configuration($configuration); $this -> host = $conf['host']; // $this -> scriptPath = $conf['scriptpath']; $this -> scriptPath = $this -> rewriteScriptPath(); $this -> ignore = $conf['ignore']; $this -> countElements = $conf['countelements']; $this -> sortOptions = $conf['sort']; $this -> userSort = $conf['usersort']; $this -> types = $conf['types']; $this -> listHidden = $conf['listhidden']; $this -> searchEnabled = $conf['searchenabled']; $this -> searchTag = $conf['searchtag']; $this -> searchHidden = $conf['searchhidden']; $this -> searchCaseSensitive = $conf['searchcasesensitive']; $this -> modRewrite = $conf['modrewrite']; // $this -> directoryPrefix = $conf['directory']; // // strip double prefixes // $this -> directory = $this -> stripDoublePrefix(@$_GET['directory'], $this -> directoryPrefix); // make the path more secure and remove illegal characters $this -> directory = $this -> rewritePath(@$_GET['directory']); $this -> sessionSort(); } /** * Adjusts user configuration with default configuration. * If a configuration key has an empty value, use a default value instead * @param array $configuration * @param array $default * @return array */ public function configuration($configuration, $default = false) { if (!$default) { $default = array( 'host' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], // 'scriptpath' => $this -> rewriteScriptPath(), // 'directory' => '', 'ignore' => array("index.php", ".htaccess", ".pdirl"), 'countelements' => true, 'sort' => array('key' => 'name', 'sort' => "SORT_ASC"), 'usersort' => true, 'listhidden' => false, 'searchenabled' => true, 'searchtag' => @$_GET['search'], 'searchhidden' => false, 'searchcasesensitive' => false, 'modrewrite' => @$_GET['modrewrite'], ); } if (!$configuration) return $default; foreach ($default as $key => $defaultValue) { if (isset($configuration[$key])) { // If configuration is empty, use the default value if ($configuration[$key] === '') $configuration[$key] = $defaultValue; } } return $configuration; } /** * Makes path more secure. * Please try to hack this, I'm not very sure if this is the most secure function * @return string */ private function rewritePath($path) { $path = './'.$path.'/'; if (count($path) > 0) { if ($path == './') { return ''; } else { if (($path[0] == '.' OR $path[0] == '/') AND $path[0].$path[1] != './') return ''; $search = array ("..", "//", ".?", ".*", "././", "/./"); $replace= array ("", "/" , "", "", "./", "/"); while ($path != str_replace($search, $replace, $path)) $path = str_replace($search, $replace, $path); } } return $path; } // /** // * Returns current directory path with the directory path in the configuration. // * Because you get a double suffix when you list a subdirectory with pdirl (suffix + path) // * it must be removed. // * @return string // */ // function stripDoublePrefix ($path = false, $prefix = false) { // if (!$path && !$prefix) { // return ''; // } elseif (!$path) { // return $prefix; // } elseif (!$prefix) { // return $path; // } else { // // double prefix to search and to destroy ;-) // $prefixSearch = $prefix.$prefix; // // Escape . \ + * ? [ ^ ] ( $ ) // $prefixSearch = quotemeta($prefixSearch); // // Also strip something like '//' and '/./' // $prefixSearch = $this -> rewritePath ($prefixSearch); // // Escape '/', too // $prefixSearch = str_replace('/', '\/', $prefixSearch); // // Replace the double prefix with the normal prefix // return preg_replace("/^{$prefixSearch}/", $prefix, $this -> rewritePath($prefix.$path)); // } // } /** * returns a legal script path * @return string */ private function rewriteScriptPath() { // make sure the path contains no illegal characters $scriptPath = $this -> rewritePath($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // delete the "." at the beginning of the path $scriptPath = str_replace('./', '/', $scriptPath); // delete the slash at the end $scriptPath = rtrim($scriptPath, '/'); return $scriptPath; } // /** // * script path should'nt be part of current directory path, to prevent double bredcrumbs. // * @return string // */ // function currentDirectoryOnly($currentDir = false, $scriptPath = false) { // if (!$currentDir) // $currentDir = $this -> getCurrentDirectory(); // if (!$scriptPath) // $scriptPath = $this -> getScriptPath(); // if (strpos($currentDir, $scriptPath) === 0) // $currentDir = substr_replace($currentDir, "", 0, strlen($scriptPath)); // else // return $currentDir; // } /** * Returns formatted path, when modrewrite is inactive it will return the path via GET * @param string $path * @return string */ public function urlPath($path) { $path = $this -> rewritePath($path); if (!$this -> modRewrite) return "?directory=".urlencode($path); else // because basename() sucks on foreign characters, I use explode -> array_pop return htmlspecialchars($this -> getScriptDirectory()).'/'.