using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Discord.Commands; using NadekoBot.Services; using NadekoBot.Services.Database.Models; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using NadekoBot.Services.Database; using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite; using NadekoBot.Common.Attributes; using NadekoBot.Common.Collections; using NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Common.Migration; namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Administration { public partial class Administration { [Group] public class MigrationCommands : NadekoSubmodule { private const int CURRENT_VERSION = 1; private readonly DbService _db; public MigrationCommands(DbService db) { _db = db; } [NadekoCommand, Usage, Description, Aliases] [OwnerOnly] public async Task MigrateData() { var version = 0; using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) { version = uow.BotConfig.GetOrCreate().MigrationVersion; } try { for (var i = version; i < CURRENT_VERSION; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: Migrate0_9To1_0(); break; } } await ReplyConfirmLocalized("migration_done").ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); await ReplyErrorLocalized("migration_error").ConfigureAwait(false); } } private void Migrate0_9To1_0() { using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) { var botConfig = uow.BotConfig.GetOrCreate(); MigrateConfig0_9(uow, botConfig); MigratePermissions0_9(uow); MigrateServerSpecificConfigs0_9(uow); MigrateDb0_9(uow); //NOW save it _log.Warn("Writing to disc"); uow.Complete(); botConfig.MigrationVersion = 1; } } private void MigrateDb0_9(IUnitOfWork uow) { var db = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=data/nadekobot.sqlite"); if (!File.Exists("data/nadekobot.sqlite")) { _log.Warn("No data from the old database will be migrated."); return; } db.Open(); var com = db.CreateCommand(); var i = 0; try { com.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Announcement"; var reader = com.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var gid = (ulong)(long)reader["ServerId"]; var greet = (long)reader["Greet"] == 1; var greetDM = (long)reader["GreetPM"] == 1; var greetChannel = (ulong)(long)reader["GreetChannelId"]; var greetMsg = (string)reader["GreetText"]; var bye = (long)reader["Bye"] == 1; var byeChannel = (ulong)(long)reader["ByeChannelId"]; var byeMsg = (string)reader["ByeText"]; var gc = uow.GuildConfigs.For(gid, set => set); if (greetDM) gc.SendDmGreetMessage = greet; else gc.SendChannelGreetMessage = greet; gc.GreetMessageChannelId = greetChannel; gc.ChannelGreetMessageText = greetMsg; gc.SendChannelByeMessage = bye; gc.ByeMessageChannelId = byeChannel; gc.ChannelByeMessageText = byeMsg; _log.Info(++i); } } catch { _log.Warn("Greet/bye messages won't be migrated"); } var com2 = db.CreateCommand(); com2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM CurrencyState GROUP BY UserId"; i = 0; try { var reader2 = com2.ExecuteReader(); while (reader2.Read()) { _log.Info(++i); var curr = new Currency() { Amount = (long)reader2["Value"], UserId = (ulong)(long)reader2["UserId"] }; uow.Currency.Add(curr); } } catch { _log.Warn("Currency won't be migrated"); } db.Close(); try { File.Move("data/nadekobot.sqlite", "data/DELETE_ME_nadekobot.sqlite"); } catch { } } private void MigrateServerSpecificConfigs0_9(IUnitOfWork uow) { const string specificConfigsPath = "data/ServerSpecificConfigs.json"; if (!File.Exists(specificConfigsPath)) { _log.Warn($"No data from {specificConfigsPath} will be migrated."); return; } var configs = new ConcurrentDictionary(); try { configs = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject>( File.ReadAllText(specificConfigsPath), new JsonSerializerSettings() { Error = (s, e) => { if (e.ErrorContext.Member.ToString() == "GenerateCurrencyChannels") { e.ErrorContext.Handled = true; } } }); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex, "ServerSpecificConfig deserialization failed"); return; } var i = 0; var selfAssRoles = new ConcurrentHashSet(); configs .Select(p => new { data = p.Value, gconfig = uow.GuildConfigs.For(p.Key) }) .AsParallel() .ForAll(config => { try { var guildConfig = config.gconfig; var data =; guildConfig.AutoAssignRoleId = data.AutoAssignedRole; guildConfig.DeleteMessageOnCommand = data.AutoDeleteMessagesOnCommand; guildConfig.DefaultMusicVolume = data.DefaultMusicVolume; guildConfig.