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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NadekoBot.Common;
using NadekoBot.Extensions;
namespace NadekoBot.Modules.Gambling.Common
public class Cards
private static readonly Dictionary<int, string> cardNames = new Dictionary<int, string>() {
{ 1, "Ace" },
{ 2, "Two" },
{ 3, "Three" },
{ 4, "Four" },
{ 5, "Five" },
{ 6, "Six" },
{ 7, "Seven" },
{ 8, "Eight" },
{ 9, "Nine" },
{ 10, "Ten" },
{ 11, "Jack" },
{ 12, "Queen" },
{ 13, "King" }
private static Dictionary<string, Func<List<Card>, bool>> handValues;
public enum CardSuit
Spades = 1,
Hearts = 2,
Diamonds = 3,
Clubs = 4
public class Card : IComparable
public CardSuit Suit { get; }
public int Number { get; }
public string Name
var str = "";
if (Number <= 10 && Number > 1)
str += "_" + Number;
else {
str += GetName().ToLower();
return str + "_of_" + Suit.ToString().ToLower();
public Card(CardSuit s, int cardNum)
this.Suit = s;
this.Number = cardNum;
public string GetName() => cardNames[Number];
public override string ToString() => cardNames[Number] + " Of " + Suit;
public int CompareTo(object obj)
if (!(obj is Card)) return 0;
var c = (Card)obj;
return this.Number - c.Number;
private List<Card> cardPool;
public List<Card> CardPool
get { return cardPool; }
set { cardPool = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the BlackJackGame, this allows you to create multiple games running at one time.
/// </summary>
public Cards()
cardPool = new List<Card>(52);
/// <summary>
/// Restart the game of blackjack. It will only refill the pool for now. Probably wont be used, unless you want to have only 1 bjg running at one time,
/// then you will restart the same game every time.
/// </summary>
public void Restart() => RefillPool();
/// <summary>
/// Removes all cards from the pool and refills the pool with all of the possible cards. NOTE: I think this is too expensive.
/// We should probably make it so it copies another premade list with all the cards, or something.
/// </summary>
private void RefillPool()
//foreach suit
for (var j = 1; j < 14; j++)
// and number
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++)
//generate a card of that suit and number and add it to the pool
// the pool will go from ace of spades,hears,diamonds,clubs all the way to the king of spades. hearts, ...
cardPool.Add(new Card((CardSuit)i, j));
private Random r = new NadekoRandom();
/// <summary>
/// Take a card from the pool, you either take it from the top if the deck is shuffled, or from a random place if the deck is in the default order.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A card from the pool</returns>
public Card DrawACard()
if (CardPool.Count == 0)
//you can either do this if your deck is not shuffled
var num = r.Next(0, cardPool.Count);
var c = cardPool[num];
return c;
// if you want to shuffle when you fill, then take the first one
Card c = cardPool[0];
return c;
/// <summary>
/// Shuffles the deck. Use this if you want to take cards from the top of the deck, instead of randomly. See DrawACard method.
/// </summary>
private void Shuffle()
if (cardPool.Count <= 1) return;
var orderedPool = cardPool.Shuffle();
cardPool = cardPool as List<Card> ?? orderedPool.ToList();
public override string ToString() => string.Concat(cardPool.Select(c => c.ToString())) + Environment.NewLine;
private static void InitHandValues()
Func<List<Card>, bool> hasPair =
cards => cards.GroupBy(card => card.Number)
.Count(group => group.Count() == 2) == 1;
Func<List<Card>, bool> isPair =
cards => cards.GroupBy(card => card.Number)
.Count(group => group.Count() == 3) == 0
&& hasPair(cards);
Func<List<Card>, bool> isTwoPair =
cards => cards.GroupBy(card => card.Number)
.Count(group => group.Count() == 2) == 2;
Func<List<Card>, bool> isStraight =
cards =>
if (cards.GroupBy(card => card.Number).Count() != cards.Count())
return false;
var toReturn = (cards.Max(card => (int)card.Number)
- cards.Min(card => (int)card.Number) == 4);
if (toReturn || cards.All(c => c.Number != 1)) return toReturn;
var newCards = cards.Select(c => c.Number == 1 ? new Card(c.Suit, 14) : c);
return (newCards.Max(card => (int)card.Number)
- newCards.Min(card => (int)card.Number) == 4);
Func<List<Card>, bool> hasThreeOfKind =
cards => cards.GroupBy(card => card.Number)
.Any(group => group.Count() == 3);
Func<List<Card>, bool> isThreeOfKind =
cards => hasThreeOfKind(cards) && !hasPair(cards);
Func<List<Card>, bool> isFlush =
cards => cards.GroupBy(card => card.Suit).Count() == 1;
Func<List<Card>, bool> isFourOfKind =
cards => cards.GroupBy(card => card.Number)
.Any(group => group.Count() == 4);
Func<List<Card>, bool> isFullHouse =
cards => hasPair(cards) && hasThreeOfKind(cards);
Func<List<Card>, bool> hasStraightFlush =
cards => isFlush(cards) && isStraight(cards);
Func<List<Card>, bool> isRoyalFlush =
cards => cards.Min(card => card.Number) == 1 &&
cards.Max(card => card.Number) == 13
&& hasStraightFlush(cards);
Func<List<Card>, bool> isStraightFlush =
cards => hasStraightFlush(cards) && !isRoyalFlush(cards);
handValues = new Dictionary<string, Func<List<Card>, bool>>
{ "Royal Flush", isRoyalFlush },
{ "Straight Flush", isStraightFlush },
{ "Four Of A Kind", isFourOfKind },
{ "Full House", isFullHouse },
{ "Flush", isFlush },
{ "Straight", isStraight },
{ "Three Of A Kind", isThreeOfKind },
{ "Two Pairs", isTwoPair },
{ "A Pair", isPair }
public static string GetHandValue(List<Card> cards)
if (handValues == null)
foreach (var kvp in handValues.Where(x => x.Value(cards)))
return kvp.Key;
return "High card " + (cards.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Number == 1)?.GetName() ?? cards.Max().GetName());