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2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
## Setting up your Credentials
2016-10-10 00:44:50 +02:00
If you do not see `credentials.json` you will need to rename `credentials_example.json` to `credentials.json`.
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
**This is how the `credentials.json` looks with all the APIs:**
2016-10-10 00:44:50 +02:00
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
"ClientId": 179372110000358912,
"BotId": 179372110000358912,
"Token": "MTc5MzcyXXX2MDI1ODY3MjY0.ChKs4g.I8J_R9XX0t-QY-0PzXXXiN0-7vo",
2016-10-10 00:44:50 +02:00
"OwnerIds": [
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
2016-10-10 00:44:50 +02:00
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
"LoLApiKey": "6e99ecf36f0000095b0a3ccfe35df45f",
"GoogleApiKey": "AIzaSyDSci1sdlWQOWNVj1vlXxxxxxbk0oWMEzM",
"MashapeKey": "4UrKpcWXc2mshS8RKi00000y8Kf5p1Q8kI6jsn32bmd8oVWiY7",
"OsuApiKey": "4c8c8fdff8e1234581725db27fd140a7d93320d6",
"CleverbotApiKey": "",
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
"PatreonAccessToken": "",
2017-07-05 11:46:29 +02:00
"PatreonCampaignId": "334038",
"Db": null,
"TotalShards": 1,
2017-06-25 10:58:48 +02:00
"ShardRunCommand": "",
"ShardRunArguments": "",
"ShardRunPort": null
2016-10-10 00:44:50 +02:00
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
#### Creating Discord Bot application
- Go to [the Discord developer application page][DiscordApp].
- Log in with your Discord account.
- On the left side, press `New Application`.
- Fill out the `App Name` (Your bot's name, in this case)
- Put the image if you want, and add an app description. **(Optional)**
- Create the application.
- Click on `Create a Bot User` and confirm that you do want to add a bot to this app.
- **Keep this window open for now.**
#### Inviting your bot to your server
- [Invite Guide][Invite Guide]
- Copy your `Client ID` from your [applications page][DiscordApp].
- Replace the **`12345678`** in this link:
``**`12345678`**`&scope=bot&permissions=66186303` with your `Client ID`.
- The link should now look like this:
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- Go to the newly created link and pick the server we created, and click `Authorize`.
- The bot should have been added to your server.
#### Setting up credentials.json file
2017-06-20 19:08:07 +05:30
**For Windows** you can find `credentials.json` file in `NadekoBot\system` folder.
e.g. `C:\Program Files\NadekoBot\system`
**For Linux** you can find `credentials.json` in `NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot` folder.
e.g. `/root/NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot`
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
##### Getting Bot's Token:
- In your [Discord applications page][DiscordApp], under the **`APP BOT USER`** section, you will see `Token:click to reveal`, click to reveal the token.
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
*Note: Make sure that you actually use a Token and not a Client Secret!* It is in the **App Bot User** section.
- Copy your bot's token, and on the **`"Token"`** line of your `credentials.json`, paste your bot token **between** the quotation marks.
It should look like:
"Token": "MTc5MzcyXXX2MDI1ODY3MjY0.ChKs4g.I8J_R9XX0t-QY-0PzXXXiN0-7vo",
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
##### Getting Client and Bot ID:
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- Copy the `Client ID` on the page and replace the `12312123` part of the **`"ClientId"`** line with it.
- **Important: Bot ID and Client ID** will be the same in **newer bot accounts** due to recent changes by Discord.
- If that's the case, **copy the same client ID** to **`"BotId"`**
It should look like:
"ClientId": 179372110000358912,
"BotId": 179372110000358912,
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
##### Getting Owner ID*(s)*:
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- Go to your Discord server and attempt to mention yourself, but put a backslash at the start like shown below:
*(to make it slightly easier, add the backslash after you type the mention out)*
- So the message `\@fearnlj01#3535` will appear as `<@145521851676884992>` after you send the message.
- The message will appear as a mention if done correctly, copy the numbers from the message **`145521851676884992`** and replace the ID (By default, the ID is `105635576866156544`) on the `OwnerIds` section with your user ID shown earlier.
- Save `credentials.json`
- If done correctly, you are now the bot owner. You can add multiple owners by seperating each owner ID with a comma within the square brackets.
