**Answer:** Simply send Nadeko a Direct Message with `.h` and follow the link. **Only People with the Manage Server permission can add the bot to the server**
**Answer:** You must have the `.permrole` (by default this is the `Nadeko` role, for more details on permissions check [here](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Permissions%20System/ "Permissions"). If you have a role called `Nadeko` but can't assign it it's probably the Bot Role so, just create a **New Role** called `Nadeko` and assign that to yourself instead.)
**Answer:** You can get NadekoFlowers by picking them up after they have been generated with `.gc`, which you can then either plant (give away to a channel so that someone can pick it), or gamble with for potentinal profit with `.betflip`, `.betroll` and `.jr`
**Answer:** First, check [issues](https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBot/issues "GitHub NadekoBot Issues"), then check the `#suggestions` channel in the Nadeko [help server](https://discord.gg/nadekobot).
If your problem or suggestion is not there, feel free to request/notify us about it either in the Issues section of GitHub for issues or in the `#suggestions` channel on the Nadeko help server for suggestions.
**If you would like music in the meantime, you must host Nadeko yourself**. Be sure you have FFMPEG installed correctly, and have followed the [guide](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/Windows%20Guide/#setting-up-nadekobot-for-music) carefully.
**Answer:** Try changing your discord [location][1], if this doesn't work be sure you have enabled the correct permissions for Nadeko and rebooted since installing FFMPEG.
**Answer:** Follow the [DB Guide](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/JSON%20Explanations/#db-files), Open `/data/NadekoBot.db` using **sqlitebrowser** (or some alternative), Browse Data, select relevant table, change data, Write changes and done.
**Answer:** Set a greeting message by using `.greetmsg YourMessageHere` and a bye-message by using `.byemsg YourMessageHere`. Don't forget that `.greet` and `.bye` only apply to users joining a server, not coming online/offline.
**Answer:** You need to use oauth link to add it to you server, just copy your **CLIENT ID** (that's in the same [Developer page](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me) where you brought your token) and replace `12345678` in the link below: **https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=`12345678`&scope=bot&permissions=66186303**
**Answer:** Using Visual Studio, you can solve these errors by going to `Tools` -> `NuGet Package Manager` -> `Manage NuGet Packages for Solution`. Go to the Installed tab, select the Packages that were missing (usually `Newtonsoft.json` and `RestSharp`) and install them for all projects.
**Answer:** Discord has added a few new features and the roles now follow the role hierarchy, which means you need to place your bot's role above every other role on your server to fix the issue. [Here's](https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/214836687-Role-Management-101) a link to Discord's role management 101.
###Question 14: I've broken permissions and am stuck, can I reset permissions?
**Answer:** Yes, there is a way, in one easy command! Just run `.resetperms` and all the permissions you've set through **Permissions Module** will reset.