$this -> encode($path); } /** * urlencode on everything except the slashes * @param array $path * @return unknown_type */ public function encode($path) { if (!is_array($path)) { $path = explode ('/', $path); } $newPath = array(); foreach ($path as $pathElement) { $newPath[] = rawurlencode($pathElement); } return implode('/', $newPath); } /** * Sorts array columns * @link php_multisort * @author * @uses array_multisort * @param multi-dimensional_array $elements [optional] * @param array $sortOptions [optional] * @return array */ public function sortElements($elementsVar = false, $sortOptions = false) { if (!$elementsVar) { if (!empty($this -> elements)) { $elements = $this -> elements; } else { return false; } } else { $elements = $elementsVar; } if (!$sortOptions) $sortOptions = $this -> sortOptions; foreach($elements as $elementKey => $elementData) { $columns[$sortOptions['key']][$elementKey] = $elementData[$sortOptions['key']]; } // $idkeys is a key-index $idkeys = array_keys($elements); array_multisort(array_map('strtolower', $columns[$sortOptions['key']]), constant($sortOptions['sort']), $idkeys); // if we have no idkeys, we'll return false $result = false; foreach($idkeys as $idkey) { // apply new sorting $result[$idkey] = $elements[$idkey]; } if (!$elementsVar) $this -> elements = $result; return $result; } /** * * @param string $file * @return string */ public function getType($file) { if (is_dir($file)) return 'directory'; $typeList = $this -> types; $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); if (isset($pathinfo["extension"])) $extension = strtolower($pathinfo["extension"]); else $extension = ''; // MIME-type will be split in two parts, type and subtype $mimeType = array("",""); // via mime_content_type, the most exact method to get the mime-type, deprecated in 5.3 if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { // MCT is "mime_content_type", I use this name to separate from the mimeType that should be set if ($mctType = mime_content_type($file)) { $mimeType = explode('/', $mctType); } // via Fileinfo, "alternative" for mime_content_type() // Problems with Fileinfo // // } elseif (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfoHandler = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); if ($finfoType = finfo_file($finfoHandler, $file)) { // // "contrary to the documentation, finfo_file seems to be returning a // semicolon delimited string that contains not just the mime type but also the character set." $finfoType = explode(';', $finfoType); $mimeType = explode('/', $finfoType[0]); } finfo_close($finfoHandler); // via Unix file command } elseif (array_search(php_uname('s'), array('Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'Mac OS X', 'Solaris')) !== false) { // output buffer, "records" what the shell returns ob_start(); // --mime-type returns mime-type only w/o mime-encoding, -b keeps it brief, w/o the path of the file system('/usr/bin/file --mime-type -b ' . escapeshellarg(realpath($file))); $unixFileType = ob_get_contents(); if (stristr($unixFileType, 'error') == false) { $mimeType = explode('/', $unixFileType); } ob_clean(); } // $subtype = ""; if(count($mimeType) > 1){ $subtype = $mimeType[1]; } $mimeType = array('type' => $mimeType[0], 'subtype' => $subtype); // search for MIME-type and extension in $typeList, if found, break foreach foreach ($typeList as $key => $value) { if (in_array($mimeType['subtype'], $value)) { return $key; break; } elseif ($mimeType['type'] == $key) { return $key; break; // the last method: search in the extension list, that was defined in the config } elseif (in_array($extension, $value)) { return $key; break; } } // if no other type was returned, return "default", which means that the file type is unknown return "default"; } /** * Checks if file/dir is ignored in configuration * @return boolean */ private function ignored ($element, $ignoreList=false) { if (!$ignoreList) $ignoreList = $this -> ignore; if(is_array($ignoreList) ) { $ignoreList[] = '\/\.(\.)?$'; foreach($ignoreList as $expression) { $expression = str_replace(".", "\.", $expression); if(preg_match("/$expression/", $element)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Replacement for sql_regcase * @link * @author * @param string $string * @param string $encoding */ private function iregcase($string,$encoding='auto'){ $max = mb_strlen($string,$encoding); $ret = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $char = mb_substr($string,$i,1,$encoding); $up = mb_strtoupper ($char,$encoding); $low = mb_strtolower($char,$encoding); $ret .= ($up!=$low)?'['.$up.$low.']' : $char; } return $ret; } /** * recursive glob() function * @link * @author * @param string $pattern [optional] * @param string $path [optional] * @param mixed $flags [optional] * @return */ private function rglob($pattern='*', $path='', $flags = 0) { $dir = dirname($pattern); if (!$path && $dir != './') { return $this -> rglob(basename($pattern), $dir . '/', $flags); } $path = $this -> escapePathBrackets($path); $paths = glob($path . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT); $files = glob($path . $pattern, $flags); // if glob returns false if ($paths == false) $paths = array(); if ($files == false) $files = array(); foreach ($paths as $p) $files = array_merge($files, $this -> rglob($pattern, $p . '/', $flags)); return $files; } /** * Works like stat, but only for directories. * A patchscript between * and * @link * @author * @link * @author * @param string $directory * @return array */ private function rstat($directory) { $files = $this -> rglob('*', $directory, 0); $newestModification = 0; $DirectorySize = 0; foreach ($files as $val) { $stat = @stat($val); if ($stat['mtime'] > $newestModification) $newestModification = $stat['mtime']; $DirectorySize += $stat['size']; } return array('mtime' => $newestModification, 'size' => $DirectorySize); } /** Counts number of elements in a directory * @param string $directory * @return interger */ public function countElementsInDir($directory) { return count($this -> rglob('*', $directory, 0)); } /** * if search query was detected in URL or not, get the elements for the search/dirlist query * @return array */ public function requestElements () { if (!empty($this -> searchTag) && $this -> searchEnabled) { $this -> getSearchElements(); } else { $this -> getDirectoryElements(); } } /** * Returns all files in a directory * @param string $directory [optional] * @return array */ public function getDirectoryElements ($directory = '') { if (!$directory) { $directory = $this -> directory; } $directory = $this -> escapePathBrackets($directory); if ($this -> listHidden) { $elements = glob($directory.'{,.}*', GLOB_BRACE); //list hidden files ("."-prefix) } else { $elements = glob($directory.'*'); } $elements = $this -> getElementInfo($elements); $this -> elements = $elements; return $elements; } /** * Searches for $search and returns a array with paths to found files/directories * @param string $search [optional] * @param string $directory [optional] * @return array */ public function getSearchElements($search = '', $directory = '') { if (!$search) { $search = $this -> searchTag; } if (!$directory) { $directory = $this -> directory; } if (!empty($search)) { // Search for term in current directory $search = htmlspecialchars($this -> searchTag); # thx to if (!$this -> searchCaseSensitive) $search = $this -> iregcase($search); $found = $this -> getElementInfo($this -> rglob("*$search*", $directory, 0)); $this -> elements = $found; return $found; } else { return false; } } public function getElementInfo($elements, $directory = false) { if (!$directory) $directory = $this -> directory; $list = array(); if (is_array($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $path) { if (is_file($path) || is_dir($path)) { if ($this -> ignored($path) === false) { /* * path => "./examples/sub directory" * urlpath => "?directory=./examples/sub%20directory/" * or with mod_rewrite: urlpath => "./examples/sub%20directory" */ // If not in the directory where pdirl is if (!empty($directory)) { // The reason why pdirl is not compatible with PHP <5 // if (strpos($path, $directory) === 0 AND $this -> modRewrite) { /* * If you search with glob e.g. in "examples" you will get paths like "examples/foobar.mp3" * The path should be shortened. */ $item['path'] = substr_replace($path, "", 0, strlen($directory)); } else { /* * Okay, you will probably ask why I save the path of the file/folder * Because of the sorting options - files and folders should be sorted according to their name and not * their path. In version 0.9.2beta files and folders were sorted according to their path (only in search mode). */ $item['path'] = $path; } } else { // Take absolute path $item['path'] = $path; } // if you have brackets etc. e.g. '' in your name htmlspecialchars would distort the name it wouldnt be accessible, // so they are seperate variables for (display)name and pathname which is encoded with urlencode // There is also 'urlpath' which is especially for using pdirl without modrewrite and adds (if needed) ?directory= before the url $path_array = explode("/", $item['path']); $item['name'] = array_pop($path_array); $item['directory'] = is_dir($path); $item['location'] = ''; // pdirl needs location only when you search or // modRewrite is on if ($this -> modRewrite || $this -> getSearchTag() || !$item['directory']) { $item['location'] = implode('/', $path_array); $item['location'] .= '/'; // Makes location path more secure $item['location'] = $this -> rewritePath($item['location']); } // urlencode on everything except the slashes $item['urlpath'] = $this -> encode($item['location'].$item['name']); $stat = array('size' => 0, 'mtime' => 0); $item['numberofelements'] = 0; $item['countonly'] = false; if ($item['directory']) { if ($item['readable'] = is_readable($path) || is_executable($path)) { if ($this -> countElements) { $item['numberofelements'] = $this -> countElementsInDir($path) - 1; $item['countonly'] = true; } else { $stat = $this -> rstat($path); } } $item['urlpath'] = $this -> urlPath($directory.