- Next, [Right-Click on this link](https://github.com/Kwoth/NadekoBotInstallerWin/raw/master/NadekoInstaller.bat) and select **Save link as** and save the file `NadekoInstaller.bat` inside the `Nadeko` folder that we created earlier. (**DO NOT** rename the file `NadekoInstaller.bat`)
- Once that's done, double-click on `NadekoInstaller.bat` to run it.
- In our `NadekoBot` folder you should see a `src` folder, then *another*`NadekoBot` folder, in this final folder, you should see a `.json` file named `credentials.json`. (Note: If you do not see a `.json` after `credentials.json`, do not add the `.json`. You most likely have **"Hide file extensions"** enabled.)
- In there you will see fields such as `Token`, `ClientId`, `BotId` and `OwnerIDs`.
- In your [applications page][DiscordApp] (the window you were asked to keep open earlier), under the `Bot User` section, you will see `Token:click to reveal`, click to reveal the token.
- Copy your bot's token, and on the `"Token"` line of your `credentials.json`, paste your bot token between the quotation marks.
- Copy the `Client ID` on the page and replace the `12312123` part of the `ClientId` line with it.
- Again, copy the same `Client ID` and replace the `null` part of the `BotId` line with it.
- Go to a server on discord and attempt to mention yourself, but put a backslash at the start like shown below
- So the message `\@fearnlj01#3535` will appears as `<@145521851676884992>` after you send the message (to make it slightly easier, add the backslash after you type the mention out)
- The message will appear as a mention if done correctly, copy the numbers from the message you sent (`145521851676884992`) and replace the `0` on the `OwnerIds` section with your user ID shown earlier.
- Copy your `Client ID` from your [applications page][DiscordApp].
- Replace the `12345678` in this link `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=12345678&scope=bot&permissions=66186303` with your `Client ID`.
(with normal-run the bot will shutdown and will stay offline if it disconnects by the use of `.die` command until you manually run it again. Useful if you want to test the bot.)
- Choose `4` to **run the bot with auto restart**.
(with auto restart the bot will restart itself if it disconnects by the use of `.die` command. Useful if you want to have restart function for any reason.)
- Follow these steps on how to setup Google API keys:
- Go to [Google Console][Google Console] and log in.
- Create a new project (name does not matter). Once the project is created, go into "Enable and manage APIs."
- Under the "Other Popular APIs" section, enable `URL Shortener API` and `Custom Search Api`. Under the `YouTube APIs` section, enable `YouTube Data API`.
- You will need to fill out an application form to request access to the Soundcloud API.
- All requests for an API key must go through the review process, where applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis, in line with Soundcloud API Terms of Use. If your application is successful, you will receive an API key.
- Before proceeding, check out this gif to set up `ffmpeg` PATH correctly  *(thanks to PooPeePants#7135)*
- Go to My Computer, right click and select Properties. On the left tab, select Advanced System Settings. Under the Advanced tab, select Environmental Variables near the bottom. One of the variables should be called "Path". Add a semi-colon (;) to the end followed by your FFMPEG's **bin** install location (**for example C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-xxxxx-git-xxxxx-xxxx-static\bin**). Save and close.