permission commands correctly and even cover a few common questions! Every command we discuss here can be found in the [Commands List](
Permissions are very handy at setting who can use what commands in a server. By default, the NSFW module is blocked, but nothing else is. If something is a bot owner only command, it can only be ran by the bot owner, the person who is running the bot, or has their ID in [`credentials.json`]( "Setting up your credentials").
The Administration module still requires that you have the correct permissions on Discord to be able to use these commands, so for users to be able to use commands like `.kick` and `.prune`, they need kick and mange messages permissions respectively.
If you would like to set a different role, such as `Admins`, to be the role required to edit permissions, do `.permrole Admins` (you must have the current permission role to be able to do this).
The [Commands List]( is a great resource which lists **all** the available commands, however we'll go over a few commands here.
Firstly, let's explain how the permissions system works - It's simple once you figure out how each command works!
The permissions system works as a chain, everytime a command is used, the permissions chain is checked. Starting from the top of the chain, the command is compared to a rule, if it isn't either allowed or disallowed by that rule it proceeds to check the next rule all the way till it reaches the bottom rule, which allows all commands.
If you want to remove a permission from the chain of permissions, do `.removeperm X` to remove rule number X and similarly, do `.moveperm X Y` to move rule number X to number Y (moving, not swapping!).
This adds the rule to the top of the permissions chain so even if the default `.sm NSFW disable` rule exists, the "Lewd" role will be able to use the NSFW module.
If you want the bot to notify users why they can't use a command or module, use `.verbose true` and Nadeko will tell you what rule is preventing the command.