###Credentials.json and config.json **This is how unedited credentials.json looks like:** ```json { "Token": "", "ClientId": "116275390695079945", "BotId": 1231231231231, "OwnerIds": [ 123123123123, 5675675679845 ], "GoogleAPIKey": "", "SoundCloudClientID": "", "MashapeKey": "", "LOLAPIKey": "", "TrelloAppKey": "", "OsuAPIKey": "", "CarbonKey": "" } ``` #### Required - **Token** - Required to log in. See this [guide](http://discord.kongslien.net/guide.html) - **OwnerIds** - Required for Owner-Only commands to work. Separate multiple IDs with a comma - **BotId** - Required for custom reactions and conversation commands to work. *BotId and OwnerIds are NOT names of the owner and the bot. If you do not know the id of your bot, put 2 random numbers in those fields, run the bot and do `.uid @MyBotName` - that will give you your bot\_id, do the same for yourself `.uid @MyName` and you will get a number to put inside brackets in OwnerIds field.* #### Optional - **GoogleAPIKey** - Youtube song search. Playlist queuing. URL Shortener. ~i and ~img. - **SoundCloudClientID** - Needed in order to queue soundcloud songs from sc links. For the Soundcloud Api key you need a Soundcloud account. You need to create a new app on [SoundcloudApp][SoundcloudApp] and after that go here [Your SC Apps][Your SC Apps] click on the name of your created your app and copy the Client ID. Paste it into credentials.json. - **MashapeKey** - Urban dictionary, hashtag search, hearthstone cards.You need to create an account on their api marketplace here [Mashape][Mashape]. After that you need to go to `market.mashape.com/YOURNAMEHERE/applications/default-application` and press GET THE KEYS in the right top corner copy paste it into your `credentials.json` and you are ready to race! - **LOLAPIKey** - [Champion.gg][Champion.gg] api key needed for LoL commands - **TrelloAppKey** - Needed for trello commands - **OsuAPIKey** - needed for osu top5 and beatmap commands. - **CarbonKey** - carbonitex.net key if your bot is listed there in order to send stats (probably nobody needs this) Next to your exe you must also have a `data folder` in which there is `config.jso`n (among other things) which will contain some user specific config, like should the Bot join servers, should DMs to bot be forwarded to you and a list of IDs of blacklisted users, channels and servers. If you do not have `config.json`, you should rename `config_example.json` to `config.json`. [SoundcloudApp]: http://soundcloud.com/you/apps/new [Your SC Apps]: http://soundcloud.com/you/apps [Mashape]: https://market.mashape.com/ [Champion.gg]: www.champion.gg