2017-07-17 21:42:36 +02:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Discord;
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
using Discord.Commands;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using NadekoBot.Extensions;
2017-10-15 11:48:29 +02:00
using NadekoBot.Modules.Music.Services;
using NadekoBot.Modules.Administration.Services;
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
2017-07-17 21:42:36 +02:00
namespace NadekoBot.Common.Replacements
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
public class ReplacementBuilder
private static readonly Regex rngRegex = new Regex("%rng(?:(?<from>(?:-)?\\d+)-(?<to>(?:-)?\\d+))?%", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, Func<string>> _reps = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Func<string>>();
private ConcurrentDictionary<Regex, Func<Match, string>> _regex = new ConcurrentDictionary<Regex, Func<Match, string>>();
public ReplacementBuilder()
public ReplacementBuilder WithDefault(IUser usr, IMessageChannel ch, IGuild g, DiscordSocketClient client)
return this.WithUser(usr)
2017-07-05 13:17:59 +02:00
.WithServer(client, g)
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
public ReplacementBuilder WithDefault(ICommandContext ctx) =>
WithDefault(ctx.User, ctx.Channel, ctx.Guild, (DiscordSocketClient)ctx.Client);
public ReplacementBuilder WithClient(DiscordSocketClient client)
_reps.TryAdd("%mention%", () => $"<@{client.CurrentUser.Id}>");
_reps.TryAdd("%shardid%", () => client.ShardId.ToString());
_reps.TryAdd("%time%", () => DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm " + TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName.GetInitials()));
return this;
2017-07-05 13:17:59 +02:00
public ReplacementBuilder WithServer(DiscordSocketClient client, IGuild g)
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
2017-07-05 13:17:59 +02:00
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
_reps.TryAdd("%sid%", () => g == null ? "DM" : g.Id.ToString());
_reps.TryAdd("%server%", () => g == null ? "DM" : g.Name);
2017-10-15 11:48:29 +02:00
_reps.TryAdd("%server_time%", () =>
TimeZoneInfo to = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
if (g != null)
if (GuildTimezoneService.AllServices.TryGetValue(client.CurrentUser.Id, out var tz))
to = tz.GetTimeZoneOrDefault(g.Id) ?? TimeZoneInfo.Local;
2017-07-05 13:17:59 +02:00
2017-10-15 11:48:29 +02:00
return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTime.UtcNow,
to).ToString("HH:mm ") + to.StandardName.GetInitials();
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
return this;
public ReplacementBuilder WithChannel(IMessageChannel ch)
_reps.TryAdd("%channel%", () => (ch as ITextChannel)?.Mention ?? "#" + ch.Name);
_reps.TryAdd("%chname%", () => ch.Name);
_reps.TryAdd("%cid%", () => ch?.Id.ToString());
return this;
public ReplacementBuilder WithUser(IUser user)
_reps.TryAdd("%user%", () => user.Mention);
_reps.TryAdd("%userfull%", () => user.ToString());
_reps.TryAdd("%username%", () => user.Username);
_reps.TryAdd("%userdiscrim%", () => user.Discriminator);
_reps.TryAdd("%id%", () => user.Id.ToString());
_reps.TryAdd("%uid%", () => user.Id.ToString());
return this;
public ReplacementBuilder WithStats(DiscordSocketClient c)
_reps.TryAdd("%servers%", () => c.Guilds.Count.ToString());
_reps.TryAdd("%users%", () => c.Guilds.Sum(s => s.Users.Count).ToString());
return this;
2017-10-15 11:48:29 +02:00
public ReplacementBuilder WithMusic(MusicService ms)
_reps.TryAdd("%playing%", () =>
var cnt = ms.MusicPlayers.Count(kvp => kvp.Value.Current.Current != null);
if (cnt != 1) return cnt.ToString();
var mp = ms.MusicPlayers.FirstOrDefault();
var title = mp.Value?.Current.Current?.Title;
return title ?? "No songs";
return "error";
_reps.TryAdd("%queued%", () => ms.MusicPlayers.Sum(kvp => kvp.Value.QueueArray().Songs.Length).ToString());
return this;
2017-06-28 02:44:30 +02:00
public ReplacementBuilder WithRngRegex()
var rng = new NadekoRandom();
_regex.TryAdd(rngRegex, (match) =>
int from = 0;
int.TryParse(match.Groups["from"].ToString(), out from);
int to = 0;
int.TryParse(match.Groups["to"].ToString(), out to);
if (from == 0 && to == 0)
return rng.Next(0, 11).ToString();
if (from >= to)
return string.Empty;
return rng.Next(from, to + 1).ToString();
return this;
public ReplacementBuilder WithOverride(string key, Func<string> output)
_reps.AddOrUpdate(key, output, delegate { return output; });
return this;
public Replacer Build()
return new Replacer(_reps.Select(x => (x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray(), _regex.Select(x => (x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray());