- Read here [how to create a Discord Bot application and invite it.](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/JSON%20Explanations/#creating-discord-bot-application)
- Open up the `NadekoBot` folder, which should be in your home directory, then `NadekoBot` folder then `src` folder and then the additonal `NadekoBot` folder.
- Edit the way its guided here: [Setting up credentials.json](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/JSON%20Explanations/#setting-up-credentialsjson-file)
- **If** you already have Nadeko 1.x setup and have `credentials.json` and `NadekoBot.db`, you can just copy and paste the `credentials.json` to `NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot` and `NadekoBot.db` to `NadekoBot/src/NadekoBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp1.1/data`.
**Or** follow the [Upgrading Guide.](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/Upgrading%20Guide/)
For Music Setup and API keys check [Setting up NadekoBot for Music](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/JSON%20Explanations/#setting-up-your-api-keys) and [JSON Explanations](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/JSON%20Explanations/).
The above command will create a new session named **nadeko***(you can replace “nadeko” with anything you prefer and remember its your session name)* so you can run the bot in background without having to keep the PuTTY running.
**NOTE:** With option `2` (Running normally), if you use `.die` [command](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Commands%20List/#administration) in discord. The bot will shut down and will stay offline until you manually run it again. (best if you want to check the bot.)
Choose `3` to **Run NadekoBot with Auto Restart.**
**NOTE:** With option `3` (Running with Auto Restart), bot will auto run if you use `.die` [command](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Commands%20List/#administration) making the command `.die` to function as restart.
- With option `1. Run Auto Restart normally without Updating.` Bot will restart on `die` command and will not be downloading the latest build available.
- With option `2. Run Auto Restart and update NadekoBot.` Bot will restart and download the latest build of bot available everytime `die` command is used.
**Remember** that, while running with Auto Restart, you will need to [close the tmux session](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/Linux%20Guide/#restarting-nadeko) to stop the bot completely.
-`tmux kill-session -t nadeko` [(don't forget to replace **nadeko** in the command to what ever you named your bot's session)](http://nadekobot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guides/OSX%20Guide/#some-more-info)
- If you want to see the sessions after logging back again, type `tmux ls`, and that will give you the list of sessions running.
- If you want to switch to/ see that session, type `tmux a -t nadeko` (nadeko is the name of the session we created before so, replace `nadeko` with the session name you created.)
- If you want to kill NadekoBot session, type `tmux kill-session -t nadeko`
- If you want to see the sessions after logging back again, type `screen -ls`, and that will give you the list of screens.
- If you want to switch to/ see that screen, type `screen -r nadeko` (nadeko is the name of the screen we created before so, replace `nadeko` with the screen name you created.)
- If you want to kill the NadekoBot screen, type `screen -X -S nadeko quit`