MaybeGoogle 0e6dd6039f
Reformatted to be consistent
Removed google account from prereqs
Moved homebrew installation cmds to prereqs
Moved discord application setup to prereqs
Moved the manual update (from 1.x) to manual updates
Deleted music section; explained in json explanations.
Moved checking ffmpeg to bottom
Moved running the bot out from tmux and into a new category for running the bot
Made a section for tmux
Deleted screen bc theres no point in confusing ppl with two options
deleted some extra info that shouldnt be a problem (like dont rename, run these commands in, etc)
2017-11-25 23:53:43 -06:00

4.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

Setting Up NadekoBot on OSX (macOS)


Installing dependencies with Homebrew

In terminal:

brew install wget
brew install git
brew install ffmpeg
brew update && brew upgrade ffmpeg
brew install openssl
brew install opus
brew install opus-tools
brew install opusfile
brew install libffi
brew install libsodium
brew install tmux
brew install python
brew install youtube-dl
brew install redis
brew services start redis

Installing .NET Core SDK

  • ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
  • ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
  • Download the .NET Core SDK
  • Open the .pkg file you downloaded and install it.
  • ln -s /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin

Installing xcode-select

  • xcode-select --install

A dialog box will open asking if you want to install xcode-select. Select install and finish the installation.

Getting Nadeko Ready to Run

cd ~ && wget -N && bash Choose 1. Download NadekoBot Once Installation is completed you should see the options again.

Find and edit the credentials.json according to this guide.

Choose 6 (exit) if you would like to pause. Otherwise, continue.

Running NadekoBot

If you aren't seeing the six options in terminal, run cd ~ && wget -N && bash

The options: 2. Run Nadeko (Normally)

If you shut down the bot with .die, it will stay offline until you manually run it again.

3. Run Nadeko with Auto Restart

If you shut down the bot with .die, it will stay restart automatically. To stop the bot, stop the bot proccess (close terminal)

Option 3 will show you some more options:

  • 1. Run Auto Restart normally without Updating.: Bot will restart on die command and will not be downloading the latest build available.
  • 2. Run Auto Restart and update NadekoBot. Bot will restart and download the latest build available everytime die command is used.

Running with terminal closed

Create a new Session:

tmux new -s nadeko
This will create a new session named nadeko (you can replace “nadeko” with anything you prefer, as long as you remember your session name)

Run the bot in this session. Detatch the session: ^b d

Attatching a detatched session tmux a -t nadeko

Remember that while running with Auto Restart, closing the terminal won't stop the bot proccess. To stop the bot from terminal: tmux kill-session -t nadeko

Updating Nadeko

  • Stop the bot, and make sure it is not running.
  • Create a new tmux session if you are using tmux.
  • cd ~ && wget -N && bash
  • Choose 1 to update the bot with latest build available.
  • Choose 2 or 3 to run the bot again.

Doing a clean reinstall

  • Make a backup of your credentials (~/NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot/credentials.json)
  • Make a backup of the database (~/NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/data/NadekoBot.db)
  • Delete the NadekoBot folder
  • Reinstall, replace the files you backed up, and run.

Help! My music isn't working!

Make sure you have the Google API Key in your credentials.json If music still isn't working, try reinstalling ffmpeg:

  • brew options ffmpeg
  • brew install ffmpeg --with-x --with-y --with-z etc.
  • brew update && brew upgrade (Update formulae and Homebrew itself && Install newer versions of outdated packages)
  • brew prune (Remove dead symlinks from Homebrews prefix)
  • brew doctor (Check your Homebrew installation for common issues)
  • Then try brew install ffmpeg again.