--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> -- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou -- @release v3.4.10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grab environment we need local assert = assert local io = io local table = table local math = math local ipairs = ipairs local pcall = pcall local capi = { keygrabber = keygrabber, selection = selection } local util = require("awful.util") local beautiful = require("beautiful") --- Prompt module for awful module("awful.prompt") --- Private data local data = {} data.history = {} -- Load history file in history table -- @param id The data.history identifier which is the path to the filename -- @param max Optional parameter, the maximum number of entries in file local function history_check_load(id, max) if id and id ~= "" and not data.history[id] then data.history[id] = { max = 50, table = {} } if max then data.history[id].max = max end local f = io.open(id, "r") -- Read history file if f then for line in f:lines() do table.insert(data.history[id].table, line) if #data.history[id].table >= data.history[id].max then break end end f:close() end end end -- Save history table in history file -- @param id The data.history identifier local function history_save(id) if data.history[id] then local f = io.open(id, "w") if not f then local i = 0 for d in id:gmatch(".-/") do i = i + #d end util.mkdir(id:sub(1, i - 1)) f = assert(io.open(id, "w")) end for i = 1, math.min(#data.history[id].table, data.history[id].max) do f:write(data.history[id].table[i] .. "\n") end f:close() end end -- Return the number of items in history table regarding the id -- @param id The data.history identifier -- @return the number of items in history table, -1 if history is disabled local function history_items(id) if data.history[id] then return #data.history[id].table else return -1 end end -- Add an entry to the history file -- @param id The data.history identifier -- @param command The command to add local function history_add(id, command) if data.history[id] then if command ~= "" and command ~= data.history[id].table[#data.history[id].table] then table.insert(data.history[id].table, command) -- Do not exceed our max_cmd if #data.history[id].table > data.history[id].max then table.remove(data.history[id].table, 1) end history_save(id) end end end -- Draw the prompt text with a cursor. -- @param args The table of arguments. -- @param text The text. -- @param font The font. -- @param prompt The text prefix. -- @param text_color The text color. -- @param cursor_color The cursor color. -- @param cursor_pos The cursor position. -- @param cursor_ul The cursor underline style. -- @param selectall If true cursor is rendered on the entire text. local function prompt_text_with_cursor(args) local char, spacer, text_start, text_end, ret local text = args.text or "" local prompt = args.prompt or "" local underline = args.cursor_ul or "none" if args.selectall then if #text == 0 then char = " " else char = util.escape(text) end spacer = " " text_start = "" text_end = "" elseif #text < args.cursor_pos then char = " " spacer = "" text_start = util.escape(text) text_end = "" else char = util.escape(text:sub(args.cursor_pos, args.cursor_pos)) spacer = " " text_start = util.escape(text:sub(1, args.cursor_pos - 1)) text_end = util.escape(text:sub(args.cursor_pos + 1)) end ret = prompt .. text_start .. "" .. char .. "" .. text_end .. spacer if args.font then ret = "" .. ret .. "" end return ret end --- Run a prompt in a box. -- @param args A table with optional arguments: fg_cursor, bg_cursor, ul_cursor, prompt, text, selectall, font, autoexec. -- @param textbox The textbox to use for the prompt. -- @param exe_callback The callback function to call with command as argument when finished. -- @param completion_callback The callback function to call to get completion. -- @param history_path Optional parameter: file path where the history should be saved, set nil to disable history -- @param history_max Optional parameter: set the maximum entries in history file, 50 by default -- @param done_callback Optional parameter: the callback function to always call without arguments, regardless of whether the prompt was cancelled. function run(args, textbox, exe_callback, completion_callback, history_path, history_max, done_callback) local theme = beautiful.get() if not args then args = {} end local command = args.text or "" local command_before_comp local cur_pos_before_comp local prettyprompt = args.prompt or "" local inv_col = args.fg_cursor or theme.fg_focus or "black" local cur_col = args.bg_cursor or theme.bg_focus or "white" local cur_ul = args.ul_cursor local text = args.text or "" local font = args.font or theme.font local selectall = args.selectall history_check_load(history_path, history_max) local history_index = history_items(history_path) + 1 -- The cursor position local cur_pos = (selectall and 1) or text:wlen() + 1 -- The completion element to use on completion request. local ncomp = 1 if not textbox or not exe_callback then return end textbox.text = prompt_text_with_cursor{ text = text, text_color = inv_col, cursor_color = cur_col, cursor_pos = cur_pos, cursor_ul = cur_ul, selectall = selectall, font = font, prompt = prettyprompt } local exec = function() textbox.text = "" history_add(history_path, command) capi.keygrabber.stop() exe_callback(command) if done_callback then done_callback() end end capi.keygrabber.run( function (modifiers, key, event) if event ~= "press" then return true end -- Convert index array to hash table local mod = {} for k, v in ipairs(modifiers) do mod[v] = true end -- Get out cases if (mod.Control and (key == "c" or key == "g")) or (not mod.Control and key == "Escape") then textbox.text = "" if done_callback then done_callback() end return false elseif (mod.Control and (key == "j" or key == "m")) or (not mod.Control and key == "Return") or (not mod.Control and key == "KP_Enter") then exec() -- We already unregistered ourselves so we don't want to return -- true, otherwise we may unregister someone else. return true end -- Control cases if mod.Control then selectall = nil if key == "a" then cur_pos = 1 elseif key == "b" then if cur_pos > 1 then cur_pos = cur_pos - 1 end elseif key == "d" then if cur_pos <= #command then command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. command:sub(cur_pos + 1) end elseif key == "e" then cur_pos = #command + 1 elseif key == "f" then if cur_pos <= #command then cur_pos = cur_pos + 1 end elseif key == "h" then if cur_pos > 1 then command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 2) .. command:sub(cur_pos) cur_pos = cur_pos - 1 end elseif key == "k" then command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) elseif key == "u" then command = command:sub(cur_pos, #command) cur_pos = 1 elseif key == "w" or key == "BackSpace" then local wstart = 1 local wend = 1 local cword_start = 1 local cword_end = 1 while wend < cur_pos do wend = command:find("[{[(,.:;_-+=@/ ]", wstart) if not wend then wend = #command + 1 end if cur_pos >= wstart and cur_pos <= wend + 1 then cword_start = wstart cword_end = cur_pos - 1 break end wstart = wend + 1 end command = command:sub(1, cword_start - 1) .. command:sub(cword_end + 1) cur_pos = cword_start end else if completion_callback then if key == "Tab" or key == "ISO_Left_Tab" then if key == "ISO_Left_Tab" then if ncomp == 1 then return true end if ncomp == 2 then command = command_before_comp textbox.text = prompt_text_with_cursor{ text = command_before_comp, text_color = inv_col, cursor_color = cur_col, cursor_pos = cur_pos, cursor_ul = cur_ul, selectall = selectall, font = font, prompt = prettyprompt } return true end ncomp = ncomp - 2 elseif ncomp == 1 then command_before_comp = command cur_pos_before_comp = cur_pos end local matches command, cur_pos, matches = completion_callback(command_before_comp, cur_pos_before_comp, ncomp) ncomp = ncomp + 1 key = "" -- execute if only one match found and autoexec flag set if matches and #matches == 1 and args.autoexec then exec() return true end else ncomp = 1 end end -- Typin cases if mod.Shift and key == "Insert" then local selection = capi.selection() if selection then -- Remove \n local n = selection:find("\n") if n then selection = selection:sub(1, n - 1) end command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. selection .. command:sub(cur_pos) cur_pos = cur_pos + #selection end elseif key == "Home" then cur_pos = 1 elseif key == "End" then cur_pos = #command + 1 elseif key == "BackSpace" then if cur_pos > 1 then command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 2) .. command:sub(cur_pos) cur_pos = cur_pos - 1 end elseif key == "Delete" then command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. command:sub(cur_pos + 1) elseif key == "Left" then cur_pos = cur_pos - 1 elseif key == "Right" then cur_pos = cur_pos + 1 elseif key == "Up" then if history_index > 1 then history_index = history_index - 1 command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index] cur_pos = #command + 2 end elseif key == "Down" then if history_index < history_items(history_path) then history_index = history_index + 1 command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index] cur_pos = #command + 2 elseif history_index == history_items(history_path) then history_index = history_index + 1 command = "" cur_pos = 1 end else -- wlen() is UTF-8 aware but #key is not, -- so check that we have one UTF-8 char but advance the cursor of # position if key:wlen() == 1 then if selectall then command = "" end command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. key .. command:sub(cur_pos) cur_pos = cur_pos + #key end end if cur_pos < 1 then cur_pos = 1 elseif cur_pos > #command + 1 then cur_pos = #command + 1 end selectall = nil end -- Update textbox local function update() textbox.text = prompt_text_with_cursor{ text = command, text_color = inv_col, cursor_color = cur_col, cursor_pos = cur_pos, cursor_ul = cur_ul, selectall = selectall, font = font, prompt = prettyprompt } end local success = pcall(update) while not success do -- TODO UGLY HACK TODO -- Setting the text failed. Most likely reason is that the user -- entered a multibyte character and pressed backspace which only -- removed the last byte. Let's remove another byte. if cur_pos <= 1 then -- No text left?! break end command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 2) .. command:sub(cur_pos) cur_pos = cur_pos - 1 success = pcall(update) end return true end) end -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80