node.js formatting of Date objects as strings. Probably exactly the same as some other library out there.
npm install date-format
var format = require('date-format');
format.asString(new Date()); //defaults to ISO8601 format
format.asString('hh:mm:ss.SSS', new Date()); //just the time
Format string can be anything, but the following letters will be replaced (and leading zeroes added if necessary):
- dd - date.getDate()
- MM - date.getMonth() + 1
- yy - date.getFullYear().toString().substring(2, 4)
- yyyy - date.getFullYear()
- hh - date.getHours()
- mm - date.getMinutes()
- ss - date.getSeconds()
- SSS - date.getMilliseconds()
- O - timezone offset in +hm format
That's it.