_BotId and the OwnerIds are **NOT** the names of the owner and the bot. If you do not know the id of your bot, keep the two random numbers in those fields and
run the bot then do `.uid @MyBotName` - this will give you your bot_id.
Do the same for yourself with `.uid @MyName` Put these numbers in their respective field of the credentials._
+ You will need to fill out an application form to request access to Soundcloud API.
+ All requests for an API key must go through the review process, where applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis, in line with Soundcloud API Terms of Use. If your application is successful, you will receive an API key.
+ Copy the Client ID and click "save app" then paste the Client Id it into your `credentials.json`
+ **MashapeKey** - Required for Urban Disctionary, Hashtag search, and Hearthstone cards.
+ You need to create an account on their [api marketplace](https://market.mashape.com/), after that go to `market.mashape.com/YOURNAMEHERE/applications/default-application` and press **Get the keys** in the top right corner.
+ Copy the key and paste it into `credentials.json`
+ **LOLAPIKey** - Required for all League of Legends commands.
+ You can get this key [here](http://api.champion.gg/)
+ **TrelloAppKey** - Required for the trello commands.
+ You can get this key [here](https://trello.com/app-key) **Be sure you are logged into Trello first**
+ **OsuAPIKey** - Required for Osu commands
+ You can get this key [here](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/api) **You will need to log in and like the soundcloud it may take a few tries**
+ **CarbonKey** -This key is for Carobnitex.net stats.
+ Most likely unnecessary **Needed only if your bot is listed on Carbonitex.net**