@ECHO off @TITLE NadekoBot SET root=%~dp0 CD /D %root% CLS ECHO Welcome to NadekoBot Auto Restart and Update! ECHO -------------------------------------------- ECHO 1.Auto Restart and Update with Dev Build (latest) ECHO 2.Auto Restart and Update with Stable Build ECHO 3.Run Auto Restart normally without Updating (will restart faster) ECHO 4.To exit ECHO. CHOICE /C 1234 /M "Enter your choice:" :: Note - list ERRORLEVELS in decreasing order IF ERRORLEVEL 4 GOTO exit IF ERRORLEVEL 3 GOTO autorun IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO stablear IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO latestar :latestar ECHO Auto Restart and Update with Dev Build (latest) ECHO Bot will auto update on every restart! timeout /t 3 CD /D %~dp0NadekoBot\src\NadekoBot dotnet run --configuration Release ECHO Updating... timeout /t 3 SET "FILENAME=%~dp0\Latest.bat" bitsadmin.exe /transfer "Downloading Nadeko (Latest)" /priority high https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/raw/master/scripts/Latest.bat "%FILENAME%" ECHO NadekoBot Dev Build (latest) downloaded. SET root=%~dp0 CD /D %root% CALL Latest.bat GOTO latestar :stablear ECHO Auto Restart and Update with Stable Build ECHO Bot will auto update on every restart! timeout /t 3 CD /D %~dp0NadekoBot\src\NadekoBot dotnet run --configuration Release ECHO Updating... timeout /t 3 SET "FILENAME=%~dp0\Stable.bat" bitsadmin.exe /transfer "Downloading Nadeko (Stable)" /priority high https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/raw/master/scripts/Stable.bat "%FILENAME%" ECHO NadekoBot Stable build downloaded. SET root=%~dp0 CD /D %root% CALL Stable.bat GOTO stablear :autorun ECHO Normal Auto Restart ECHO Bot will not auto update on every restart! timeout /t 3 CD /D %~dp0NadekoBot\src\NadekoBot dotnet run --configuration Release goto autorun :Exit SET root=%~dp0 CD /D %root% del NadekoAutoRun.bat CALL NadekoInstaller.bat