## Setting Up NadekoBot on Windows #### Prerequisites - [Notepad++][Notepad++] (or some other decent text editor) - Windows 8 or later #### Guide - Download and run the [NadekoBot Updater][Updater] - Press 'Install ffmpeg' button if you want music features *note: RESTART YOUR PC IF YOU DO* - Press `Update` and go through the installation wizard *note: If you're upgrading from 1.3, DO NOT select your old nadekobot folder. Install it in a separate directory and read the upgrading guide* - When installation is finished, make sure 'open credentials.json' is checked. *note: Make sure to open it with Notepad++ or some other decent text editor.* #### Creating DiscordBot application - Go to [the Discord developer application page][DiscordApp]. - Log in with your Discord account. - On the left side, press `New Application`. - Fill out the `App Name` (your bot's name, in this case), put the image you want, and add an app description(optional). - Create the application. - Click on `Create a Bot User` and confirm that you do want to add a bot to this app. - Keep this window open for now. ![img2](http://i.imgur.com/x3jWudH.gif) #### Setting up credentials.json file - In there you will see fields such as `Token`, `ClientId`, and `OwnerIDs`. - In your [applications page][DiscordApp] (the window you were asked to keep open earlier), under the `Bot User` section, you will see `Token:click to reveal`, click to reveal the token. (Note: Make sure that you actually use a Token and not a Client Secret! It is in the **App Bot User** tab.) - Copy your bot's token, and on the `"Token"` line of your `credentials.json`, paste your bot token **between** the quotation marks. - Copy the `Client ID` on the page and replace the `12312123` part of the `ClientId` line with it. - Go to a server on discord and attempt to mention yourself, but put a backslash at the start like shown below - So the message `\@fearnlj01#3535` will appear as `<@145521851676884992>` after you send the message (to make it slightly easier, add the backslash after you type the mention out) - The message will appear as a mention if done correctly, copy the numbers from the message you sent (`145521851676884992`) and replace the ID (By default, the ID is `105635576866156544`) on the `OwnerIds` section with your user ID shown earlier. - Save `credentials.json` - If done correctly, you are now the bot owner. You can add multiple owners by seperating each owner ID with a comma within the square brackets. ![img3](http://i.imgur.com/QwKMnTG.gif) #### Inviting your bot to your server - [Invite Guide][Invite Guide] - Copy your `Client ID` from your [applications page][DiscordApp]. - Replace the `12345678` in this link `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=12345678&scope=bot&permissions=66186303` with your `Client ID`. - The link should now look like this: `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=**YOUR_CLENT_ID_HERE**&scope=bot&permissions=66186303`. - Go to the newly created link and pick the server we created, and click `Authorize`. - The bot should have been added to your server. ![img4](http://i.imgur.com/aFK7InR.gif) #### Starting the bot - Either press "Start" Button in the updater, or run the bot via it's desktop shortcut. #### Updating NadekoBot - Make sure the bot is closed and is not running (Run `.die` in a connected server to ensure it's not running). - Open NadekoBot Updater - If updates are available, you will be able to click on the Update button - Start the bot - You've updated and are running again, easy as that! [Updater]: https://download.nadekobot.me/ [DiscordApp]: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me [Notepad++]: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ [Invite Guide]: http://discord.kongslien.net/guide.html [Google Console]: https://console.developers.google.com