using Discord; using System; using System.IO; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Parse; using Discord.Commands; using NadekoBot.Modules; using Discord.Modules; using Discord.Audio; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using System.Timers; using System.Linq; namespace NadekoBot { class NadekoBot { public static DiscordClient client; public static StatsCollector stats_collector; public static string botMention; public static string GoogleAPIKey = null; public static ulong OwnerID; public static User OwnerUser = null; public static string password; public static string TrelloAppKey; public static bool ForwardMessages = false; public static string BotVersion = "0.7-beta1"; static void Main() { //load credentials from credentials.json Credentials c; bool loadTrello = false; try { c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText("credentials.json")); botMention = c.BotMention; if (c.GoogleAPIKey == null || c.GoogleAPIKey == "") { Console.WriteLine("No google api key found. You will not be able to use music and links won't be shortened."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Google API key provided."); GoogleAPIKey = c.GoogleAPIKey; } if (c.TrelloAppKey == null || c.TrelloAppKey == "") { Console.WriteLine("No trello appkey found. You will not be able to use trello commands."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Trello app key provided."); TrelloAppKey = c.TrelloAppKey; loadTrello = true; } if (c.ForwardMessages != true) Console.WriteLine("Not forwarding messages."); else { ForwardMessages = true; Console.WriteLine("Forwarding messages."); } OwnerID = c.OwnerID; password = c.Password; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to load stuff from credentials.json, RTFM"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } //create new discord client client = new DiscordClient(); //create a command service var commandService = new CommandService(new CommandServiceConfig { CommandChar = null, HelpMode = HelpMode.Disable }); //init parse if (c.ParseKey != null && c.ParseID != null && c.ParseID != "" && c.ParseKey != "") { ParseClient.Initialize(c.ParseID, c.ParseKey); //monitor commands for logging stats_collector = new StatsCollector(commandService); } else { Console.WriteLine("Parse key and/or ID not found. Logging disabled."); } //reply to personal messages and forward if enabled. client.MessageReceived += Client_MessageReceived; //add command service var commands = client.Services.Add(commandService); //create module service var modules = client.Services.Add(new ModuleService()); //add audio service var audio = client.Services.Add(new AudioService(new AudioServiceConfig() { Channels = 2, EnableEncryption = false, EnableMultiserver = true })); //install modules modules.Add(new Administration(), "Administration", ModuleFilter.None); modules.Add(new Conversations(), "Conversations", ModuleFilter.None); modules.Add(new Gambling(), "Gambling", ModuleFilter.None); modules.Add(new Games(), "Games", ModuleFilter.None); modules.Add(new Music(), "Music", ModuleFilter.None); modules.Add(new Searches(), "Searches", ModuleFilter.None); if(loadTrello) modules.Add(new Trello(), "Trello", ModuleFilter.None); //run the bot client.ExecuteAndWait(async () => { await client.Connect(c.Username, c.Password); Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.WriteLine(GetStats()); Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); foreach (var serv in client.Servers) { if ((OwnerUser = serv.GetUser(OwnerID)) != null) return; } }); Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); Console.ReadKey(); } public static string GetStats() => "Discord.Net version: " + DiscordConfig.LibVersion + "\nRuntime: " + client.GetRuntime() + "\nBot Version: " + BotVersion + "\nLogged in as: " + client.CurrentUser.Name + "\nBot id: " + client.CurrentUser.Id + "\nServers: " + client.Servers.Count() + "\nChannels: " + client.Servers.Sum(s => s.AllChannels.Count()) + "\nUsers: " + client.Servers.Sum(s => s.Users.Count()) + "\nHeap: " + Math.Round(GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / (1024.0 * 1024.0), 2).ToString() + "MB"; static bool repliedRecently = false; private static async void Client_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) { if (e.Server != null || e.User.Id == client.CurrentUser.Id) return; try { (await client.GetInvite(e.Message.Text))?.Accept(); } catch (Exception) { } if (ForwardMessages && OwnerUser != null) await OwnerUser.SendMessage(e.User +": ```\n"+e.Message.Text+"\n```"); if (repliedRecently = !repliedRecently) { await e.Send("You can type `-h` or `-help` or `@MyName help` in any of the channels I am in and I will send you a message with my commands.\n Or you can find out what i do here:\nYou can also just send me an invite link to a server and I will join it.\nIf you don't want me on your server, you can simply ban me ;(\nBot Creator's server:"); Timer t = new Timer(); t.Interval = 2000; t.Start(); t.Elapsed += (s, ev) => { repliedRecently = !repliedRecently; t.Stop(); t.Dispose(); }; } } } }