using Discord; using Discord.Commands; using NadekoBot.Extensions; using NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Commands; using NadekoBot.Modules.Music; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; namespace NadekoBot { public class NadekoStats { public static NadekoStats Instance { get; } = new NadekoStats(); public string BotVersion => $"{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name} v{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}"; private int commandsRan = 0; private string statsCache = ""; private readonly Stopwatch statsStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); public int ServerCount { get; private set; } = 0; public int TextChannelsCount { get; private set; } = 0; public int VoiceChannelsCount { get; private set; } = 0; private readonly Timer commandLogTimer = new Timer() { Interval = 10000 }; private readonly Timer carbonStatusTimer = new Timer() { Interval = 3600000 }; private static ulong messageCounter = 0; public static ulong MessageCounter => messageCounter; static NadekoStats() { } private NadekoStats() { var commandService = NadekoBot.Client.GetService(); statsStopwatch.Start(); commandService.CommandExecuted += StatsCollector_RanCommand; commandService.CommandFinished += CommandService_CommandFinished; commandService.CommandErrored += CommandService_CommandFinished; Task.Run(StartCollecting); commandLogTimer.Start(); ServerCount = NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Count(); var channels = NadekoBot.Client.Servers.SelectMany(s => s.AllChannels); var channelsArray = channels as Channel[] ?? channels.ToArray(); TextChannelsCount = channelsArray.Count(c => c.Type == ChannelType.Text); VoiceChannelsCount = channelsArray.Count() - TextChannelsCount; NadekoBot.Client.MessageReceived += (s, e) => messageCounter++; NadekoBot.Client.JoinedServer += (s, e) => { try { ServerCount++; TextChannelsCount += e.Server.TextChannels.Count(); VoiceChannelsCount += e.Server.VoiceChannels.Count(); //await SendUpdateToCarbon().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { } }; NadekoBot.Client.LeftServer += (s, e) => { try { ServerCount--; TextChannelsCount -= e.Server.TextChannels.Count(); VoiceChannelsCount -= e.Server.VoiceChannels.Count(); //await SendUpdateToCarbon().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { } }; NadekoBot.Client.ChannelCreated += (s, e) => { try { if (e.Channel.IsPrivate) return; if (e.Channel.Type == ChannelType.Text) TextChannelsCount++; else if (e.Channel.Type == ChannelType.Voice) VoiceChannelsCount++; } catch { } }; NadekoBot.Client.ChannelDestroyed += (s, e) => { try { if (e.Channel.IsPrivate) return; if (e.Channel.Type == ChannelType.Text) TextChannelsCount--; else if (e.Channel.Type == ChannelType.Voice) VoiceChannelsCount--; } catch { } }; carbonStatusTimer.Elapsed += async (s, e) => await SendUpdateToCarbon().ConfigureAwait(false); carbonStatusTimer.Start(); } HttpClient carbonClient = new HttpClient(); private async Task SendUpdateToCarbon() { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NadekoBot.Creds.CarbonKey)) return; try { using (var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary { { "servercount", NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Count().ToString() }, { "key", NadekoBot.Creds.CarbonKey } })) { content.Headers.Clear(); content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var res = await carbonClient.PostAsync("", content).ConfigureAwait(false); }; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed sending status update to carbon."); Console.WriteLine(ex); } } public TimeSpan GetUptime() => DateTime.Now - Process.GetCurrentProcess().StartTime; public string GetUptimeString() { var time = GetUptime(); return time.Days + " days, " + time.Hours + " hours, and " + time.Minutes + " minutes."; } public Task LoadStats() => Task.Run(() => { var songs = MusicModule.MusicPlayers.Count(mp => mp.Value.CurrentSong != null); var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("`Author: Kwoth` `Library: Discord.Net`"); sb.AppendLine($"`Bot Version: {BotVersion}`"); sb.AppendLine($"`Bot id: {NadekoBot.Client.CurrentUser.Id}`"); sb.Append("`Owners' Ids:` "); sb.AppendLine("`" + String.Join(", ", NadekoBot.Creds.OwnerIds) + "`"); sb.AppendLine($"`Uptime: {GetUptimeString()}`"); sb.Append($"`Servers: {ServerCount}"); sb.Append($" | TextChannels: {TextChannelsCount}"); sb.AppendLine($" | VoiceChannels: {VoiceChannelsCount}`"); sb.AppendLine($"`Commands Ran this session: {commandsRan}`"); sb.AppendLine($"`Message queue size: {NadekoBot.Client.MessageQueue.Count}`"); sb.Append($"`Greeted {ServerGreetCommand.Greeted} times.