For single owner it should look like:
"OwnerIds": [
For multiple owners it should look like:
"OwnerIds": [
## Setting up your API keys
This part is completely optional, **However it is necessary for music and few other features to work properly**
- **GoogleAPIKey**
- Required for Youtube Song Search, Playlist queuing, URL Shortener and lot more.
- Follow these steps on how to setup Google API keys:
- Go to [Google Console][Google Console] and log in.
- Create a new project (name does not matter).
- Once the project is created, go into **`Library`**
- Under the **`Other Popular APIs`** section, enable `URL Shortener API` and `Custom Search API`
- Under the **`YouTube APIs`** section, enable `YouTube Data API`
- Under the **`Google Maps APIs`** section, enable `Google Maps Geocoding API` and `Google Maps Time Zone API`
- On the left tab, access **`Credentials`**,
- Click `Create Credentials` button,
- Click on `API Key`
- A new window will appear with your `Google API key`
*NOTE: You don't really need to click on `RESTRICT KEY`, just click on `CLOSE` when you are done.*
- Copy the key.
- Open up **`credentials.json`** and look for **`"GoogleAPIKey"`**, paste your API key inbetween the quotation marks.
It should look like:
"GoogleApiKey": "AIzaSyDSci1sdlWQOWNVj1vlXxxxxxbk0oWMEzM",
- **MashapeKey**
- Required for Urban Disctionary, Hashtag search, and Hearthstone cards.
- You need to create an account on their [api marketplace](, after that go to `` and press **Get the keys** in the top right corner.
- Copy the key and paste it into `credentials.json`
- **LoLApiKey**
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- Required for all League of Legends commands.
- You can get this key [here.](
- **OsuApiKey**
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- Required for Osu commands
- You can get this key [here.](
- **CleverbotApiKey**
- Required if you want to use official cleverobot, instead of program-o
- you can get this key [here.](
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
- **PatreonAccessToken**
- For Patreon creators only.
2017-07-05 11:46:29 +02:00
- **PatreonCampaignId**
- For Patreon creators only. Id of your campaign.
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- **TotalShards**
- Required if the bot will be connected to more than 1500 servers.
2017-06-25 10:58:48 +02:00
- Most likely unnecessary to change until your bot is added to more than 1500 servers.
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
## DB files
Nadeko saves all the settings and infomations in `NadekoBot.db` file here:
2017-06-20 19:08:07 +05:30
`NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp1.1/data/NadekoBot.db` (macOS and Linux)
2017-06-25 07:06:46 +02:00
`NadekoBot\system\data` (Windows)
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
in order to open the database file you will need [DB Browser for SQLite](
2016-12-02 16:43:17 +05:30
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
*NOTE: You don't have to worry if you don't have `NadekoBot.db` file, it gets auto created once you run the bot successfully.*
**To make changes:**
2016-12-02 16:43:17 +05:30
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
- Copy the `NadekoBot.db` to someplace safe. (Back up)
- Open `NadekoBot.db`
2016-12-02 16:43:17 +05:30
- go to **Browse Data** tab
- click on **Table** drop-down list
- choose the table you want to edit
- click on the cell you want to edit
- edit it on the right-hand side
- click on **Apply**
- click on **Write Changes**
2016-12-02 16:43:17 +05:30
and that will save all the changes.
2016-12-02 07:54:19 +05:30
2017-06-25 10:58:48 +02:00
## Sharding your bot
- **ShardRunCommand**
- Command with which to run shards 1+
- Required if you're sharding your bot on windows using .exe, or in a custom way.
- This internally defaults to `dotnet`
- For example, if you want to shard your NadekoBot which you installed using windows installer, you would want to set it to something like this: `C:\Program Files\NadekoBot\system\NadekoBot.exe`
- **ShardRunArguments**
- Arguments to the shard run command
- Required if you're sharding your bot on windows using .exe, or in a custom way.
- This internally defaults to `run -c Release -- {0} {1} {2}` which will be enough to run linux and other 'from source' setups
- {0} will be replaced by the `shard ID` of the shard being ran, {1} by the shard 0's process id, and {2} by the port shard communication is happening on
- If shard0 (main window) is closed, all other shards will close too
- For example, if you want to shard your NadekoBot which you installed using windows installer, you would want to set it to `{0} {1} {2}`
- **ShardRunPort**
- Bot uses a random UDP port in [5000, 6000) range for communication between shards
2017-06-20 16:46:55 +05:30
2016-11-08 00:39:19 +01:00
2017-06-15 04:53:51 +05:30
[Google Console]:
[Invite Guide]: