# NadekoBot [**click here for a list of commands**](https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/blob/master/commandlist.md) Nadeko Discord chatbot written in C# using Discord.net library. You might want to join my discord server where i can provide help etc. https://discord.gg/0ehQwTK2RBhxEi0X ##This section will guide you through how to setup NadekoBot #### For easy setup and no programming knowledge, you can download .exe from [releases](https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/releases) and follow the comprehensive [GUIDE](https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/blob/master/ComprehensiveGuide.md) In your bin/debug folder (or next to your exe if you are using release version), you must have a file called 'credentials.json' in which you will store all the necessary data to make the bot know who the owner is, and your api keys. **This is how the credentials.json should look like:** ```json { "Username":"bot_email", "BotMention":"<@bot_id>", "Password":"bot_password", "GoogleAPIKey":"google_api_key", "OwnerID":123123123123, "TrelloAppKey": "your_trello_app_key (optional)", "ForwardMessages": true, "SoundCloudClientID": "your_soundcloud_key (optional)", "MashapeKey": "your_mashape_key (optional)", } ``` ##### You can omit: - googleAPIKey if you don't want music - TrelloAppKey if you don't need trello notifications - ForwardMessages if you don't want bot PM messages to be redirected to you ```json { "Username":"bot_email", "BotMention":"<@bot_id>", "Password":"bot_password", "OwnerID":123123123123, } ``` - BotMention(bot\_id) and OwnerID are **NOT** names of the owner and the bot. If you do not know the id of your bot, put 2 random numbers in those fields, run the bot and do `.uid @MyBotName` - that will give you your bot\_id, do the same for yourself `.uid @MyName` and copy the numbers in their respective fields. - For google api key, you need to enable URL shortner, Youtube video search **and custom search** in the [dev console](https://console.developers.google.com/). - For the Soundcloud Api key you need a Soundcloud account. You need to create a new app on http://soundcloud.com/you/apps/new and after that go here http://soundcloud.com/you/apps click on the name of your created your app and copy the Client ID. Paste it into credentials.json. - For Mashape Api Key you need to create an account on their api marketplace here https://market.mashape.com/. After that you need to go to market.mashape.com/YOURNAMEHERE/applications/default-application and press GET THE KEYS in the right top corner copy paste it into your credentials.json and you are ready to race! - If you want to have music, you need to download FFMPEG from this link http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ (static build version) and add ffmpeg/bin folder to your PATH environment variable. You do that by opening explorer -> right click 'This PC' -> properties -> advanced system settings -> In the top part, there is a PATH field, add `;` to the end and then your ffmpeg install location /bin (for example ;C:\ffmpeg-5.6.7\bin) and save. Open command prompt and type ffmpeg to see if you added it correctly. If it says "command not found" then you made a mistake somewhere. There are a lot of guides on the internet on how to add stuff to your PATH, check them out if you are stuck. - **IF YOU HAVE BEEN USING THIS BOT BEFORE AND YOU HAVE DATA FROM PARSE THAT YOU WANT TO KEEP** you should export your parse data and extract it inside /data/parsedata in your bot's folder. Next time you start the bot, type `.parsetosql` and the bot will fill your local sqlite db with data from those .json files. **IF BUILDING FROM SOURCE** You should **remove** Discord.Net projects from your solution, and use add reference to the Discord.NET DLLs in your bin/debug. Wait for it to resolve dependencies and start NadekoBot. Enjoy ##List of commands [**click here for a list of commands**](https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/blob/master/commandlist.md)