += '';
// Populate list of borders for intel frame selection
option = $('#intel_frame').html();
var borderlist = listobjects("borders");
for (var border in borderlist) {
if(borderlist[border].radius > 10) {
option += '';
function populateFBSelect() {
//Populate find by select dropdown
var types = [];
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName("objtype");
for (var type in checkboxes) {
if(checkboxes[type].checked) {
types[type] = checkboxes[type].value;
var option = '';
for (var type in types) {
var captype = types[type];
captype = captype.capitalize()
option += '';
function openTab(evt,tabName) {
var i, x, tablinks;
x = document.getElementsByClassName("wvg-tools");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.display = "none";
tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("wvg-tablink");
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" wvg-tab-active", "");
document.getElementById(tabName).style.display = "block";
evt.currentTarget.className += " wvg-tab-active";
function escapeHTML(text) {
var chr = { '"': '"', '&': '&', '<': '[', '>': ']' };
function abc(a)
return chr[a];
return text.replace(/[\"&<>]/g, abc);
function timeformat(secs) {
var s = new Decimal(secs);
var hours = new Decimal(secs / 3600);
var h = hours.floor(); //Get whole hours
s = s - (h * 3600);
var m = new Decimal(s / 60); //Get remaining minutes
m = m.floor();
s = s - (m * 60 );
s = Math.round(s,0)
// console.log("Hours :"+ h);
// console.log("Minutes :"+ m);
// console.log("Seconds :"+ s);
// console.log("Input :"+ secs);
return h+":"+(m < 10 ? '0'+m : m)+":"+(s < 10 ? '0'+s : s); //zero padding on minutes and seconds
function populateRoutePlan(pointa,pointb,speed) {
if ( pointa != pointb ) {
// Populate legacy (trip total) fields with route info
$('#cal_start').html( pointa );
$('#cal_end').html( pointb );
$('#cal_speed').html( speed.speed + " " + speed.unit );
var route = calcBestRoute(pointa,pointb);
var dist = route.distance;
var eta = calcETA(speed,dist);
$('#cal_eta').html( timeformat(eta) );
$('#cal_dist').html( dist.toFixed(2) + " PC");
// Populate the route plan select area
lastWaypoint = {'name': pointa, gate:false};
var routeplan;
route.stops.forEach(function(waypoint,index,self) {
routeplan += '