2017-03-23 23:52:08 -05:00

258 lines
7.0 KiB

"use strict";
var vows = require('vows')
, assert = require('assert')
, sandbox = require('sandboxed-module')
, log4js = require('../../lib/log4js')
, realLayouts = require('../../lib/layouts')
, setupLogging = function(options, category, compressedLength) {
var fakeDgram = {
sent: false,
socket: {
packetLength: 0,
closed: false,
close: function() {
this.closed = true;
send: function(pkt, offset, pktLength, port, host) {
fakeDgram.sent = true;
this.packet = pkt;
this.offset = offset;
this.packetLength = pktLength;
this.port = port;
this.host = host;
createSocket: function(type) {
this.type = type;
return this.socket;
, fakeZlib = {
gzip: function(objectToCompress, callback) {
fakeZlib.uncompressed = objectToCompress;
if (this.shouldError) {
callback({ stack: "oh noes" });
if (compressedLength) {
callback(null, { length: compressedLength });
} else {
callback(null, "I've been compressed");
, exitHandler
, fakeConsole = {
error: function(message) {
this.message = message;
, fakeLayouts = {
layout: function(type, options) {
this.type = type;
this.options = options;
return realLayouts.messagePassThroughLayout;
messagePassThroughLayout: realLayouts.messagePassThroughLayout
, appender = sandbox.require('../../lib/appenders/gelf', {
requires: {
dgram: fakeDgram,
zlib: fakeZlib,
'../layouts': fakeLayouts
globals: {
process: {
on: function(evt, handler) {
if (evt === 'exit') {
exitHandler = handler;
console: fakeConsole
log4js.addAppender(appender.configure(options || {}), category || "gelf-test");
return {
dgram: fakeDgram,
compress: fakeZlib,
exitHandler: exitHandler,
console: fakeConsole,
layouts: fakeLayouts,
logger: log4js.getLogger(category || "gelf-test")
vows.describe('log4js gelfAppender').addBatch({
'with default gelfAppender settings': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging();
setup.logger.info("This is a test");
return setup;
'the dgram packet': {
topic: function(setup) {
return setup.dgram;
'should be sent via udp to the localhost gelf server': function(dgram) {
assert.equal(dgram.type, "udp4");
assert.equal(dgram.socket.host, "localhost");
assert.equal(dgram.socket.port, 12201);
assert.equal(dgram.socket.offset, 0);
assert.ok(dgram.socket.packetLength > 0, "Received blank message");
'should be compressed': function(dgram) {
assert.equal(dgram.socket.packet, "I've been compressed");
'the uncompressed log message': {
topic: function(setup) {
var message = JSON.parse(setup.compress.uncompressed);
return message;
'should be in the gelf format': function(message) {
assert.equal(message.version, '1.1');
assert.equal(message.host, require('os').hostname());
assert.equal(message.level, 6); //INFO
assert.equal(message.short_message, 'This is a test');
'with a message longer than 8k': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging(undefined, undefined, 10240);
return setup;
'the dgram packet': {
topic: function(setup) {
return setup.dgram;
'should not be sent': function(dgram) {
assert.equal(dgram.sent, false);
'with non-default options': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging({
host: 'somewhere',
port: 12345,
hostname: 'cheese',
facility: 'nonsense'
setup.logger.debug("Just testing.");
return setup;
'the dgram packet': {
topic: function(setup) {
return setup.dgram;
'should pick up the options': function(dgram) {
assert.equal(dgram.socket.host, 'somewhere');
assert.equal(dgram.socket.port, 12345);
'the uncompressed packet': {
topic: function(setup) {
var message = JSON.parse(setup.compress.uncompressed);
return message;
'should pick up the options': function(message) {
assert.equal(message.host, 'cheese');
assert.equal(message._facility, 'nonsense');
'on process.exit': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging();
return setup;
'should close open sockets': function(setup) {
'on zlib error': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging();
setup.compress.shouldError = true;
return setup;
'should output to console.error': function(setup) {
assert.equal(setup.console.message, 'oh noes');
'with layout in configuration': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging({
layout: {
type: 'madeuplayout',
earlgrey: 'yes, please'
return setup;
'should pass options to layout': function(setup) {
assert.equal(setup.layouts.type, 'madeuplayout');
assert.equal(setup.layouts.options.earlgrey, 'yes, please');
'with custom fields options': {
topic: function() {
var setup = setupLogging({
host: 'somewhere',
port: 12345,
hostname: 'cheese',
facility: 'nonsense',
customFields: {
_every1: 'Hello every one',
_every2: 'Hello every two'
var myFields = {
GELF: true,
_every2: 'Overwritten!',
_myField: 'This is my field!'
setup.logger.debug(myFields, "Just testing.");
return setup;
'the dgram packet': {
topic: function(setup) {
return setup.dgram;
'should pick up the options': function(dgram) {
assert.equal(dgram.socket.host, 'somewhere');
assert.equal(dgram.socket.port, 12345);
'the uncompressed packet': {
topic: function(setup) {
var message = JSON.parse(setup.compress.uncompressed);
return message;
'should pick up the options': function(message) {
assert.equal(message.host, 'cheese');
assert.isUndefined(message.GELF); // make sure flag was removed
assert.equal(message._facility, 'nonsense');
assert.equal(message._every1, 'Hello every one'); // the default value
assert.equal(message._every2, 'Overwritten!'); // the overwritten value
assert.equal(message._myField, 'This is my field!'); // the value for this message only
assert.equal(message.short_message, 'Just testing.'); // skip the field object