225 lines
12 KiB
225 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord.Commands;
using NadekoBot;
using System.Drawing;
using NadekoBot.Extensions;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace NadekoBot.Commands {
class LoLCommands : DiscordCommand {
public override Func<CommandEventArgs, Task> DoFunc() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
class MatchupModel {
public int Games { get; set; }
public float WinRate { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public float StatScore { get; set; }
public override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb) {
.Description("Checks champion statistic for a lol champion.")
.Parameter("champ", ParameterType.Required)
.Parameter("position", ParameterType.Unparsed)
.Do(async e => {
try {
//get role
string role = ResolvePos(e.GetArg("position"));
var name = e.GetArg("champ").Replace(" ","");
var allData = JArray.Parse(await Classes.SearchHelper.GetResponseAsync($"http://api.champion.gg/champion/{name}?api_key={NadekoBot.creds.LOLAPIKey}"));
JToken data = null;
if (role != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < allData.Count; i++) {
if (allData[i]["role"].ToString().Equals(role)) {
data = allData[i];
if (data == null) {
await e.Channel.SendMessage("💢 Data for that role does not exist.");
else {
data = allData[0];
role = allData[0]["role"].ToString();
//name = data["title"].ToString();
// get all possible roles, and "select" the shown one
var roles = new string[allData.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < allData.Count; i++) {
roles[i] = allData[i]["role"].ToString();
if (roles[i] == role)
roles[i] = ">" + roles[i] + "<";
var general = JArray.Parse(await Classes.SearchHelper.GetResponseAsync($"http://api.champion.gg/stats/champs/{name}?api_key={NadekoBot.creds.LOLAPIKey}"))
.Where(jt => jt["role"].ToString() == role)
if (general == null) {
Console.WriteLine("General is null.");
//get build data for this role
var buildData = data["items"]["mostGames"]["items"];
var items = new string[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
items[i] = buildData[i]["id"].ToString();
//get matchup data to show counters and countered champions
var matchupDataIE = data["matchups"].ToObject<List<MatchupModel>>();
var matchupData = matchupDataIE.OrderBy(m => m.StatScore).ToArray();
var countered = new[] { matchupData[0].Name, matchupData[1].Name, matchupData[2].Name };
var counters = new[] { matchupData[matchupData.Length - 1].Name, matchupData[matchupData.Length - 2].Name, matchupData[matchupData.Length - 3].Name };
//get runes data
var runesJArray = data["runes"]["mostGames"]["runes"] as JArray;
var runes = string.Join("\n", runesJArray.OrderBy(jt => int.Parse(jt["number"].ToString())).Select(jt => jt["number"].ToString() + "x" + jt["name"]));
// get masteries data
var masteries = (data["masteries"]["mostGames"]["masteries"] as JArray);
//get skill order data<API_KEY>
var orderArr = (data["skills"]["mostGames"]["order"] as JArray);
//todo save this for at least 1 hour
Image img = Image.FromFile("data/lol/bg.png");
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img)) {
g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
//g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
int statsFontSize = 15;
int margin = 5;
int imageSize = 75;
var normalFont = new Font("Monaco", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
var smallFont = new Font("Monaco", 7, FontStyle.Regular);
//draw champ image
g.DrawImage(Image.FromFile($"data/lol/champions/{name}.png"), new Rectangle(margin, margin, imageSize, imageSize));
//draw champ name
g.DrawString($"{data["key"]}", new Font("Times New Roman", 25, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin + imageSize + margin, margin);
//draw champ surname
//draw skill order
float orderFormula = 120 / orderArr.Count;
float orderVerticalSpacing = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < orderArr.Count; i++) {
float orderX = margin + margin + imageSize + orderFormula * i + i;
float orderY = margin + 35;
string spellName = orderArr[i].ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
if (spellName == "w")
orderY += orderVerticalSpacing;
else if (spellName == "e")
orderY += orderVerticalSpacing * 2;
else if (spellName == "r")
orderY += orderVerticalSpacing * 3;
g.DrawString(spellName.ToUpperInvariant(), new Font("Monaco", 7), Brushes.LimeGreen, orderX, orderY);
//draw roles
g.DrawString("Roles: " + string.Join(", ", roles), normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, margin + imageSize + margin);
//draw average stats
$@" Average Stats
Kills: {general["kills"]} CS: {general["minionsKilled"]}
Deaths: {general["deaths"]} Win: {general["winPercent"]}%
Assists: {general["assists"]} Ban: {general["banRate"]}%
", normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, img.Width - 150, margin);
//draw masteries
g.DrawString($"Masteries: {string.Join(" / ", masteries?.Select(jt => jt["total"]))}", normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, margin + imageSize + margin + 20);
//draw runes
g.DrawString($"{runes}", smallFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, margin + imageSize + margin + 40);
//draw counters
g.DrawString($"Best against", smallFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, img.Height - imageSize + margin);
int smallImgSize = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++) {
g.DrawImage(Image.FromFile("data/lol/champions/" + counters[i] + ".png"),
new Rectangle(i * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin, img.Height - smallImgSize - margin,
//draw countered by
g.DrawString($"Worst against", smallFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, img.Width - 3 * (smallImgSize + margin), img.Height - imageSize + margin);
for (int i = 0; i < countered.Length; i++) {
int j = countered.Length - i;
g.DrawImage(Image.FromFile("data/lol/champions/" + countered[i] + ".png"),
new Rectangle(img.Width - (j * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin), img.Height - smallImgSize - margin,
//draw item build
g.DrawString("Popular build", normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, img.Width - (3 * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin), 77);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var inverse_i = 5 - i;
var j = inverse_i % 3 + 1;
var k = inverse_i / 3;
g.DrawImage(Image.FromFile("data/lol/items/" + items[i] + ".png"),
new Rectangle(img.Width - (j * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin), 92 + k * (smallImgSize + margin),
await e.Channel.SendFile(data["title"] + "_stats.png", img.ToStream(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png));
catch (Exception ex) {
await e.Channel.SendMessage("💢 Failed retreiving data for that champion.");
private string ResolvePos(string pos) {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pos))
return null;
switch (pos.ToLowerInvariant()) {
case "m":
case "mid":
case "midorfeed":
case "midd":
case "middle":
return "Middle";
case "top":
case "topp":
case "t":
case "toporfeed":
return "Top";
case "j":
case "jun":
case "jungl":
case "jungle":
return "Jungle";
case "a":
case "ad":
case "adc":
case "carry":
case "ad carry":
case "adcarry":
case "c":
return "ADC";
case "s":
case "sup":
case "supp":
case "support":
return "Support";
return pos;