$item['location'].$item['name']); } else { // stat() is slow, but faster than using filemtime() & filesize() instead. $stat = @stat($path); // if stat() returns an error, we ignore it and convert it to false via the @ $item['readable'] = (bool) $stat; } $item['path'] = urlencode($item['path']); $item['name'] = htmlspecialchars($item['name']); $item['locationurl'] = $item['location']; $item['location'] = htmlspecialchars($item['location']); /* * Ok, fine, what did I do with $item['readable']? I mark files and directories, * that are not accessible with $item['readable'] = false; */ $item['bytes'] = $stat['size']; $item['mtime'] = $stat['mtime']; // Add this items file size to this folders total size $this -> totalSize += $item['bytes']; $item['type'] = $this -> getType($path); $list[] = $item; } } } $this -> elements = $list; } return $list; } /** * allowing brackets in directory names * * * returns directory path, but only that the brackets are escaped. * @return string */ private function escapePathBrackets($directory = false) { if ($directory == false) { $directory = $this -> directory; } $escapedBracketPath = str_replace('[', '\[', $directory); $escapedBracketPath = str_replace(']', '\]', $escapedBracketPath); /* Next, replace all "escaped" brackets with brackets like so */ $escapedBracketPath = str_replace('\[', '[[]', $escapedBracketPath); $escapedBracketPath = str_replace('\]', '[]]', $escapedBracketPath); return $escapedBracketPath; } /** * returns pdirl::elements * @return array */ public function getElements () { if (empty($this -> elements)) return false; else return $this -> elements; } /** * returns pdirl::directory * @return string */ public function getCurrentDirectory() { if (!isset($this -> directory)) return false; else return $this -> directory; } /** * returns pdirl::scriptPath * @return string */ public function getScriptPath() { if (!isset($this -> scriptPath)) return false; else return $this -> scriptPath; } /** * returns the directory of pdirl::scriptPath * @return string */ public function getScriptDirectory() { if (!isset($this -> scriptPath)) return false; else $scriptDirectory = dirname($this -> scriptPath); //if the script directory path is only consists of a slash, give out an empty string if ($scriptDirectory == '/') return ''; else return $scriptDirectory; } /** * returns pdirl::host * @return string */ public function getHost() { if (!isset($this -> host)) return false; else return $this -> host; } /** * return pdirl::search * @return string */ public function getSearchTag() { if (!isset($this -> searchTag)) return false; else return $this -> searchTag; } /** * Returns number of elements * @return interger */ public function getNumberOfElements() { if (!isset($this -> elements)) return false; else return count($this -> elements); } /** * return pdirl::totalSize * @return interger */ public function getTotalSize() { if (!isset($this -> totalSize)) return false; else return $this -> totalSize; } /** * Returns "asc", if $sorting is "desc". Returns "desc", if it's "asc". * @param $sorting * @return string */ public function adesc($sorting) { if ($sorting == "SORT_ASC") return "SORT_DESC"; elseif ($sorting == "SORT_DESC") return "SORT_ASC"; else return "SORT_ASC"; } public function getSortOrder($r = false) { if (!isset($this -> sortOptions)) { return false; } else { if ($r) { return $this -> adesc($this -> sortOptions['sort']); } else { return $this -> sortOptions['sort']; } } } public function getSortKey() { if (!isset($this -> sortOptions)) return false; else return $this -> sortOptions['key']; } private function validizeSortOrder($order) { if (in_array($order, array('SORT_ASC', 'SORT_DESC', 'SORT_REGULAR', 'SORT_NUMERIC', 'SORT_STRING'))) { return $order; } else { return 'SORT_ASC'; } } private function validizeSortKey($order) { if (in_array($order, array('name', 'path', 'location', 'bytes', 'mtime', 'type'))) { return $order; } else { return 'name'; } } private function sessionSort() { if ($this -> isUserSortActive()) { session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['sortorder'])){ $this -> sortOptions['sort'] = $_SESSION['sortorder']; } if (isset($_SESSION['sortkey'])){ $this -> sortOptions['key'] = $_SESSION['sortkey']; } if (isset($_GET['sortorder']) || isset($_GET['sortkey'])) { if (isset($_GET['sortorder'])){ $_SESSION['sortorder'] = $this -> validizeSortOrder($_GET['sortorder']); } if (isset($_GET['sortkey'])){ $_SESSION['sortkey'] = $this -> validizeSortKey($_GET['sortkey']); } if (!empty($this->searchTag)) { header('Location:http://'.$this->host.$this -> getScriptPath()."?search=".$this->searchTag."&directory=".$this -> directory); } else { header('Location:http://'.$this->host.$this->getScriptDirectory()."/".$this -> directory); } } } } public function isUserSortActive() { return $this -> userSort; } public function isModRewriteActive() { return $this -> modRewrite; } } ?>