diff --git a/docs/Commands List.md b/docs/Commands List.md index 0ce3438d..715df776 100644 --- a/docs/Commands List.md +++ b/docs/Commands List.md @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ Commands and aliases | Description | Usage `.removeallroles` `.rar` | Removes all roles from a mentioned user. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.rar @User` `.createrole` `.cr` | Creates a role with a given name. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.cr Awesome Role` `.rolecolor` `.rc` | Set a role's color to the hex or 0-255 rgb color value provided. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.rc Admin 255 200 100` or `.rc Admin ffba55` -`.ban` `.b` | Bans a user by ID or name with an optional message. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.b "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.` -`.softban` `.sb` | Bans and then unbans a user by ID or name with an optional message. **Requires KickMembers server permission.** **Requires ManageMessages server permission.** | `.sb "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.` -`.kick` `.k` | Kicks a mentioned user. **Requires KickMembers server permission.** | `.k "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.` `.deafen` `.deaf` | Deafens mentioned user or users. **Requires DeafenMembers server permission.** | `.deaf "@Someguy"` or `.deaf "@Someguy" "@Someguy"` `.undeafen` `.undef` | Undeafens mentioned user or users. **Requires DeafenMembers server permission.** | `.undef "@Someguy"` or `.undef "@Someguy" "@Someguy"` `.delvoichanl` `.dvch` | Deletes a voice channel with a given name. **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** | `.dvch VoiceChannelName` @@ -73,6 +70,11 @@ Commands and aliases | Description | Usage `.togglexclsar` `.tesar` | Toggles whether the self-assigned roles are exclusive. (So that any person can have only one of the self assignable roles) **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** | `.tesar` `.iam` | Adds a role to you that you choose. Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles. | `.iam Gamer` `.iamnot` `.iamn` | Removes a role to you that you choose. Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles. | `.iamn Gamer` +`.scadd` | Adds a command to the list of commands which will be executed automatically in the current channel, in the order they were added in, by the bot when it startups up. **Bot owner only** | `.scadd .stats` +`.sclist` | Lists all startup commands in the order they will be executed in. **Bot owner only** | `.sclist` +`.wait` | Used only as a startup command. Waits a certain number of miliseconds before continuing the execution of the following startup commands. **Bot owner only** | `.wait 3000` +`.scrm` | Removes a startup command with the provided command text. **Bot owner only** | `.scrm .stats` +`.scclr` | Removes all startup commands. **Bot owner only** | `.scclr` `.fwmsgs` | Toggles forwarding of non-command messages sent to bot's DM to the bot owners **Bot owner only** | `.fwmsgs` `.fwtoall` | Toggles whether messages will be forwarded to all bot owners or only to the first one specified in the credentials.json file **Bot owner only** | `.fwtoall` `.connectshard` | Try (re)connecting a shard with a certain shardid when it dies. No one knows will it work. Keep an eye on the console for errors. **Bot owner only** | `.connectshard 2` @@ -94,6 +96,15 @@ Commands and aliases | Description | Usage `.bye` | Toggles anouncements on the current channel when someone leaves the server. **Requires ManageServer server permission.** | `.bye` `.byemsg` | Sets a new leave announcement message. Type `%user%` if you want to show the name the user who left. Type `%id%` to show id. Using this command with no message will show the current bye message. You can use embed json from instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded. **Requires ManageServer server permission.** | `.byemsg %user% has left.` `.byedel` | Sets the time it takes (in seconds) for bye messages to be auto-deleted. Set it to `0` to disable automatic deletion. **Requires ManageServer server permission.** | `.byedel 0` or `.byedel 30` +`.warn` | Warns a user. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.warn @b1nzy` +`.warnlog` | See a list of warnings of a certain user. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.warnlog @b1nzy` +`.warnclear` `.warnc` | Clears all warnings from a certain user. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.warnclear @PoorDude` +`.warnpunish` `.warnp` | Sets a punishment for a certain number of warnings. Provide no punishment to remove. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.warnpunish 5 Ban` or `.warnpunish 3` +`.warnpunishlist` `.warnpl` | Lists punishments for warnings. | `.warnpunishlist` +`.ban` `.b` | Bans a user by ID or name with an optional message. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.b "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.` +`.unban` | Unbans a user with the provided user#discrim or id. **Requires BanMembers server permission.** | `.unban kwoth#1234` or `.unban 123123123` +`.softban` `.sb` | Bans and then unbans a user by ID or name with an optional message. **Requires KickMembers server permission.** **Requires ManageMessages server permission.** | `.sb "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.` +`.kick` `.k` | Kicks a mentioned user. **Requires KickMembers server permission.** | `.k "@some Guy" Your behaviour is toxic.` `.vcrole` | Sets or resets a role which will be given to users who join the voice channel you're in when you run this command. Provide no role name to disable. You must be in a voice channel to run this command. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** | `.vcrole SomeRole` or `.vcrole` `.vcrolelist` | Shows a list of currently set voice channel roles. | `.vcrolelist` `.voice+text` `.v+t` | Creates a text channel for each voice channel only users in that voice channel can see. If you are server owner, keep in mind you will see them all the time regardless. **Requires ManageRoles server permission.** **Requires ManageChannels server permission.** | `.v+t`