using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using Discord.WebSocket; using NadekoBot.Core.Services; using NadekoBot.Core.Services.Impl; using NLog; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Diagnostics; using NadekoBot.Core.Services.Database.Models; using System.Threading; using System.IO; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using System.Collections.Generic; using NadekoBot.Common; using NadekoBot.Common.ShardCom; using NadekoBot.Core.Services.Database; using StackExchange.Redis; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace NadekoBot { public class NadekoBot { private Logger _log; public BotCredentials Credentials { get; } public DiscordSocketClient Client { get; } public CommandService CommandService { get; } private readonly DbService _db; public ImmutableArray AllGuildConfigs { get; private set; } /* I don't know how to make this not be static * and keep the convenience of .WithOkColor * and .WithErrorColor extensions methods. * I don't want to pass botconfig every time I * want to send a confirm or error message, so * I'll keep this for now */ public static Color OkColor { get; private set; } public static Color ErrorColor { get; private set; } public TaskCompletionSource Ready { get; private set; } = new TaskCompletionSource(); public INServiceProvider Services { get; private set; } private readonly BotConfig _botConfig; public IDataCache Cache { get; private set; } public int GuildCount => Cache.Redis.GetDatabase() .ListRange(Credentials.RedisKey() + "_shardstats") .Select(x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(x)) .Sum(x => x.Guilds); public NadekoBot(int shardId, int parentProcessId) { if (shardId < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(shardId)); LogSetup.SetupLogger(); _log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); TerribleElevatedPermissionCheck(); Credentials = new BotCredentials(); Cache = new RedisCache(Credentials); _db = new DbService(Credentials); Client = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig { MessageCacheSize = 10, LogLevel = LogSeverity.Warning, ConnectionTimeout = int.MaxValue, TotalShards = Credentials.TotalShards, ShardId = shardId, AlwaysDownloadUsers = false, }); CommandService = new CommandService(new CommandServiceConfig() { CaseSensitiveCommands = false, DefaultRunMode = RunMode.Sync, }); using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) { _botConfig = uow.BotConfig.GetOrCreate(); OkColor = new Color(Convert.ToUInt32(_botConfig.OkColor, 16)); ErrorColor = new Color(Convert.ToUInt32(_botConfig.ErrorColor, 16)); } SetupShard(parentProcessId); #if GLOBAL_NADEKO Client.Log += Client_Log; #endif } private void StartSendingData() { Task.Run(async () => { while (true) { var data = new ShardComMessage() { ConnectionState = Client.ConnectionState, Guilds = Client.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected ? Client.Guilds.Count : 0, ShardId = Client.ShardId, Time = DateTime.UtcNow, }; var sub = Cache.Redis.GetSubscriber(); var msg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); await sub.PublishAsync(Credentials.RedisKey() + "_shardcoord_send", msg).ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.Delay(7500); } }); } private void AddServices() { var startingGuildIdList = Client.Guilds.Select(x => (long)x.Id).ToList(); //this unit of work will be used for initialization of all modules too, to prevent multiple queries from running using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) { AllGuildConfigs = uow.GuildConfigs.GetAllGuildConfigs(startingGuildIdList).ToImmutableArray(); IBotConfigProvider botConfigProvider = new BotConfigProvider(_db, _botConfig); //initialize Services Services = new NServiceProvider() .AddManual(Credentials) .AddManual(_db) .AddManual(Client) .AddManual(CommandService) .AddManual(botConfigProvider) .AddManual(this) .AddManual(uow) .AddManual(Cache); Services.LoadFrom(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(CommandHandler))); var commandHandler = Services.GetService(); commandHandler.AddServices(Services); LoadTypeReaders(typeof(NadekoBot).Assembly); } Services.Unload(typeof(IUnitOfWork)); // unload it after the startup } private IEnumerable LoadTypeReaders(Assembly assembly) { Type[] allTypes; try { allTypes = assembly.GetTypes(); } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.LoaderExceptions[0]); return Enumerable.Empty(); } var filteredTypes = allTypes .Where(x => x.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TypeReader)) && x.BaseType.GetGenericArguments().Length > 0 && !x.IsAbstract); var toReturn = new List(); foreach (var ft in filteredTypes) { var x = (TypeReader)Activator.CreateInstance(ft, Client, CommandService); var baseType = ft.BaseType; var typeArgs = baseType.GetGenericArguments(); try { CommandService.AddTypeReader(typeArgs[0], x); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); throw; } toReturn.Add(x); } return toReturn; } private async Task LoginAsync(string token) { var clientReady = new TaskCompletionSource(); Task SetClientReady() { var _ = Task.Run(async () => { clientReady.TrySetResult(true); try { foreach (var chan in (await Client.GetDMChannelsAsync())) { await chan.CloseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch { // ignored } finally { } }); return Task.CompletedTask; } //connect _log.Info("Shard {0} logging in ...", Client.ShardId); await Client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token).ConfigureAwait(false); await Client.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Client.Ready += SetClientReady; await clientReady.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); Client.Ready -= SetClientReady; Client.JoinedGuild += Client_JoinedGuild; Client.LeftGuild += Client_LeftGuild; _log.Info("Shard {0} logged in.", Client.ShardId); } private Task Client_LeftGuild(SocketGuild arg) { _log.Info("Left server: {0} [{1}]", arg?.Name, arg?.Id); return Task.CompletedTask; } private Task Client_JoinedGuild(SocketGuild arg) { _log.Info("Joined server: {0} [{1}]", arg?.Name, arg?.Id); return Task.CompletedTask; } public async Task RunAsync(params string[] args) { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); await LoginAsync(Credentials.Token).ConfigureAwait(false); _log.Info($"Shard {Client.ShardId} loading services..."); try { AddServices(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); throw; } sw.Stop(); _log.Info($"Shard {Client.ShardId} connected in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:F2}s"); var stats = Services.GetService(); stats.Initialize(); var commandHandler = Services.GetService(); var CommandService = Services.GetService(); // start handling messages received in commandhandler await commandHandler.StartHandling().ConfigureAwait(false); var _ = await CommandService.AddModulesAsync(this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly); bool isPublicNadeko = false; #if GLOBAL_NADEKO isPublicNadeko = true; #endif //unload modules which are not available on the public bot if (isPublicNadeko) CommandService .Modules .ToArray() .Where(x => x.Preconditions.Any(y => y.GetType() == typeof(NoPublicBot))) .ForEach(x => CommandService.RemoveModuleAsync(x)); Ready.TrySetResult(true); HandleStatusChanges(); StartSendingData(); _log.Info($"Shard {Client.ShardId} ready."); } private Task Client_Log(LogMessage arg) { _log.Warn(arg.Source + " | " + arg.Message); if (arg.Exception != null) _log.Warn(arg.Exception); return Task.CompletedTask; } public async Task RunAndBlockAsync(params string[] args) { await RunAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false); await Task.Delay(-1).ConfigureAwait(false); } private void TerribleElevatedPermissionCheck() { try { File.WriteAllText("test", "test"); File.Delete("test"); } catch { _log.Error("You must run the application as an ADMINISTRATOR."); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(2); } } private void SetupShard(int parentProcessId) { new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { try { var p = Process.GetProcessById(parentProcessId); if (p == null) return; p.WaitForExit(); } finally { Environment.Exit(10); } })).Start(); } private void HandleStatusChanges() { var sub = Services.GetService().Redis.GetSubscriber(); sub.Subscribe(Client.CurrentUser.Id + "_status.game_set", async (ch, game) => { try { var obj = new { Name = default(string) }; obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(game, obj); await Client.SetGameAsync(obj.Name).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex); } }, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); sub.Subscribe(Client.CurrentUser.Id + "_status.stream_set", async (ch, streamData) => { try { var obj = new { Name = "", Url = "" }; obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(streamData, obj); await Client.SetGameAsync(obj.Name, obj.Url, StreamType.Twitch).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex); } }, CommandFlags.FireAndForget); } public Task SetGameAsync(string game) { var obj = new { Name = game }; var sub = Services.GetService().Redis.GetSubscriber(); return sub.PublishAsync(Client.CurrentUser.Id + "_status.game_set", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); } public Task SetStreamAsync(string name, string url) { var obj = new { Name = name, Url = url }; var sub = Services.GetService().Redis.GetSubscriber(); return sub.PublishAsync(Client.CurrentUser.Id + "_status.game_set", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj)); } //private readonly Dictionary Modules, IEnumerable Types)> _loadedPackages = new Dictionary, IEnumerable)>(); //private readonly SemaphoreSlim _packageLocker = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); //public IEnumerable LoadedPackages => _loadedPackages.Keys; ///// ///// Unloads a package ///// ///// Package name. Case sensitive. ///// Whether the unload is successful. //public async Task UnloadPackage(string name) //{ // await _packageLocker.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // try // { // if (!_loadedPackages.Remove(name, out var data)) // return false; // var modules = data.Modules; // var types = data.Types; // var i = 0; // foreach (var m in modules) // { // await CommandService.RemoveModuleAsync(m).ConfigureAwait(false); // i++; // } // _log.Info("Unloaded {0} modules.", i); // if (types != null && types.Any()) // { // i = 0; // foreach (var t in types) // { // var obj = Services.Unload(t); // if (obj is IUnloadableService s) // await s.Unload().ConfigureAwait(false); // i++; // } // _log.Info("Unloaded {0} types.", i); // } // using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) // { // uow.BotConfig.GetOrCreate().LoadedPackages.Remove(new LoadedPackage // { // Name = name, // }); // } // return true; // } // finally // { // _packageLocker.Release(); // } //} ///// ///// Loads a package ///// ///// Name of the package to load. Case sensitive. ///// Whether the load is successful. //public async Task LoadPackage(string name) //{ // await _packageLocker.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // try // { // if (_loadedPackages.ContainsKey(name)) // return false; // var startingGuildIdList = Client.Guilds.Select(x => (long)x.Id).ToList(); // using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) // { // AllGuildConfigs = uow.GuildConfigs.GetAllGuildConfigs(startingGuildIdList).ToImmutableArray(); // } // var domain = new Context(); // var package = domain.LoadFromAssemblyPath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, // "modules", // $"NadekoBot.Modules.{name}", // $"NadekoBot.Modules.{name}.dll")); // //var package = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, // // "modules", // // $"NadekoBot.Modules.{name}", // // $"NadekoBot.Modules.{name}.dll")); // var types = Services.LoadFrom(package); // var added = await CommandService.AddModulesAsync(package).ConfigureAwait(false); // var trs = LoadTypeReaders(package); // /* i don't have to unload typereaders // * (and there's no api for it) // * because they get overwritten anyway, and since // * the only time I'd unload typereaders, is when unloading a module // * which means they won't have a chance to be used // * */ // _log.Info("Loaded {0} modules and {1} types.", added.Count(), types.Count()); // _loadedPackages.Add(name, (added, types)); // using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) // { // uow.BotConfig.GetOrCreate().LoadedPackages.Add(new LoadedPackage // { // Name = name, // }); // } // return true; // } // finally // { // _packageLocker.Release(); // } //} } }