"use strict"; var path = require('path') , log4js = require('../lib/log4js'); log4js.configure( { appenders: [ { type: "file", filename: "important-things.log", maxLogSize: 10*1024*1024, // = 10Mb numBackups: 5, // keep five backup files compress: true, // compress the backups encoding: 'utf-8', mode: parseInt('0640', 8), flags: 'w+' }, { type: "dateFile", filename: "more-important-things.log", pattern: "yyyy-MM-dd-hh", compress: true }, { type: "stdout" } ] } ); var logger = log4js.getLogger('things'); logger.debug("This little thing went to market"); logger.info("This little thing stayed at home"); logger.error("This little thing had roast beef"); logger.fatal("This little thing had none"); logger.trace("and this little thing went wee, wee, wee, all the way home.");