"use strict"; var vows = require('vows') , fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , sandbox = require('sandboxed-module') , log4js = require('../../lib/log4js') , assert = require('assert') , EOL = require('os').EOL || '\n'; log4js.clearAppenders(); function remove(filename) { try { fs.unlinkSync(filename); } catch (e) { //doesn't really matter if it failed } } vows.describe('log4js fileSyncAppender').addBatch({ 'with default fileSyncAppender settings': { topic: function() { var that = this , testFile = path.join(__dirname, '/fa-default-sync-test.log') , logger = log4js.getLogger('default-settings'); remove(testFile); log4js.clearAppenders(); log4js.addAppender( require('../../lib/appenders/fileSync').appender(testFile), 'default-settings' ); logger.info("This should be in the file."); fs.readFile(testFile, "utf8", that.callback); }, 'should write log messages to the file': function (err, fileContents) { assert.include(fileContents, "This should be in the file." + EOL); }, 'log messages should be in the basic layout format': function(err, fileContents) { assert.match( fileContents, /\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}\] \[INFO\] default-settings - / ); } }, 'with a max file size and no backups': { topic: function() { var testFile = path.join(__dirname, '/fa-maxFileSize-sync-test.log') , logger = log4js.getLogger('max-file-size') , that = this; remove(testFile); remove(testFile + '.1'); //log file of 100 bytes maximum, no backups log4js.clearAppenders(); log4js.addAppender( require( '../../lib/appenders/fileSync' ).appender( testFile, log4js.layouts.basicLayout, 100, 0 ), 'max-file-size' ); logger.info("This is the first log message."); logger.info("This is an intermediate log message."); logger.info("This is the second log message."); fs.readFile(testFile, "utf8", that.callback); }, 'log file should only contain the second message': function (err, fileContents) { assert.include(fileContents, "This is the second log message." + EOL); assert.equal(fileContents.indexOf("This is the first log message."), -1); }, 'the number of files': { topic: function() { fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback); }, 'starting with the test file name should be two': function(err, files) { //there will always be one backup if you've specified a max log size var logFiles = files.filter( function(file) { return file.indexOf('fa-maxFileSize-sync-test.log') > -1; } ); assert.equal(logFiles.length, 2); } } }, 'with a max file size and 2 backups': { topic: function() { var testFile = path.join(__dirname, '/fa-maxFileSize-with-backups-sync-test.log') , logger = log4js.getLogger('max-file-size-backups'); remove(testFile); remove(testFile+'.1'); remove(testFile+'.2'); //log file of 50 bytes maximum, 2 backups log4js.clearAppenders(); log4js.addAppender( require('../../lib/appenders/fileSync').appender( testFile, log4js.layouts.basicLayout, 50, 2 ), 'max-file-size-backups' ); logger.info("This is the first log message."); logger.info("This is the second log message."); logger.info("This is the third log message."); logger.info("This is the fourth log message."); var that = this; fs.readdir(__dirname, function(err, files) { if (files) { that.callback(null, files.sort()); } else { that.callback(err, files); } }); }, 'the log files': { topic: function(files) { var logFiles = files.filter( function(file) { return file.indexOf('fa-maxFileSize-with-backups-sync-test.log') > -1; } ); return logFiles; }, 'should be 3': function (files) { assert.equal(files.length, 3); }, 'should be named in sequence': function (files) { assert.deepEqual(files, [ 'fa-maxFileSize-with-backups-sync-test.log', 'fa-maxFileSize-with-backups-sync-test.log.1', 'fa-maxFileSize-with-backups-sync-test.log.2' ]); }, 'and the contents of the first file': { topic: function(logFiles) { fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, logFiles[0]), "utf8", this.callback); }, 'should be the last log message': function(contents) { assert.include(contents, 'This is the fourth log message.'); } }, 'and the contents of the second file': { topic: function(logFiles) { fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, logFiles[1]), "utf8", this.callback); }, 'should be the third log message': function(contents) { assert.include(contents, 'This is the third log message.'); } }, 'and the contents of the third file': { topic: function(logFiles) { fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, logFiles[2]), "utf8", this.callback); }, 'should be the second log message': function(contents) { assert.include(contents, 'This is the second log message.'); } } } } }).addBatch({ 'configure' : { 'with fileSyncAppender': { topic: function() { var log4js = require('../../lib/log4js') , logger; //this config defines one file appender (to ./tmp-sync-tests.log) //and sets the log level for "tests" to WARN log4js.configure({ appenders: [{ category: "tests", type: "file", filename: "tmp-sync-tests.log", layout: { type: "messagePassThrough" } }], levels: { tests: "WARN" } }); logger = log4js.getLogger('tests'); logger.info('this should not be written to the file'); logger.warn('this should be written to the file'); fs.readFile('tmp-sync-tests.log', 'utf8', this.callback); }, 'should load appender configuration from a json file': function(err, contents) { assert.include(contents, 'this should be written to the file' + EOL); assert.equal(contents.indexOf('this should not be written to the file'), -1); } } } }).export(module);