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles = data.ExclusiveSelfAssignedRoles; guildConfig.GenerateCurrencyChannelIds = new HashSet(data.GenerateCurrencyChannels.Select(gc => new GCChannelId() { ChannelId = gc.Key })); selfAssRoles.AddRange(data.ListOfSelfAssignableRoles.Select(r => new SelfAssignedRole() { GuildId = guildConfig.GuildId, RoleId = r }).ToArray()); guildConfig.LogSetting.IgnoredChannels = new HashSet(data.LogserverIgnoreChannels.Select(id => new IgnoredLogChannel() { ChannelId = id })); guildConfig.LogSetting.LogUserPresenceId = data.LogPresenceChannel; guildConfig.FollowedStreams = new HashSet(data.ObservingStreams.Select(x => { FollowedStream.FollowedStreamType type = FollowedStream.FollowedStreamType.Twitch; switch (x.Type) { case StreamNotificationConfig0_9.StreamType.Twitch: type = FollowedStream.FollowedStreamType.Twitch; break; case StreamNotificationConfig0_9.StreamType.Beam: type = FollowedStream.FollowedStreamType.Mixer; break; case StreamNotificationConfig0_9.StreamType.Hitbox: type = FollowedStream.FollowedStreamType.Smashcast; break; default: break; } return new FollowedStream() { ChannelId = x.ChannelId, GuildId = guildConfig.GuildId, Username = x.Username.ToLowerInvariant(), Type = type }; })); guildConfig.VoicePlusTextEnabled = data.VoicePlusTextEnabled; _log.Info("Migrating SpecificConfig for {0} done ({1})", guildConfig.GuildId, ++i); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); } }); uow.SelfAssignedRoles.AddRange(selfAssRoles.ToArray()); try { File.Move("data/ServerSpecificConfigs.json", "data/DELETE_ME_ServerSpecificCOnfigs.json"); } catch { } } private void MigratePermissions0_9(IUnitOfWork uow) { var permissionsDict = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (!Directory.Exists("data/permissions/")) { _log.Warn("No data from permissions will be migrated."); return; } foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles("data/permissions/")) { try { var strippedFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strippedFileName)) continue; var id = ulong.Parse(strippedFileName); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(file)); permissionsDict.TryAdd(id, data); } catch { // ignored } } var i = 0; permissionsDict .Select(p => new { data = p.Value, gconfig = uow.GuildConfigs.For(p.Key) }) .AsParallel() .ForAll(perms => { try { var data =; var gconfig = perms.gconfig; gconfig.PermissionRole = data.PermissionsControllerRole; gconfig.VerbosePermissions = data.Verbose; gconfig.FilteredWords = new HashSet(data.Words.Select(w => w.ToLowerInvariant()) .Distinct() .Select(w => new FilteredWord() { Word = w })); gconfig.FilterWords = data.Permissions.FilterWords; gconfig.FilterInvites = data.Permissions.FilterInvites; gconfig.FilterInvitesChannelIds = new HashSet(); gconfig.FilterInvitesChannelIds.AddRange(data.ChannelPermissions.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.FilterInvites) .Select(cp => new FilterChannelId() { ChannelId = cp.Key })); gconfig.FilterWordsChannelIds = new HashSet(); gconfig.FilterWordsChannelIds.AddRange(data.ChannelPermissions.Where(kvp => kvp.Value.FilterWords) .Select(cp => new FilterChannelId() { ChannelId = cp.Key })); gconfig.CommandCooldowns = new HashSet(data.CommandCooldowns .Where(cc => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cc.Key) && cc.Value > 0) .Select(cc => new CommandCooldown() { CommandName = cc.Key, Seconds = cc.Value })); _log.Info("Migrating data from permissions folder for {0} done ({1})", gconfig.GuildId, ++i); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); } }); try { Directory.Move("data/permissions", "data/DELETE_ME_permissions"); } catch { } } private void MigrateConfig0_9(IUnitOfWork uow, BotConfig botConfig) { Config0_9 oldConfig; const string configPath = "data/config.json"; try { oldConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(configPath)); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _log.Warn("config.json not found"); return; } catch (Exception) { _log.Error("Unknown error while deserializing file config.json, pls check its integrity, aborting migration"); throw new MigrationException(); } //Basic botConfig.ForwardMessages = oldConfig.ForwardMessages; botConfig.ForwardToAllOwners = oldConfig.ForwardToAllOwners; botConfig.BufferSize = (ulong)oldConfig.BufferSize; botConfig.RemindMessageFormat = oldConfig.RemindMessageFormat; botConfig.CurrencySign = oldConfig.CurrencySign; botConfig.CurrencyName = oldConfig.CurrencyName; botConfig.DMHelpString = oldConfig.DMHelpString; botConfig.HelpString = oldConfig.HelpString; //messages botConfig.RotatingStatuses = oldConfig.IsRotatingStatus; var messages = new List(); oldConfig.RotatingStatuses.ForEach(i => messages.Add(new PlayingStatus { Status = i })); botConfig.RotatingStatusMessages = messages; //Blacklist var blacklist = new HashSet(oldConfig.ServerBlacklist.Select(server => new BlacklistItem() { ItemId = server, Type = BlacklistType.Server })); blacklist.AddRange(oldConfig.ChannelBlacklist.Select(channel => new BlacklistItem() { ItemId = channel, Type = BlacklistType.Channel })); blacklist.AddRange(oldConfig.UserBlacklist.Select(user => new BlacklistItem() { ItemId = user, Type = BlacklistType.User })); botConfig.Blacklist = blacklist; //Eightball botConfig.EightBallResponses = new HashSet(oldConfig._8BallResponses.Select(response => new EightBallResponse() { Text = response })); //customreactions uow.CustomReactions.AddRange(oldConfig.CustomReactions.SelectMany(cr => { return cr.Value.Select(res => new CustomReaction() { GuildId = null, IsRegex = false, OwnerOnly = false, Response = res, Trigger = cr.Key.ToLowerInvariant(), }); }).ToArray()); try { File.Move(configPath, "./data/DELETE_ME_config.json"); } catch { } } } } }