using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using NadekoBot.Attributes; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Text; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using System.Reflection; using NadekoBot.Services.Impl; using System.Net.Http; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Threading; using ImageSharp; using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Discord.WebSocket; using NadekoBot.Services; namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Utility { [NadekoModule("Utility", ".")] public partial class Utility : NadekoTopLevelModule { private static ConcurrentDictionary rotatingRoleColors = new ConcurrentDictionary(); //[NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] //[RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] //public async Task Midorina([Remainder] string arg) //{ // var channel = (ITextChannel)Context.Channel; // var roleNames = arg?.Split(';'); // if (roleNames == null || roleNames.Length == 0) // return; // var j = 0; // var roles = roleNames.Select(x => Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => String.Compare(r.Name, x, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)) // .Where(x => x != null) // .Take(10) // .ToArray(); // var rnd = new NadekoRandom(); // var reactions = new[] { "šŸŽ¬", "šŸ§", "šŸŒ", "šŸŒŗ", "šŸš€", "ā˜€", "šŸŒ²", "šŸ’", "šŸ¾", "šŸ€" } // .OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()) // .ToArray(); // var roleStrings = roles // .Select(x => $"{reactions[j++]} -> {x.Name}"); // var msg = await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync("Pick a Role", // string.Join("\n", roleStrings)).ConfigureAwait(false); // for (int i = 0; i < roles.Length; i++) // { // try { await msg.AddReactionAsync(reactions[i]).ConfigureAwait(false); } // catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex); } // await Task.Delay(1000).ConfigureAwait(false); // } // msg.OnReaction((r) => Task.Run(async () => // { // try // { // var usr = r.User.GetValueOrDefault() as IGuildUser; // if (usr == null) // return; // var index = Array.IndexOf(reactions, r.Emoji.Name); // if (index == -1) // return; // await usr.RemoveRolesAsync(roles[index]); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // _log.Warn(ex); // } // }), (r) => Task.Run(async () => // { // try // { // var usr = r.User.GetValueOrDefault() as IGuildUser; // if (usr == null) // return; // var index = Array.IndexOf(reactions, r.Emoji.Name); // if (index == -1) // return; // await usr.RemoveRolesAsync(roles[index]); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // _log.Warn(ex); // } // })); //} [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] [RequireUserPermission(GuildPermission.ManageRoles)] [OwnerOnly] public async Task RotateRoleColor(int timeout, IRole role, params string[] hexes) { var channel = (ITextChannel)Context.Channel; if ((timeout < 60 && timeout != 0) || timeout > 3600) return; Timer t; if (timeout == 0 || hexes.Length == 0) { if (rotatingRoleColors.TryRemove(role.Id, out t)) { t.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); await channel.SendConfirmAsync($"Stopped rotating colors for the **{role.Name}** role").ConfigureAwait(false); } return; } var hexColors = hexes.Select(hex => { try { return (ImageSharp.Color?)ImageSharp.Color.FromHex(hex.Replace("#", "")); } catch { return null; } }) .Where(c => c != null) .Select(c => c.Value) .ToArray(); if (!hexColors.Any()) { await channel.SendMessageAsync("No colors are in the correct format. Use `#00ff00` for example.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var images = hexColors.Select(color => { var img = new ImageSharp.Image(50, 50); img.BackgroundColor(color); return img; }).Merge().ToStream(); var i = 0; t = new Timer(async (_) => { try { var color = hexColors[i]; await role.ModifyAsync(r => r.Color = new Discord.Color(color.R, color.G, color.B)).ConfigureAwait(false); ++i; if (i >= hexColors.Length) i = 0; } catch { } }, null, 0, timeout * 1000); rotatingRoleColors.AddOrUpdate(role.Id, t, (key, old) => { old.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); return t; }); await channel.SendFileAsync(images, "magicalgirl.jpg", $"Rotating **{role.Name}** role's color.").ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] public async Task TogetherTube() { Uri target; using (var http = new HttpClient()) { var res = await http.GetAsync("").ConfigureAwait(false); target = res.RequestMessage.RequestUri; } await Context.Channel.EmbedAsync(new EmbedBuilder().WithOkColor() .WithAuthor(eab => eab.WithIconUrl("") .WithName("Together Tube") .WithUrl("")) .WithDescription($"{Context.User.Mention} Here is your room link:\n{target}")); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task WhosPlaying([Remainder] string game = null) { game = game.Trim().ToUpperInvariant(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(game)) return; var socketGuild = Context.Guild as SocketGuild; if (socketGuild == null) { _log.Warn("Can't cast guild to socket guild."); return; } var rng = new NadekoRandom(); var arr = await Task.Run(() => socketGuild.Users .Where(u => u.Game?.Name?.ToUpperInvariant() == game) .Select(u => u.Username) .OrderBy(x => rng.Next()) .Take(60) .ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false); int i = 0; if (arr.Length == 0) await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync("Nobody is playing that game.").ConfigureAwait(false); else { await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync("```css\n" + string.Join("\n", arr.GroupBy(item => (i++) / 2) .Select(ig => string.Concat(ig.Select(el => $"ā€¢ {el,-27}")))) + "\n```") .ConfigureAwait(false); } } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task InRole([Remainder] string roles) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roles)) return; var arg = roles.Split(',').Select(r => r.Trim().ToUpperInvariant()); string send = "ā„¹ļø **Here is a list of users in those roles:**"; foreach (var roleStr in arg.Where(str => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) && str != "@EVERYONE" && str != "EVERYONE")) { var role = Context.Guild.Roles.Where(r => r.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == roleStr).FirstOrDefault(); if (role == null) continue; send += $"```css\n[{role.Name}]\n"; send += string.Join(", ", (await Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync()).Where(u => u.RoleIds.Contains(role.Id)).Select(u => u.ToString())); send += $"\n```"; } var usr = Context.User as IGuildUser; while (send.Length > 2000) { if (!usr.GetPermissions((ITextChannel)Context.Channel).ManageMessages) { await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync($"āš ļø {usr.Mention} **you are not allowed to use this command on roles with a lot of users in them to prevent abuse.**").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var curstr = send.Substring(0, 2000); await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync(curstr.Substring(0, curstr.LastIndexOf(", ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1)).ConfigureAwait(false); send = curstr.Substring(curstr.LastIndexOf(", ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + send.Substring(2000); } await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync(send).ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task CheckMyPerms() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("```http\n"); var user = Context.User as IGuildUser; var perms = user.GetPermissions((ITextChannel)Context.Channel); foreach (var p in perms.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => !p.GetGetMethod().GetParameters().Any())) { builder.AppendLine($"{p.Name} : {p.GetValue(perms, null).ToString()}"); } builder.Append("```"); await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync(builder.ToString()); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task UserId(IGuildUser target = null) { var usr = target ?? Context.User; await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync($"šŸ†” of the user **{ usr.Username }** is `{ usr.Id }`").ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] public async Task ChannelId() { await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync($"šŸ†” of this channel is `{Context.Channel.Id}`").ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task ServerId() { await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync($"šŸ†” of this server is `{Context.Guild.Id}`").ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task Roles(IGuildUser target, int page = 1) { var channel = (ITextChannel)Context.Channel; var guild = channel.Guild; const int RolesPerPage = 20; if (page < 1 || page > 100) return; if (target != null) { var roles = target.GetRoles().Except(new[] { guild.EveryoneRole }).OrderBy(r => -r.Position).Skip((page - 1) * RolesPerPage).Take(RolesPerPage); if (!roles.Any()) { await channel.SendErrorAsync("No roles on this page.").ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await channel.SendConfirmAsync($"āš” **Page #{page} of roles for {target.Username}**", $"```css\nā€¢ " + string.Join("\nā€¢ ", roles).SanitizeMentions() + "\n```").ConfigureAwait(false); } } else { var roles = guild.Roles.Except(new[] { guild.EveryoneRole }).OrderBy(r => -r.Position).Skip((page - 1) * RolesPerPage).Take(RolesPerPage); if (!roles.Any()) { await channel.SendErrorAsync("No roles on this page.").ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await channel.SendConfirmAsync($"āš” **Page #{page} of all roles on this server:**", $"```css\nā€¢ " + string.Join("\nā€¢ ", roles).SanitizeMentions() + "\n```").ConfigureAwait(false); } } } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public Task Roles(int page = 1) => Roles(null, page); [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] public async Task ChannelTopic([Remainder]ITextChannel channel = null) { if (channel == null) channel = (ITextChannel)Context.Channel; var topic = channel.Topic; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic)) await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync("No topic set.").ConfigureAwait(false); else await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync("Channel topic", topic).ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] [RequireBotPermission(ChannelPermission.CreateInstantInvite)] [RequireUserPermission(ChannelPermission.CreateInstantInvite)] public async Task CreateInvite() { var invite = await ((ITextChannel)Context.Channel).CreateInviteAsync(0, null, isUnique: true); await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}{invite.Code}"); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] public async Task ShardStats(int page = 1) { if (page < 1) return; var status = string.Join(", ", NadekoBot.Client.Shards.GroupBy(x => x.ConnectionState) .Select(x => $"{x.Count()} shards {x.Key}") .ToArray()); var allShardStrings = NadekoBot.Client.Shards .Select(x => $"Shard **#{x.ShardId.ToString()}** is in {Format.Bold(x.ConnectionState.ToString())} state with {Format.Bold(x.Guilds.Count.ToString())} servers") .ToArray(); await Context.Channel.SendPaginatedConfirmAsync(page, (curPage) => { var str = string.Join("\n", allShardStrings.Skip(25 * (curPage - 1)).Take(25)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) str = "No shards on this page."; return new EmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor(a => a.WithName("Shard Stats")) .WithTitle(status) .WithOkColor() .WithDescription(str); }, allShardStrings.Length / 25); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] public async Task ShardId(ulong guildid) { var shardId = NadekoBot.Client.GetShardIdFor(guildid); await Context.Channel.SendConfirmAsync($"ShardId for **{guildid}** with {NadekoBot.Client.Shards.Count} total shards", shardId.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] public async Task Stats() { var stats = NadekoBot.Stats; var shardId = Context.Guild != null ? NadekoBot.Client.GetShardIdFor(Context.Guild.Id) : 0; await Context.Channel.EmbedAsync( new EmbedBuilder().WithOkColor() .WithAuthor(eab => eab.WithName($"NadekoBot v{StatsService.BotVersion}") .WithUrl("") .WithIconUrl("")) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Author")).WithValue(stats.Author).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Bot ID")).WithValue(NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id.ToString()).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Shard")).WithValue($"#{shardId}, {NadekoBot.Client.Shards.Count} total").WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Commands Ran")).WithValue(stats.CommandsRan.ToString()).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Messages")).WithValue($"{stats.MessageCounter} ({stats.MessagesPerSecond:F2}/sec)").WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Memory")).WithValue($"{stats.Heap} MB").WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Owner ID(s)")).WithValue(string.Join("\n", NadekoBot.Credentials.OwnerIds)).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Uptime")).WithValue(stats.GetUptimeString("\n")).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(efb => efb.WithName(Format.Bold("Presence")).WithValue($"{NadekoBot.Client.GetGuildCount()} Servers\n{stats.TextChannels} Text Channels\n{stats.VoiceChannels} Voice Channels").WithIsInline(true)) #if !GLOBAL_NADEKO .WithFooter(efb => efb.WithText($"Playing {Music.Music.MusicPlayers.Where(mp => mp.Value.CurrentSong != null).Count()} songs, {Music.Music.MusicPlayers.Sum(mp => mp.Value.Playlist.Count)} queued.")) #endif ); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] public async Task Showemojis([Remainder] string emojis) { var tags = Context.Message.Tags.Where(t => t.Type == TagType.Emoji).Select(t => (Emoji)t.Value); var result = string.Join("\n", tags.Select(m => $"**Name:** {m} **Link:** {m.Url}")); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result)) await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync("No special emojis found."); else await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result).ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [OwnerOnly] public async Task ListServers(int page = 1) { page -= 1; if (page < 0) return; var guilds = await Task.Run(() => NadekoBot.Client.GetGuilds().OrderBy(g => g.Name).Skip((page - 1) * 15).Take(15)).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!guilds.Any()) { await Context.Channel.SendErrorAsync("No servers found on that page.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await Context.Channel.EmbedAsync(guilds.Aggregate(new EmbedBuilder().WithOkColor(), (embed, g) => embed.AddField(efb => efb.WithName(g.Name) .WithValue($"```css\nID: {g.Id}\nMembers: {g.Users.Count}\nOwnerID: {g.OwnerId} ```") .WithIsInline(false)))) .ConfigureAwait(false); } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] [OwnerOnly] public async Task SaveChat(int cnt) { var msgs = new List(cnt); await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(cnt).ForEachAsync(dled => msgs.AddRange(dled)).ConfigureAwait(false); var title = $"Chatlog-{Context.Guild.Name}/#{Context.Channel.Name}-{DateTime.Now}.txt"; var grouping = msgs.GroupBy(x => $"{x.CreatedAt.Date:dd.MM.yyyy}") .Select(g => new { date = g.Key, messages = g.OrderBy(x => x.CreatedAt).Select(s => $"怐{s.Timestamp:HH:mm:ss}怑{s.Author}:" + s.ToString()) }); await Context.User.SendFileAsync( await JsonConvert.SerializeObject(grouping, Formatting.Indented).ToStream().ConfigureAwait(false), title, title).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }