"use strict"; var vows = require('vows') , assert = require('assert') , path = require('path') , sandbox = require('sandboxed-module'); vows.describe('log4js-abspath').addBatch({ 'options': { topic: function() { var appenderOptions, log4js = sandbox.require( '../../lib/log4js', { requires: { './appenders/fake': { name: "fake", appender: function() {}, configure: function(configuration, options) { appenderOptions = options; return function() {}; } } } } ), config = { "appenders": [ { "type" : "fake", "filename" : "cheesy-wotsits.log" } ] }; log4js.configure(config, { cwd: '/absolute/path/to' }); return appenderOptions; }, 'should be passed to appenders during configuration': function(options) { assert.equal(options.cwd, '/absolute/path/to'); } }, 'file appender': { topic: function() { var fileOpened, fileAppender = sandbox.require( '../../lib/appenders/file', { requires: { 'streamroller': { RollingFileStream: function(file) { fileOpened = file; return { on: function() {}, end: function() {} }; } } } } ); fileAppender.configure( { filename: "whatever.log", maxLogSize: 10 }, { cwd: '/absolute/path/to' } ); return fileOpened; }, 'should prepend options.cwd to config.filename': function(fileOpened) { var expected = path.sep + path.join("absolute", "path", "to", "whatever.log"); assert.equal(fileOpened, expected); } }, }).export(module);