2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
<!doctype html>
2016-07-07 10:37:24 -04:00
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2016-07-07 13:11:49 -04:00
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2016-07-08 15:07:21 -04:00
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2016-07-07 13:11:49 -04:00
< script src = "js/mapviewgl.js" > < / script >
2016-07-08 15:18:12 -04:00
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2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
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2016-07-14 08:27:46 -04:00
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2016-07-07 10:37:24 -04:00
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2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
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2016-07-13 11:49:18 -04:00
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2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
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2016-07-13 11:49:18 -04:00
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2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
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input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox] {
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content:"\2714"; /* Tick */
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2016-07-07 10:37:24 -04:00
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2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
< div class = "menu-button" id = "hotdog" > ☰ < / div >
< div id = "controls" class = "wvg-controls active" >
< div id = "wrapper" >
< ul class = "wvg-navbar" >
< li > < a class = "wvg-tablink wvg-tab-active" href = '#' onclick = "openTab(event,'Find');" > Find< / a > < / li >
< li > < a class = "wvg-tablink" href = '#' onclick = "openTab(event,'Info');" > Info< / a > < / li >
2016-07-08 15:18:12 -04:00
< / ul >
2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
< div class = "wvg-tools wvg-first" id = "Find" >
< span > Find Object By Name < / span >
< span > < select id = "findbyselect" >
< option value = '' > < / option >
< / select > < / span >
< br / > < input type = "checkbox" name = "objtype" id = "cbp" value = "planets" onclick = "populateUserFields();" > < label for = "cbp" > Planets< / label > < input type = "checkbox" name = "objtype" id = "cbs" value = "stations" onclick = "populateUserFields();" > < label for = "cbs" > Stations< / label >
< br > < button id = "submitfindbyname" class = "btn" > Find< / button >
< / div >
2016-07-08 15:18:12 -04:00
2016-07-12 15:52:58 -04:00
< div class = "wvg-tools" id = "Info" >
< span > This tool was designed by Frey @ ATSMUSH. It is based on MapView for ATS with data used from the Navcomp MUSHClient plugin with permission. < / span >
< / div >
< / div > < div class = "reset-container" > < span class = "reset-button" > Reset < / span > < / div >
2016-07-08 15:18:12 -04:00
< / div >
2016-07-07 10:37:24 -04:00
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