If you want Nadeko to play music for you 24/7 without having to hosting it on your PC and want to keep it cheap, reliable and convenient as possible, you can try Nadeko on Linux Digital Ocean Droplet using the link [DigitalOcean][DigitalOcean] (and using this link will be supporting Nadeko and will give you **$10 credit**)
Assuming you have followed the link above to created an account in Digital Ocean and video to set up the bot until you get the `IP address and root password (in email)` to login, its time to begin.
- **Open PuTTY.exe** that you downloaded before, and paste or enter your `IP address` and then click **Open**.
If you entered your Droplets IP address correctly, it should show **login as:** in a newly opened window.
- Now for **login as:**, type `root` and hit enter.
- It should then, ask for password, type the `root password` you have received in your **email address registered with Digital Ocean**, then hit Enter.
*(as you are running it for the first time, it will most likely to ask you to change your root password, for that, type the "password you received through email", hit Enter, enter a "new password", hit Enter and confirm that "new password" again.*
**SAVE that new password somewhere safe not just in mind**. After you done that, you are ready to write commands.
**Copy and just paste** using **mouse right-click** (it should paste automatically)