"use strict"; var BaseRollingFileStream = require('./BaseRollingFileStream') , debug = require('debug')('streamroller:RollingFileStream') , util = require('util') , path = require('path') , child_process = require('child_process') , fs = require('fs'); module.exports = RollingFileStream; function RollingFileStream (filename, size, backups, options) { //if you don't specify a size, this will behave like a normal file stream this.size = size || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; this.backups = backups || 1; function throwErrorIfArgumentsAreNotValid() { if (!filename || size <= 0) { throw new Error("You must specify a filename and file size"); } } throwErrorIfArgumentsAreNotValid(); RollingFileStream.super_.call(this, filename, options); } util.inherits(RollingFileStream, BaseRollingFileStream); RollingFileStream.prototype.shouldRoll = function() { debug("should roll with current size " + this.currentSize + " and max size " + this.size); return this.currentSize >= this.size; }; RollingFileStream.prototype.roll = function(filename, callback) { var that = this, nameMatcher = new RegExp('^' + path.basename(filename)); function justTheseFiles (item) { return nameMatcher.test(item); } function index(filename_) { debug('Calculating index of '+filename_); return parseInt(filename_.substring((path.basename(filename) + '.').length), 10) || 0; } function byIndex(a, b) { if (index(a) > index(b)) { return 1; } else if (index(a) < index(b) ) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } function increaseFileIndex (fileToRename, cb) { var idx = index(fileToRename); debug('Index of ' + fileToRename + ' is ' + idx); if (idx < that.backups) { var ext = path.extname(fileToRename); var destination = filename + '.' + (idx+1); if (that.options.compress && /^gz$/.test(ext.substring(1))) { destination+=ext; } //on windows, you can get a EEXIST error if you rename a file to an existing file //so, we'll try to delete the file we're renaming to first fs.unlink(destination, function (err) { //ignore err: if we could not delete, it's most likely that it doesn't exist debug('Renaming ' + fileToRename + ' -> ' + destination); fs.rename(path.join(path.dirname(filename), fileToRename), destination, function(err) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { if (that.options.compress && ext!=".gz") { that.compress(destination, cb); } else { cb(); } } }); }); } else { cb(); } } function renameTheFiles(cb) { //roll the backups (rename file.n to file.n+1, where n <= numBackups) debug("Renaming the old files"); fs.readdir(path.dirname(filename), function (err, files) { if (err) { return cb(err); } var filesToProcess = files.filter(justTheseFiles).sort(byIndex); (function processOne(err) { var file = filesToProcess.pop(); if (!file || err) { return cb(err); } increaseFileIndex(file, processOne); })(); }); } debug("Rolling, rolling, rolling"); this.closeTheStream( renameTheFiles.bind(null, this.openTheStream.bind(this, callback))); };