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2017-03-24 04:52:08 +00:00
"use strict";
var BaseRollingFileStream = require('./BaseRollingFileStream')
, debug = require('debug')('streamroller:DateRollingFileStream')
, format = require('date-format')
, fs = require('fs')
, path = require('path')
, util = require('util');
module.exports = DateRollingFileStream;
function findTimestampFromFileIfExists(filename, now) {
return fs.existsSync(filename) ? fs.statSync(filename).mtime : new Date(now());
function DateRollingFileStream(filename, pattern, options, now) {
debug("Now is ", now);
if (pattern && typeof(pattern) === 'object') {
now = options;
options = pattern;
pattern = null;
this.pattern = pattern || '.yyyy-MM-dd';
this.now = now || Date.now;
this.lastTimeWeWroteSomething = format.asString(
findTimestampFromFileIfExists(filename, this.now)
this.baseFilename = filename;
this.alwaysIncludePattern = false;
if (options) {
if (options.alwaysIncludePattern) {
this.alwaysIncludePattern = true;
filename = this.baseFilename + this.lastTimeWeWroteSomething;
delete options.alwaysIncludePattern;
if (Object.keys(options).length === 0) {
options = null;
debug("this.now is ", this.now, ", now is ", now);
DateRollingFileStream.super_.call(this, filename, options);
util.inherits(DateRollingFileStream, BaseRollingFileStream);
DateRollingFileStream.prototype.shouldRoll = function () {
var lastTime = this.lastTimeWeWroteSomething,
thisTime = format.asString(this.pattern, new Date(this.now()));
debug("DateRollingFileStream.shouldRoll with now = ",
this.now(), ", thisTime = ", thisTime, ", lastTime = ", lastTime);
this.lastTimeWeWroteSomething = thisTime;
this.previousTime = lastTime;
return thisTime !== lastTime;
DateRollingFileStream.prototype.roll = function (filename, callback) {
var that = this;
debug("Starting roll");
if (this.alwaysIncludePattern) {
this.filename = this.baseFilename + this.lastTimeWeWroteSomething;
this.compressIfNeeded.bind(this, filename,
this.openTheStream.bind(this, callback))));
} else {
var newFilename = this.baseFilename + this.previousTime;
this.compressIfNeeded.bind(this, newFilename,
this.openTheStream.bind(this, callback))))));
function deleteAnyExistingFile(cb) {
//on windows, you can get a EEXIST error if you rename a file to an existing file
//so, we'll try to delete the file we're renaming to first
fs.unlink(newFilename, function (err) {
//ignore err: if we could not delete, it's most likely that it doesn't exist
function renameTheCurrentFile(cb) {
debug("Renaming the ", filename, " -> ", newFilename);
fs.rename(filename, newFilename, cb);
DateRollingFileStream.prototype.compressIfNeeded = function (filename, cb) {
debug("Checking if we need to compress the old file");
if (this.options.compress) {
this.compress(filename, cb);
} else {
DateRollingFileStream.prototype.removeOldFilesIfNeeded = function (cb) {
debug("Checking if we need to delete old files");
if (this.options.daysToKeep && this.options.daysToKeep > 0) {
var oldestDate = new Date(this.now() - (this.options.daysToKeep * (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)));
debug("Will delete any log files modified before ", oldestDate.toString());
DateRollingFileStream.prototype.removeFilesOlderThan = function (oldestDate) {
// Loop through any log files and delete any whose mtime is earlier than oldestDate
var dirToScan = path.dirname(this.baseFilename);
var fileToMatch = path.basename(this.baseFilename);
var filesToCheck = fs.readdirSync(dirToScan).filter(function (file) {
return file.indexOf(fileToMatch) > -1;
for (var i = 0; i < filesToCheck.length; i++) {
var fileToCheck = path.join(dirToScan, filesToCheck[i]);
var fileStats = fs.statSync(fileToCheck);
if (fileStats.mtime < oldestDate) {
debug("Deleting old log ", filesToCheck);