`"); sb.AppendLine($" `| Playing {songs} songs, ".SnPl(songs) + $"{MusicModule.MusicPlayers.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.Playlist.Count)} queued.`"); sb.AppendLine($"`Messages: {messageCounter} ({messageCounter / (double)GetUptime().TotalSeconds:F2}/sec)` `Heap: {Heap(false)}`"); statsCache = sb.ToString(); }); public string Heap(bool pass = true) => Math.Round((double)GC.GetTotalMemory(pass) / 1.MiB(), 2).ToString(); public async Task GetStats() { if (statsStopwatch.Elapsed.Seconds < 4 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(statsCache)) return statsCache; await LoadStats().ConfigureAwait(false); statsStopwatch.Restart(); return statsCache; } private async Task StartCollecting() { var statsSw = new Stopwatch(); while (true) { await Task.Delay(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)).ConfigureAwait(false); statsSw.Start(); try { var onlineUsers = await Task.Run(() => NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Sum(x => x.Users.Count())).ConfigureAwait(false); var realOnlineUsers = await Task.Run(() => NadekoBot.Client.Servers .Sum(x => x.Users.Count(u => u.Status == UserStatus.Online))) .ConfigureAwait(false); var connectedServers = NadekoBot.Client.Servers.Count(); Classes.DbHandler.Instance.Connection.Insert(new DataModels.Stats { OnlineUsers = onlineUsers, RealOnlineUsers = realOnlineUsers, Uptime = GetUptime(), ConnectedServers = connectedServers, DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); statsSw.Stop(); var clr = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.WriteLine($"--------------\nCollecting stats finished in {statsSw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\n-------------"); Console.ForegroundColor = clr; statsSw.Reset(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("DB Exception in stats collecting."); break; } } } private static ConcurrentDictionary commandTracker = new ConcurrentDictionary(); private void CommandService_CommandFinished(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { DateTime dt; if (!commandTracker.TryGetValue(e.Message.Id, out dt)) return; try { if (e is CommandErrorEventArgs) { var er = e as CommandErrorEventArgs; if (er.ErrorType == CommandErrorType.Exception) { File.AppendAllText("errors.txt", $@"Command: {er.Command} {er.Exception} ------------------------------------- "); Console.WriteLine($">>COMMAND ERRORED after *{(DateTime.UtcNow - dt).TotalSeconds}s*\nCmd: {e.Command.Text}\nMsg: {e.Message.Text}\nUsr: {e.User.Name} [{e.User.Id}]\nSrvr: {e.Server?.Name ?? "PRIVATE"} [{e.Server?.Id}]\n-----"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($">>COMMAND ENDED after *{(DateTime.UtcNow - dt).TotalSeconds}s*\nCmd: {e.Command.Text}\nMsg: {e.Message.Text}\nUsr: {e.User.Name} [{e.User.Id}]\nSrvr: {e.Server?.Name ?? "PRIVATE"} [{e.Server?.Id}]\n-----"); } } catch { } } private async void StatsCollector_RanCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { commandTracker.TryAdd(e.Message.Id, DateTime.UtcNow); Console.WriteLine($">>COMMAND STARTED\nCmd: {e.Command.Text}\nMsg: {e.Message.Text}\nUsr: {e.User.Name} [{e.User.Id}]\nSrvr: {e.Server?.Name ?? "PRIVATE"} [{e.Server?.Id}]\n-----"); commandsRan++; #if !NADEKO_RELEASE await Task.Run(() => { try { Classes.DbHandler.Instance.Connection.Insert(new DataModels.Command { ServerId = (long)(e.Server?.Id ?? 0), ServerName = e.Server?.Name ?? "--Direct Message--", ChannelId = (long)e.Channel.Id, ChannelName = e.Channel.IsPrivate ? "--Direct Message" : e.Channel.Name, UserId = (long)e.User.Id, UserName = e.User.Name, CommandName = e.Command.Text, DateAdded = DateTime.Now }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Probably unimportant error in ran command DB write."); Console.WriteLine(ex); } }).ConfigureAwait(false); #endif } } }