--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @author Julien Danjou <julien@danjou.info> -- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou -- @release v3.4.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grab environment we need local client = client local table = table local type = type local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local aclient = require("awful.client") local atag = require("awful.tag") --- Apply rules to clients at startup. module("awful.rules") --- This is the global rules table. --

You should fill this table with your rule and properties to apply. -- For example, if you want to set xterm maximized at startup, you can add: --
-- -- { rule = { class = "xterm" }, -- properties = { maximized_vertical = true, maximized_horizontal = true } } -- --


If you want to set mplayer floating at startup, you can add: --
-- -- { rule = { name = "MPlayer" }, -- properties = { floating = true } } -- --


If you want to put Firefox on a specific tag at startup, you -- can add: --
-- -- { rule = { instance = "firefox" } -- properties = { tag = mytagobject } } -- --


If you want to put Emacs on a specific tag at startup, and -- immediately switch to that tag you can add: --
-- -- { rule = { class = "Emacs" } -- properties = { tag = mytagobject, switchtotag = true } } -- --


If you want to apply a custom callback to execute when a rule matched, you -- can add: --
-- -- { rule = { class = "dosbox" }, -- callback = awful.placement.centered } -- --


Note that all "rule" entries need to match. If any of the entry does not -- match, the rule won't be applied.


If a client matches multiple rules, their applied in the order they are -- put in this global rules table. If the value of a rule is a string, then the -- match function is used to determine if the client matches the rule.

-- --

To match multiple clients to a rule one need to use slightly different -- syntax: --
-- -- { rule_any = { class = { "MPlayer", "Nitrogen" }, instance = { "xterm" } }, -- properties = { floating = true } } -- --

-- -- @class table -- @name rules rules = {} --- Check if a client match a rule. -- @param c The client. -- @param rule The rule to check. -- @return True if it matches, false otherwise. function match(c, rule) for field, value in pairs(rule) do if c[field] then if type(c[field]) == "string" then if not c[field]:match(value) and c[field] ~= value then return false end elseif c[field] ~= value then return false end else return false end end return true end --- Check if a client match a rule. Multiple clients can be matched -- @param c The client. -- @param rules The rule to check. -- @return True if at least one rule is matched, false otherwise. function match_any(c, rule) for field, values in pairs(rule) do if c[field] then for _, value in ipairs(values) do if c[field] == value then return true elseif type(c[field]) == "string" and c[field]:match(value) then return true end end end end return false end --- Apply rules to a client. -- @param c The client. function apply(c) local props = {} local callbacks = {} for _, entry in ipairs(rules) do if (entry.rule and match(c, entry.rule)) or (entry.rule_any and match_any(c, entry.rule_any)) then if entry.properties then for property, value in pairs(entry.properties) do props[property] = value end end if entry.callback then table.insert(callbacks, entry.callback) end end end for property, value in pairs(props) do if property == "floating" then aclient.floating.set(c, value) elseif property == "tag" then c:tags({ value }) c.screen = value.screen elseif property == "switchtotag" and value and props.tag then atag.viewonly(props.tag) elseif property == "height" or property == "width" or property == "x" or property == "y" then local geo = c:geometry(); geo[property] = value c:geometry(geo); elseif type(c[property]) == "function" then c[property](c, value) else c[property] = value end end -- If untagged, stick the client on the current one. if #c:tags() == 0 then atag.withcurrent(c) end -- Apply all callbacks from matched rules. for i, callback in pairs(callbacks) do callback(c) end -- Do this at last so we do not erase things done by the focus -- signal. if props.focus then client.focus = c end end client.add_signal("manage", apply) client.remove_signal("manage", atag.withcurrent) -- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=80